Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Ten

~Raven's P.O.V.~

I heard yelling upstairs from Skylar's room, so I ran up there to see what was going on. I got up there just in time to see Jade's door slam shut. I knocked on her door and she didn't answer.
"Jade! Open the door! It's me, Raven!" She still didn't open the door. I stormed into Skylar's room.
"What happened?" I asked with my hands on my hips.
"She broke my trust so I broke up with her. Now, she's crying in her room." I stared at him in shock.
"SKYLAR! SO WHAT?! I DON'T EVEN TELL YOU EVERYTHING!" Oops... He paused and looked at me with wide eyes.
"What? What don't you tell me?" Dang it... I wasn't supposed to say that... Now look what I've done. I sighed and closed my eyes against the tears and slowly raised the sleeve of my jacket. I heard his sharp intake of breath and tears started silently falling down my cheeks as he saw the scars of the word 'Abuse' that I constantly carved into my arm.
"Raven... Open your eyes and look at me." I opened my eyes and looked to see that he was crying again, too. "Raven, why do you do this?" I looked deep into my brother's bright eyes.
"Skylar... Daddy abuses me when you and mom are gone..." I saw the emotions flash across his face: Shock, Sadness, and finally Anger.
"How?" He asked angrily.
"You know how when I get cuts and scrapes and bruises, and I say I just trip and fall?" He eyes got even wider with anger.
"Oh my God... I'm going to kill that man." He started to walk to his door, but I grabbed his arm as I pulled my sleeve back down.
"No, Skylar, you can't! He said that if I ever told and he found out he'd kill you, me, and mom! You can't tell! That's why I've been hanging out with you and Bryan so much while mom's gone. I'm not going to let him hurt me." He looked at me with anger, but it faded when he saw the helpless look on my face. He went limp and hung his head. I saw tears dropping to the floor.
"Raven... Just stay with me, Bryan or... Jade at all times, then. Okay?" He choked out Jade's name.
"I promise." He half smiled.
"Love you, Raven."
"Love you, too, Skylar. Now, go talk to Jade. She really loves you."
"She does? She really loves me?" He got all hopeful and I smiled.
"Yes, she really does. Now, go talk to her." He smiled and limped out of the room to knock on Jade's door. It swung open and he walked in calling her name. Suddenly, I heard him yell. I ran into Jade's room and saw Skylar on the ground in her bathroom next to Jade, who's arm had his name written in bloody letters. There was glass everywhere and I realized that she had punched the mirror.
I ran over to check if she was breathing. Luckily, she was.
"Jade, Jade honey, please wake up." Skylar said. He put her head in his lap and he leaned over to kiss her lips. It was all Sleeping Beauty status, because right after he did that, her eyes fluttered open.
"Skylar?" She asked softly.
"I;m here Jade, and I'm never leaving, ever again." She smiled hugely and I walked away to get a washcloth for her arm. When I came back, the glass was picked up and Jade and Skylar were sitting up and snuggling.
"Here, this is for your arm. You might want to wrap that in gauze afterwards, too." I said and left them to themselves. I smiled. They are just so cute together.
I got to my room and checked my phone. I had one missed call from Bryan. I smiled and called him back. It rang twice before he picked up.
"Hello? Ray?"
"Hey, Bry! Guess what?!"
"Jade's back! She just showed up at our house, and now she's living with us!"
"Wait, why?" I paused. Dang it, I'm bad at this.
"Um, family problems!"
"Oh, okay." That's one of the things I love about Bryan. He never pushes for information.
"Yeah! Isn't that great?!"
"Yeah! That's awesome!" I smiled.
"So, what did you call for?" I asked.
"Oh, I was wondering if you wanted to go on a date tomorrow night? Maybe to the movies or something?" I smiled widely.
"Of course I would! What time?"
"I pick you up around six?"
"Sure! Sounds great!"
"Alright, so I'll see tomorrow?"
"Of course!"
"Okay, bye, Ray."
"Bye, Bryan." I smiled and hung up. I flopped onto my bed. Things were starting to look much, much better.
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