Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Thirty Two

Jades POV

I was sitting at home looking for concerts to attend. When I found THE PERFECT one I almost had a heart attack. It was a concert with BVB,ETF, Asking Alexandria, and Alesana. I knew if I didn't go to this concert, I would die! I ran down stairs to ask my mom if I could go.
"Hey mom!? Can I please go to the BVB, ETF, Asking Alexandria, and Alesana concert?" I asked with complete joy.
"Well I don't see why not." My mom said with a smile. I bear hugged her and then went back upstairs. I was really tierd form the double date earlier that night so I decided to go to bed. And I did with a HUGE smile on my face.

The next morning I woke up at about 1pm. I grabbed my phone only to find several texts from Raven and Skylar. I texted them back saying I had just woken up and about the concert. Raven was happy but then sad when I told her she wasn't going. Skylar just told me not to do anything stupid. Thanks for the trust Sky. Thanks.

I got out of bed and did my mornig, well afternoon, routine. Once i was done, I went to the kitchen and grabed an apple.
"Well look who is finally awake." My mother smirked at me.
"Yeah yeah yeah. what are we doing today?"
"Well, tonight we are going to a bar with some friends. They will be bringing their kids and they are all about your age." My father said.
"Ok cool. Wait, aren't we a little to young?"
"Well, yes but we don't care." My mother said, I knew qfromt he moment she said that that I was going to be drunker then hell.
At about 5, I got ready for the night. I wore my BVB shirt, red skinnys and a pair of converse.

It is now 8 and Im drunker then hell. So are Hannah,Andy, Jake, and Kaylee. They were my parents friends kids. they were all really cool.
"It was a total face palm moment." Hannah said. She was telling us how her friend thought she was a vampier. She asked if she sparkeld and he asked if that was from Twilight. FACE PALM!!
"Dude, that is duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmb." Andy slurred. We talked and laughed for a while and then we all went home.

At about midnight, I was sitting on the bed drunk calling Raven who had me on speaker with her and Sky. Let's just say, never call your boyfriend and your bestfriend drunk. You may say some 'secrets' and things you did and stuff that are not true at all.

The nex morning I woke up with a complete hangover. I couldn't remember anything from last night.
The next day at school, I realized I must of said some pretty bad stuff in my drunken call because no one would talk to me. They wouldn't even look at me. Skylar was really quiet and by himself. He also had a lot of cuts on his arm. I must of said something really bad. Really really bad. But I didn't no what I said. I was drunk. But I knew that Skylar and I were going to be in a huge fight.
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New chapter!

The face palm moment is a true convo between my friend and I =D