Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Twenty Four

~Raven's P.O.V.~

I got home and sat down on the couch. I just stared at the T.V., but it wasn't on. I just watched the black screen and saw the reflection of the room I was in. I heard the door open and iBut the reflection, I saw Jade go upstairs. I heard her door shut a few seconds later. Then Skylar came in, looking pretty happy with himself. He saw me sitting on the couch alone and flopped down on the other couch with a stupid grin.
"Hey, where did you go?" He asked. I slowly turned to look at him with an expressionless face.
"I went to go see how Bryan was doing after I dropped Josh off at his house." Skylar's head snapped to look at me. His face held a shocked expression.
"But, didn't you tell him off for flirting with Jade?" He asked.
"Yes, but I found out that one: I told off the wrong person, though I cleared that up quick, and two: we have a lot more in common than I thought." I said.
"Wait, what do you mean by you told off the wrong person? Who did you tell off and why don't I know about it?" I sighed and turned so that I was fully facing him.
"I cussed out Jade. I was mad, but I'm not sorry." I said, still expressionless. Skylar's eyes got wide.
"You? Cussed out Jade?" I nodded. "Why her? She didn't do anything." He said. I felt my mouth hang open.
"Are you kidding me?! She was totally flirting with him! She gave me a look FULL of jealousy when he started staring at me! She gave me her "Leave us alone" look that she gives girls who flirt with you!" I couldn't help but raise my voice.
"She apologized! She swore that they were just friends! It was Josh who came onto her! Why are you even being nice to him?" Skylar raised his voice, too. We never fought like this.
"Because, he understands what I'm going through! He knows about family problems! He knows how it feels to cut just to get away! He knows what I'm going through!" I yelled, starting to cry.
"You can't say that anymore! Dad hasn't touched you! I know he used to, but that was the past!"
"You wanna bet?!" I yelled, and threw off my shirt and jacket, leaving me in just my bra and my jeans, but I didn't care. I was in hysterics. Skylar's eye got huge as he took in the bruise. He looked back up to me.
"Oh my God, Raven. When did this happen?" His voice was soft again. I let out a sob and he picked up my shirt and walked over to me. I took my shirt and put it back on. After I was done, Skylar gathered me into a hug.
"H-he punched me l-last weekend when y-you went to g-get Jade. Bryan was in the b-bathroom and d-dad came in and started y-yelling at me. I raised m-my voice a little bit a-and he punched me. Th-then he threw m-my pocketknife a-at me, telling m-me to go cut m-myself." I said between sobs. He held me closer and we just stayed like that for a while. Finally, after I calmed down, we let go and I went into the kitchen to get something to eat. I grabbed an apple and went up to my room to get on the computer.
I listened to a bunch of random songs on YouTube, including 'World Around Me', 'Everybody's Fool', and 'The Gunsling'. After a while, and after I had thrown away the apple core, I got into my pajamas, shut down my computer, and went to bed.

I woke up the next morning way before my alarm and decided to get up and just stare at the ceiling. When had my life gone so out of control?
♠ ♠ ♠
Short, yes, but good? Maybe =)