Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Thirteen

Jade's POV

I was currently sitting on the couch next to Skylar and Raven. We were watching Des and Nate because we're cool like that

For the past couple of days, I had been really distant. I wouldn't talk or leave my room. I sometimes wouldn't eat either. No one knew why, except for me of course. Don't worry, I'm telling Skylar tonight.

I quickly made my room not wanting to be around anyone. The thoughts of that day were rushing through my head. Skylar gave me a sad look as I got loose from his grip.

I sat in my room practically crying about the other day. My Uncle had been at the same store I was at. He tried to take me. He tried to convince me that he was a good man now. When I refused, He gotten hold of me. Luckily, I had gotten free from his grip around my wrist and went home. That day and the day after were sleepless and I went without nothing to eat. Raven and Skylar were really worried about me.

There was a knock on my door pulling me out of my thoughts. The door opened revealing Skylar.

"Hey, are you OK?" I looked up with tears in my eyes. He ran over and pulled me into his lap with his hands tightly around my back. I sobbed into his chest. " What's wrong, babe?"
"S-Skylar....My Uncle....He's here." "What do you mean he's here?" His sympathetic look was now anger. " H-He was at the store I was at when I was there. He grabbed my wrist and tried to take me after I refused to believe that he changed."

He got up but I pulled him back down. " No,Skylar" He sighed and gently put his lips to my forehead. " Just stay with me and Raven at all times,OK?" I nodded my head and he kissed my lips. "Just think about Friday." Friday was our five year anniversary. We decided to discard the five minutes we had been broken up last week. I smiled and kissed him. He kissed me back and we layed back, lips still locked.

After our make-out session, we fell asleep together. For the first time.

I had woken up to the sound of Skylar's alarm clock. I forgot we had to go back to school today. I had un wrapped Skylar's arms from around my waist and made my way to the bathroom. I showered and put on black skinny jeans, my Blood On The Dancefloor shirt, black converse, and a necklace. I straightend my hair and did my make-up.

I walked downstairs to find Raven sitting at the dinning room table eating waffles. "RAVEN!!! You made waffles and didn't save any!?!?!?" She laughed. "Dude chill! There's more on the counter." I laughed and did a sigh of relief. I grabbed some waffles and sat next to Raven.

"Where's Skylar?" She asked. " Um, I think he is up-" I was interrupted by Skylar., "DID SOMEONE SAY WAFFLES!!??" Raven and I laughed at Skylar's face. He got some waffles and we all starting eating. This is the first time in days that I had been cheerful and happy.

We got to school and went our separate ways. Except for Raven and I seeing as though we had the same class together. She took the seat next to me and we talked while we waited for our teacher. "Hey Jade, the other night, I heard Bryan say he loved me...." I smiled hugely at her knowing he did. Her eyes widened as she got my expression. "OMG!! I'm so happy now! I can't wait to see him!" She said happily. I was about to say something when our teacher came in.

I was now sitting in my Social Studies class which was just before lunch. We were learning about World War One. During the middle of the class, I got a note that said I needed to go to the office. When I got there, I could not believe who was there. I knew I wasn't going to like what was ahead of me. My parents were standing in front of me and they were PISSED.

♠ ♠ ♠
Oh no!! D: what's going to happen to Jade??????

Just incase you are wondering...NO! that part with Skylar and Jade did NOT turn into sex.