Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Sixteen

~Raven's P.O.V.~

I spent the rest of the day torn between being worried over Jade and being super, super excited that Bryan actually loved me. Right now, I was worried. I hadn't seen her all day, and I'm in my last class. She hasn't even texted me yet.
The final bell rang and I grabbed my bag. I walked out of the classroom and Bryan was waiting for me. I smiled and he took my hand. I let our fingers intertwine as we walked to the parking lot. Skylar was leaning against our car and when he saw me and Bryan holding hands and laughing, he smiled hugely.
"So, Bryan, did you tell my sister that you love her yet?" The look on his face told that he knew very well that he had. Bryan blushed and looked down at me. And when I say that he looked down at me, I meant DOWN. I'm kinda, well, I'm very short, about 5'4" or something. Bryan, however, is like 6'2". So, when I say that he's tall, he's very tall.
"For your information, Skylar, he did. And I love him, too, so bleh." I stuck my tongue out at him like a four year old. Skylar laughed and got into the car. I turned to Bryan and smiled down at me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and stood on my tip-toes. He laughed a little and bent down to meet my lips as his arms wrapped around my waist. After a few sweet seconds of that, I pulled back, smiled, and let go. He smiled.
"Bye, Ray. I love you." I smiled.
"I love you, too, Bry." Hugged him and then got into my car. Skylar was looking out the window.
"Hey, Skylar. I bet Jade is just fine. I mean, her parents only picked her up today." He turned and looked at me with sad eyes/
"I know. I'm just worried that she'll run away again without saying good bye." I smiled sadly.
"I know, Skylar, I know." I turned back to the wheel and started the car. I backed out and drove home. The whole ride was silent. As soon as we got home, I went to my room and texted Jade. I didn't get a reply, so I just waited. I went with Skylar to band practice again and still no reply.
"Hey, Ray." Bryan greeted me and put his arms around my waist. I smiled up to him, but my eyes must have said something else, because his face turned worried.
"What's wrong, Raven?" He asked, his voice full of worry.
"Oh, I'm just worried about Jade." I said and sighed.
"Raven, I'm sure she's okay." I smiled up at him and this time it was genuine.
"Thanks, Bry." He leaned down and pecked my lips. I heard hoots and hollers from the other guys and I blushed and looked at them. I realized that there was one extra person there and looked up at Bryan. He must have understood my look because he laughed and let go, taking my hand instead.
"Raven, this is Matt. He's our new keyboardist. Matt, this is Raven, Skylar's sister and my girlfriend." I blushed and smiled at the word 'girlfriend'. Matt smiled and held out his hand for me to shake. I took it with my free hand and smiled. They went to go grab their instruments and Bryan kissed me on the cheek. I smiled at him and sat down on my usual chair. Skylar went over to Matt to give him the music they were working on at the moment, although Skylar still couldn't play because of his conditions. But, because the breaks weren't too bad, he's getting the braces off next Wednesday.
I watched them practice, but my eyes kept focusing on Bryan. Not only was he the bassist, but he was the singer. Well, technically, Larson is the singer, but he screams, not sings. When they have an actual singing parts, that's Bryan's job. His voice is amazing, and I'm not just saying that because he's my boyfriend (Sigh... Boyfriend... Heehee.) or anything. He's truly amazing.
He looked over at me while he was singing and winked. I smiled and gave him two thumbs up. He smiled around his words. I checked my phone again, but still no reply. I sighed and went back to watching Bryan. After they were done, I got up to leave with Skylar right behind me. Bryan walked over after packing up his bass and gave me a sweet, long kiss. I smiled and bit my lip when he pulled back.
"Night, Ray. Love you." I smiled even wider with my lip still caught between my teeth.
"Love you, too, Bry. Good night." He smiled and I opened the car door and got inside. He waved as I backed out and I waved back as I drove away. I looked at Skylar and he still looked sad. I just sighed and kept driving, because I didn't know what to say that would comfort him. We pulled into the driveway and I noticed my mom's car in the driveway. I parked and rushed out and into the house. I heard yelling in the kitchen. They were fighting.
I didn't want to hear them scream at each other, so I ran upstairs. I changed into my pajamas, brushed my teeth, and went to sleep pretending like I didn't know what was going on downstairs.


I was worried sick about Jade. I haven't seen her since Monday and it's Friday now. Both me and Skylar have tried getting a hold of her, but she hasn't replied or called back at all. I hope she didn't run away again. I walked to the school campus with Skylar, who branched off to hang out with his band mates again while I walked toward Bryan. He smiled when he saw me and took me into his arms.
"I'm so worried, Bryan." I whispered into his chest. He stroked my hair.
"I know, Ray, I know. We all are." I pulled back and noticed a girl. She looked very familiar, but she was deathly skinny. She looked kind of like... Jade. I felt my eyes go wide, but the bell rang when I tried to walk over to her.
Of course it was an A day, so I didn't have her in my first class. I'd have to wait until lunch.
The classes went by quickly to my surprise, and suddenly, I was at lunch. I asked Bryan to go wait for me at the table with his band mates, and he just nodded in understanding. I walked outside to look for Jade and found her sitting on the grass. I walked over and she looked up. I felt my eyes go wide. She really was skinnier.
"Jade! What happened?" I asked.
"My parents had me locked in my room untill this morning. This morning was the first time I've showered or gone to the restroom since Monday." I felt my eyes go even wider.
"Have you eaten?"
"Okay, stay here. I'm going to get Skylar. He's been worried sick about you!" I ran off to get Skylar. He came back with me and once he saw Jade, he somehow managed to run to her. He took her into his arms and they cried. I saw Bryan walking over to us and he wrapped an arm around my waist. I smiled up at him and he smiled back. We walked to our spot to leave Jade and Skylar alone.
I sat down and pulled Bryan down with me. We talked about random stuff about ourselves while I leaned against his chest and his arms were wrapped around my waist and resting on my thighs.
When the bell rang, we groaned and got up. He kissed me good bye and we went our separate ways to our classes. I smiled to myself. Finally, things seemed to be going right.
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