Sequel: Turning Tables
Status: Finished, sequel soon!

Get It Right


~*~The Lake~*~

“He did what? You did what? Have you lost your mind?” Cole had been screaming at me for the past two minutes, since I told her the adventure I had last night with Mr. Lively and Brian.

“Nothing happened because Brian stopped it,” I told her, crossing my arms over my chest, somewhat disappointed. “I was kind of trying to have my first one night stand, he ruined it.”

“And rightly so, he’s our teacher,” Cole smacked me in the arm and didn’t hold anything back. “I didn’t think you’d actually try anything, stupid.”

“Well I tried and failed,” I glared at her as I rubbed the stinging area on my arm.

“I’m glad,” she stormed out of the bathroom of the cabin we were camping in, dramatically. Keran watched with an amused raise of her eyebrows.

“She’s so dramatic,” she muttered and turned back to me with a smile that slowly fell.

“Are you mad at me too?” I asked skittishly, afraid to even know the answer.

“Hell no,” she laughed and linked her arm under mine. “I would have jumped Mr. Lively’s pretty little ass too.”

“Why is she? She told me too,” I mumbled, slowly getting depressed with my life. Nothing seemed to be going right.

“Because she can’t, she has Matt,” she whispered, slyly nodding her head in Cole’s direction. She was cuddled up with Matt, looking very angry. “Your single, she’s jealous.”

“She could just tell me that,” I sighed and rested my head on Keran’s shoulder.

“She is also pissed because of the man meat we have here,” she gestured with her chin to Kevin, who was playing pool with Brian, Dodge and Jimmy. “You could hook up with him and have no problem, she’s with Matt.”

“I feel like a slut,” I sat down beside her at the table. She scoffed and crossed her legs.

“You haven’t slept with anyone,” Keran snorted that time, then dramatically threw her arms out. “Ever.”

“Thanks, Keran,” I grumbled, once again being reminded that I was the only virgin left in my circle of friends.

“What’s so bad about that?” I nearly screamed but I was able to stop myself, I however was no able to stop myself from falling off the chair I had set on.

“God damn it, Dodge,” I grumbled closing my eyes and holding my butt cheeks in each palm. “That hurt my ass.”

“Well?” he sat with the chair turned backwards. “I don’t see any need to rush losing your V card. Be a kid, have fun. Tease some boys, stay pure until your thirty for all I care.”

“Sure Dodge,” I rolled my eyes and pushed off the ground to stand back up but found that someone was already lifting me up. I turned to look behind me and smiled. “Thank you Kevin.”

“You okay?” he laughed quietly and stuck his hands in his pockets.

“I’m great, I just got scared when Dodge popped out of no where,” I explained with an embarrassed smile on my lips, he’d seen me fall out of the chair.

“Which by the way wouldn’t have happened if you hadn’t peaked my interest talking about your intact virginity,” Dodge shrugged it off, not realizing what he had just done was extremely wrong. Everyone in the room froze, you could have heard a pin drop. “What?”

“I’m going to murder you!” I shrieked and jumped the chair. Dodge jumped from his chair and laughed as he ran away.

“Calm down, Bliss. Damn it calm down,” Dodge was hiding behind the van outside, shifting side to side, wondering which way he would need to run.

“Really? Really Terrance? In front of everyone you tell them I’m still a virgin?” I was very angry, he had seriously embarrassed me in front of all my friends.

“I didn’t know that they didn’t know,” he held his hands out defensively.

“That’s not something you tell people regardless, Dodge,” I started to get teary eyed. “Now the boys are going to tease me and those girls that I don’t know are going to tell the whole school a bunch of bullshit about me being a stuck up prude.”

“Fuck, I’m sorry Bliss,” he came out from behind the van and brought me into his arms. “I’m so fucking stupid, I’m so sorry.”

“Its okay,” I sighed into his sweat shirt, there wasn’t anything I could do about it. Monday morning, I’d be the it girl that everyone wanted, for one reason. “You didn’t know.”

“Still,” he laid his chin on my head and squeezed my shoulders, I thought my eyes were gonna pop out from the sockets.

“Come inside, siblings. We’re playing I’ve never,” Zacky opened the cabin door and yelled out.

“I’ve never?” I asked, pulling away from Dodge’s lethal arms.

“You say something like ‘I’ve never wanted to kiss James Sullivan’ and if you have, you drink. it’s a truth game,” Dodge grimaced, walking ahead of me, towards the cabin. “it’s a fucking stupid game, I don't even think that's the name.”

“We’re a bunch of high schoolers, Dodge. Of course we’re fucking stupid,” I chuckled and clapped him on the back. I was excited to play the game, unfortunately for me, I didn’t know there’d be alcohol or that I’d have a lot of ‘I never’s’ come out of my mouth. To be honest, I wasn’t surprised when I ended up really drunk beside Brian in a bed, again. “How do I always end up with you in my bed?”

“Destiny?” he was drunk too, he laid his forearm over my chest and groaned into the pillow. “Or because I carried you up here before that Kevin guy got a hold of your drunk ass.”

“Why would that have been a bad thing?” I asked, my filter that kept me from saying things that should stay in my head was submerged in my drunk thoughts. “He is so cute and huge. Did you see his arm muscles, they’re the size of my head, Brian. My head!”

“Bliss,” Brian leaned up, his eyes were squinted as he stared down at me. “Would you shut up about another guy? I’m right here.”

“Why should it matter? Your not my boyfriend,” I glared at him, challenging him with my eyes to start up that conversation while I was a half a bottle of Jack Daniels’ under, I wouldn’t care what I said.
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