Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Twelve

~Skylar's P.O.V.~

I was sitting on the couch with Jade, who was snuggling against my side, and we were watching Invader Zim (Romantic, right? Well, whatever, it's her favorite show...) when I heard the front door open and close again.
"Raven, is that you?" I called out.
"Yeah, hey Skylar!" She called out. She walked into the room and flopped onto the other couch with a giant grin on her face.
"So, I'm guessing the date went well?" I asked, looking over at her flushed but happy face. She looked over at me and, if it was even possible, her grin grew even wider.
"It was AMAZING. He took me to see Black Veil Brides, Escape The Fate, and, wait for it... My Chemical Romance! How great is he?" I was shocked. Wow, I knew Bryan liked her, but those tickets must have cost a fortune! "Oh, and get this: Bryan got some of their numbers and I met them all!" WHOA.
"How in the world did you manage that?!" Jade said, suddenly sitting up. Raven looked at her and beamed.
"Gerard pulled me up on stage after the show and asked if me and Bryan wanted to hang out with all of them backstage after the concert." She sighed. "Those guys are amazing." She looked happy, but she also looked like she was going to pass out. I looked at the clock and it read 1:45 a.m.
"Raven, I think you need to sleep now." I said, looking over at her. But it was no use. She was already out on the couch. Even sleeping she had a smile on her face. I smiled and looked over at Jade, who had fallen asleep on the other side of the couch. I sighed and went to go get some blankets. Hey it was only Saturday, wait, scratch that, Sunday. We had one more day until we had to go back to school.
When I came back with the blankets, Jade and Raven had taken up both of the couches, leaving me with the wooden floor. I sighed but smiled and draped a blanket over each of them. Then I laid on the floor and put the blanket over myself. I fell asleep within seconds.
I woke up the next morning (well technically, later that morning, but whatever) to Jade poking my cheek. Both her and Raven were standing over me.
"Do you think he's awake, or is he still asleep?" I heard Jade ask.
"Oh, I have no idea. It's so hard to tell." Raven said. The next time I felt Jade's finger on my cheek, I turned my head quickly and lightly bit her finger.
"Ow! Meanie!" She yelled, but ended up laughing with me and Raven. I sat up and gave Jade a quick good-morning kiss. We all got up and went into the kitchen. There, my dad was sitting at the table like it was just a normal day. But I knew what his secret was now. It took all of my strength not to punch him across the face.
"Hey, when's mom coming back?" I asked, trying for a light tone, though it came out a little forced. The mad-man looked up.
"Oh, your mother's not coming back. We got a divorce." He said it like it was nothing. What the hell? I looked over at Raven and she looked like she was about to cry.
"Wh-what?" She stuttered.
"Raven... I reached my hand out, but she dodged it and ran upstairs. A few seconds later, I heard her door slam shut. I ran after her and tried to open her door, but she locked it.
"Raven? Raven, open the door. It's me, Skylar." I said, trying to draw her towards the door.
"GO AWAY!" She yelled.
"Raven, let me in!" I yelled back. She screamed and something heavy hit the door. I almost fell backwards in shock. My sister never threw things. Then again, I used to think that she'd never hurt herself purposely, but I was wrong on that account, too. I heard her sobbing.
I gave up trying to get her to let me in, so I just sat with my back against the door. Then, I remembered the master key that opens all of the doors in the house. I ran to get it and went back to her door. I still heard sobbing, so I unlocked the door and let myself in. What I saw almost made me start crying, too. She looked up at me with tears falling out of her eyes and a bloody arm that read 'LIAR' and 'HATE'. I ran over and hugged her tightly.She cried into my chest for what seemed like hours, when it was probably a few minutes.
I looked up when I heard footsteps and saw Jade standing at the door. She had a look of shock on her face when she saw what Raven had done to herself.
"Call Bryan." I said to her. She looked up at me and nodded once and then ran off. A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door downstairs. Jade opened the door and a few seconds later, Bryan was taking my place and holding Raven while I got a washcloth. I washed off her arm and she calmed down a bit. I wrapped her arm in gauze and she fell asleep in Bryan's arms. Poor girl. He looked up at me with sad eyes. I walked over to him.
"Bryan, do you love my sister? Like, real love?" I asked with a serious tone and face. Bryan nodded sincerely. "Then you should tell her that. She need something like that right about now." Bryan nodded again and brought her into his lap to cradle her and rock her back and forth.
"I love you. I really do." He whispered to her so quietly that I could barely hear it. I left the room knowing that Raven was in very good hands now.
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Well, tough-ish chapter, but comments and subscriptions please and thank you? =)