Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Nineteen

Jades POV

I woke up the next morning really happy. Last night had been amazing. I still can't believe that Skylar told me he loved me. It had been the happiest moment of my life. And then the necklace...It was all just perfect.

I got out of my bed and made my way to the bathroom. I quickly showerd and got dressed. I wore a Paramore shirt with my zebra skinny jeans and neon green converse. I was feeling very bright and colorful today. I straightend my hair and did my make up. I put on my braclets and the necklace Skylar gave me. I then made my way down to the kitchen to get something to eat. I was mid-way down the stairs when I heard an unusal voice. A voice I couldn't piece together.I heard the talking coming from the living room so that gave me a chance to keep low and see who it was. But I regretted even waking up that morning when I saw who it was. The little jack ass him self.My Uncle.

I got up and made my way to get back up stairs without being caught but that didn't seem to work.
"Oh good Jade your up." My father said. I sighed and turned around makeing my way into the living room. I forced a smile upon my face when I was visibil to my parents and...Uncle. If that's what you want to call him.
"Your Uncle stopped by to see us." My mother said giving me a glare that said 'Be nice our your grounded' .
"I can see that. Hello Uncle." I said still forcing a smile. He smiled an evil grin at me which scared me for dear life.
"Hello Jade. It's very nice to see you again. Very nice." He said. Hell if you gave him a van the moment he said that, your first thought would be stalker.
"Sweetie, your father and I are going to go get us all something to eat in the kitchen. Please keep your Uncle company." My mom said. I felt my heart stop. My eyes widend. And the look on my Uncles face was just plain creepy. SHIT!
"O-Ok" I manged to choke out. I was now wishing that Skylar or Raven would call me now. They seemed to be doing that alot and now when I need them to the most, they don't. Thanks guys. Thanks.

Once my parents were out of the room, my Unle got up and came closer to me. I backed away and he came closer and closer. It came down to the point where I was aganist the wall. I gulped when my Uncle was only inches from my face. His hands landed on my waist. I did mention he raped me in my past right? He leaned in to try and kiss me and I tried to push him away but he was to strong. He was almost there when my phone started ringing.
Thank God!!!!
"Hello?" I answerd trying to sound calm.
"Hey hun, Raven was wondering if you and I wanted to double date with her and Bryan." Skylar said.
"Uh, Sure sounds good. I'll see you in ten."
"Ok I'll see you then. I love you."
"I Love you too, Sky" With that I hung up.
"You are not going anywhere until I'm down with you." My Uncle growled at me.
"Wanna a bet" I said with more threat and danger in my voice.
Before I knew it, I was on the ground holding on to my jaw. My Uncle had just punched me. Where the hell are my parents!?
"You son of a bitch!" I yelled at him. I got up and ran to my room. I locked it behind me and grabbed my phone.
"Hello?" Skylar's voice calmed me down alittle but not by much.
"Sk-Sky, I need you to come get me." I said through my sobs.
"Jade babe whats wrong? What's going on?" He said.
"He's here. In my house." I said. He knew exactly who I was talking about because he said he would be here in like 2 minutes.

Suddenly, there was a loud knock from downstairs. I quickly ran down there and opend the door. Skylar quickley grabbed my wrist and pulled me out side.
"Did he do anything?" He asked almost in tears himself.
"Y-yes" I manged to say through my own tears.
"He put his arms around my waist and was about to kiss me when you called. When I got off, he said "your not going any where untill i'm done with you." Then I said "Whatch me" Then he hit me. Thats when I called you." I said. Skylars face was really red with anger. I swear if steam could come out of ears, his would be blazing. He practicly beat down the door and ran in. I followed and showed up just in time to see Skylar punch my Uncle in the face.
"You do not ever touch my girlfriend again! Or you will find yourself in the hospital!" Skylar yelled st him.
"Oh really? DId your little girlfriend tell you she wanted me to. I refused but she wouldn't take no for an answer." Oh that's it!
"To Hell with you! Your a liar! I hope you die! YOu call your self an Uncle? You say you changed? I THINK NOT!" I yelled. I had it. I went up to him and practicly beat the life out of him. I may of been a small little girl but I knew how to fight.
"WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE!?" My mother yelled. I Looked up and her face was full of anger. I turned and looked at Skylar who's face was shocked. He had no idea I could do anything like that. Hell he has never seen me lose my cool.
" I have had it with this family! I told you mom what my so called Uncle did to me! And you didn't belive me! Then he gets out of jail and I run away because of it. Then when I come home, you lock me in my room for four days with NOTHING! THen you bring him here and he tries to do the same thing again that he did to me all those years ago right here in our own living room! SOME MOM YOU ARE! I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS FAMILY!!!" I yelled. I stormed out of the house with Skylar closley behind me. I got in his car and just sat there crieng my eyes out. I could not believe any of this was happing.
"Jade.."Skylar said. He pulled me into his lap and held me there.
"JAde please calm down. I can't stand to see you like this.

*****1 week later*****

It's been one week since the horibble thing at my house. Or should I say old house. I've been staying with Skylar and Raven. I had been in Skylar's room this whole time. I didn't talk, I didn't eat. Hell I didn't even sleep. Both Ray and Sky have tried to get me to do stuff but I didn't.

I finally got out of bed and stumbled my way down the stairs. I couldn't even walk. When I got down stairs, I was greeted with smiles of relif by Skylr, Raven, Bryan and the rest of the band.
"Het are you feeling better?" Skylar asked me. I looked up at him and wanted to say something but I couldn't. Wanna know why? Well, because that was the last thing I heard before I completly blacked out.
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