Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Thirty One

~Raven's P.O.V.~

Today was great, but it couldn't compare to yesterday. I had a great time with everyone and Jade and I were back to our old selves. Even Josh is starting to come out of his shell more.

Skylar, Josh, and I got home, and decided to call Bryan, Larson, Kory, and Matt to ask if they wanted to hang out. When we called Bryan, we asked if he wanted to go on a double date with Skylar and Jade, and he agreed to it quickly. Everyone else agreed happily and Larson, Kory, and Matt were over in no time. We were just waiting for Bryan when the doorbell rang. I jumped up.
"I GOT IT!!!!" I yelled and everyone smiled. A few even rolled their eyes. What, can't a girl be happy to see her boyfriend?
I ran to the door and threw it open. Bryan looked up and his face broke into a giant smile. I threw myself into his arms and he caught my small frame easily. He twirled me around and we laughed while I was hanging onto his neck for dear life. He put me down and leaned down to press his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss and we pulled away. I took his hand and we jogged back down to the basement, where Skylar was on the phone with Jade. There was a loud bang on her end, and she sighed.
"Ugh! Hang on babe." She said, obviously on speaker phone.
"Okay." Skylar said and we all waited. Bryan sat down on the last spot on the couch and I sat on his lap, leaning against his chest. He smiled down at me and I grinned happily. I heard yelling and laughing coming from Skylar's phone (Something about toast...?) and suddenly Jade was back.
"Sorry babe. My mom burnt toast..." She said. We all laughed.
"Haha wow I heard. You were on speaker." Skylar said with a smile.
"Oh gosh! Sky! Who else is around?" She asked nervously.
"HEY, JADE!!" We all shouted. she groaned. We all laughed.
"Oh joy. You guys are to much..." She said, trailing off. We laughed again.
"Hey, you love us. Anyways... Jade how would you, yes you, like to go on a double date with Bryan, Skylar, and I?" I asked her. She agreed quickly and I giggled a little.
We said our good byes and I went upstairs with Josh to get a water. When we came back down, Bryan and Skylar were whispering to each other. When they saw me, they stopped and smiled innocently. I gave them a cautious look, but sat back in Bryan's lap when he gestured for me. I just shook it off, thinking that they had a surprise for me and Jade.
After a little while and after the other guys left, the doorbell rang. Josh and I both jumped up at the same time and we looked at each other for a second. Then, we both booked it to the stairs. Josh beat me by a little bit, so I let him get the door. He came downstairs a few seconds later with a slightly confused Jade.
"Hey baby." Skylar said. He walked over and pulled her to him and they shared a kiss. I looked away. My eyes landed on Josh and I had a sudden realization. If all four of us were out on a date, Josh would be here. All alone. With our drunken father.
He met my worried gaze and must've understood why. He just shook his head and smiled, mouthing, "I'll be fine." I nodded slowly and went back to Bryan.
"Okay, so who's ready?!" Bryan said.
"We are!" We all said enthusiastically. We went upstairs and as we walked to the car, Josh went upstairs to his room. Luckily, Jade didn't notice. That would take a lot of explaining.
We all piled into the car. Bryan and I sat in the front and Jade and Skylar took the back. Bryan started the car and we all buckled up. When I was done, I turned to him excitedly.
"Bry, where are we going?" I asked.
"It's a surprise." He said and smirked at me. I smiled back and sat back into my seat. Bryan took my hand as he was driving and was rubbing the back of it.
We pulled up to our surprise location, and my face broke into a smile. It was the Putt-Putt place, where we were gonna go for our first double date. This. Was going to be fun.
We all got out and I took Bryan's hand. I practically dragged him inside with Skylar and Jade behind us, laughing. Thank goodness it's Friday. We were going to be here for a while. I absolutely LOVE Putt-Putt. I may not be the best at it, but I still love it.
Bryan and Skylar were being perfect gentlemen and paid for themselves and me and Jade. We went inside to get our putters (Haha I love that word!) and I had to get the one for little kids because of my shortness. Jade snickered but didn't say anything, for which I was grateful. When we got to choose our golf balls, Bryan chose bright blue, Skylar chose bright green, Jade chose bright purple, and I chose bright orange. We went to the course and began the game.
Let's just say, Bryan whooped all of our butts. He got a hole-in-one on almost every hole. Well, at least I didn't do too bad. I got second place, Jade got third, and poor Skylar got fourth. At least we had an awesome time. We all got into the car to go back to our house because both Jade's and Bryan's cars were there.
We pulled up to our house and Bryan turned off the engine. We all got out and said our good byes. Bryan walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. I smiled and looked up at him. He leaned down and gave me sweet kiss. He pulled back and I bit my lip.
"I love you, Raven. Good night." He said, smiling.
"I love you, too, Bryan. Good night." I said and he pecked my lips one more time before getting in his car and driving off. Jade left a few seconds later and Skylar and I went inside.
"Josh?" I called, seeing his light still on outside. I didn't get an answer and I started to panic. "Josh?!" I called again, but louder. I looked at Skylar with a worried expression and ran upstairs. I ran into his room and breathed a heavy sigh of relief. Josh was asleep on his bed, still in his clothes and with a book open on his chest. I smiled and walked over to him. I leaned over and took the book off his chest and set it on the desk. I walked back over and kissed his forehead. He stirred a little and smiled a bit. I smiled and turned off the light.
I went and said good night to Skylar. I then went into my room and got ready for bed.
I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
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Well, there you go! Hope you like it, friends!