Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Eleven

Bryan's POV

I was really excited for mine and Raven's date. I was taking her to a My Chemical Romance concert with opening bands Black Veil Brides and Escape The Fate. I knew her FAVORITE band was My Chemical Romance and she LOVED BVB and ETF. So, I'd thought it would be perfect as our first real date.

I was really nervous though. I really liked Raven. No, correction, I loved her. I hoped she felt the same way.

I finished getting ready and made my way to my car. I was wearing an MCR shirt and black skinny jeans. I also liked MCR so i decided to wear it. I got into my Mustang and made my way to Raven's house, which was not far from mine.

I knocked on the door and Jade opend it. A huge smiled appeared on my face. I hadn't seen Jade since the day she left at school. I gave her a quick hug and she went to get Raven. Skylar came to the door and gave me a 'man' hug. We talked about band practice and finally Raven appeared.

She looked absolutly beautiful. I smiled and wrapped my arms around her waist, her hands around my neck. I hugged her and gave her a gentle kiss. When we pulled away, I looked back at Skylar and Jade who were just smiling. Skylar's hand was around Jade's waist and her hands and head were on his chest. Her back was away from us but she moved her head to look at us.

" You two have fun! And Bryan, do anything to my sister and I'l drop kick you." Skylar said. I gave a weak smile and laced my hand with Raven's. We got in my car and drove to the venue.
"Where are we going?" Raven asked. I looked at her and gave her a huge smile. " It's a suprise my dear." She sighed and made her attention towards the road. Her eyes grew wide when we pulled up to the venue she knew MCR was playing.

" You didn't!" she said full of happiness. "Oh, I did!" I smiled at her. We ot out of the car and she launched herself at me and hugged me tightly. " Thank you,Thank you, Thank you!!!!" She said. She loved this and I could tell. She hugged me even tighter when she found out we had front row seats.

MCR finally came onstage. They started with Na, Na, Na and then Sing, Im Not Okay, I Don't Love You, Helena, Mama, Teenagers, Famous Last Words, and last Welcome To The Black Parade. During that song, Raven went wild. She was singing along and jumping up and down. She almost fainted when Gerard grabbed her hand and pulled her on stage.

"What's your name, Love?" He asked once the song was over. She blushed and said "R-Raven." I smiled at her. She was so cute up there. " Well, Raven, how would you and whoever you brought like to come backstage and hang out for a while?" "That would be awesome!!"

Within 30 minutes, Raven and I were back stage with MCR, BVB, and ETF.
"Bryan, do you play an instrument?" Ashley Purdy asked. " Yes I do. I play bass." Ashley's smile grew. So did Max Green's.

We chatted for a while and it was soon time to go. Raven and I managed to become great friends with all three bands and I ended up with Ashley and Max's number.

We were standing on Raven's doorstep just talking about tonight. " I had a really great time tonight. Thank you so much Bryan. Really it was amazing." I smiled and pecked her lips. She wrapped her hands around my waist and I did the same with her. " It was my pleasure, Hun. I enjoyed it too and I knew you really wanted to go." She smiled at me. About 5 minutes later, we had said our goodbyes and I was in my car. I couldn't stop thinking about Raven. I loved her and I knew I did. I would never hurt her. I couldn't wait to see her Monday at school.
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I like this chapter. Just so you don't press the report button, My co-writer and i DO NOT own BVB,MCR or ETF......sadly. So here was the chapter. And please comment. I will love you forever! Ok, tht was scary.....xD