Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Thirty Three

~Raven's P.O.V.~

I woke up and looked at my clock. 10:34 a.m. Hey! I managed to sleep in! I got up and grabbed my phone. I texted Jade, seeing how she was. I then went downstairs and saw Josh and Skylar at the table, eating cereal.

"Good morning!" I said as I sat down next to Skylar. Josh smiled with a mouth full of Cocoa Puffs and Skylar gave me a one-armed hug. I wrinkled my nose a little as some milk trickled out of Josh's mouth when he smiled, but I smiled in return. I got up and grabbed an apple and sat back down.

"So, what are we gonna do today?" I asked them. Skylar swallowed and looked at me.

"Well, I have band practice, which I'm sure won't be a problem for you." He winked and I smiled, thinking of Bryan.

"I have, well, nothing planned." Josh said. I laughed.

"Well! You can watch the practice with me then, okay?" I asked. He smiled and nodded. I smiled back. After we all finished eating, we were about to go back up to our rooms, when I heard someone stumbling down the stairs. I tensed up, knowing that it was our dad. Sure enough, he stumbled down the last step. I hide behind Skylar and Josh as he walked past. He didn't even look up at us.

He got to his special cabinet where he kept all of his liquor and grabbed a bottle of whiskey. Then, he walked back upstairs without a word. When he was gone, I breathed a sigh of relief. We all quietly went upstairs and into our separate rooms to get changed.

I threw on my Escape the Fate shirt, neon orange skinny jeans, and Black Veil Brides hoodie. I put on my bright pink Hello Kitty socks, considering I was going to be staying home the whole day with the band. I went downstairs and then to the basement. Skylar, Josh, Larson, and Matt were already down there. Skylar and Matt were tuning their instruments and Larson was making sound checks on the microphones. Josh was just sitting on the couch, watching. I walked over to him and smiled as I sat down. He smiled at me and then went back to watching the boys set up.

"Hey, Raven! You can sing, right?" Larson asked randomly.

"Um, I guess... Why?" I asked, confused. He shrugged.

"Bryan wanted to do a duet with you." He simply said. My heart melted a little bit. Aw, he's so sweet.

"Oh! Sure, if you guys can put up with my singing..." I said, laughing. They all laughed with me and Larson came over and grabbed my hand, pulling me up off the couch.

"Well, come on then! Sing something for us." H said with a grin. I looked around at all of them and they were all giving me encouraging smiles. I sighed.

"Okay, fine." I walked over to the microphone and took it into my hands. I bit my lip, thinking of what song I should sing. I thought of my song and smiled. I whispered it in Matt's ear, because the song really only needed a piano. He grinned at me and nodded.

"That's a great song, Raven. Alright, you ready?" He asked from behind his keyboard. I bit my lip again and nodded, holding onto the mic. He played the first few notes and then it was my time to sing.

"I'm so tired of waiting here. Suppressed by all my childish fears. Well, if you have to leave, I wish that you would just leave, cause your presence still lingers here, and it won't leave me alone. These wounds won't seem to heal, this pain is just too real. There's just too much that time cannot erase.

"When you cried I'd wipe away all of your tears. When you'd scream I'd fight away all of your fears. I held your hand through all of these years, but you still have... All of me."

I sang the rest of the song with my eyes closed so that I wouldn't see there reactions. From what I heard, I sounded okay... But that was just me. I finished the song and then slowly opened my eyes. I gasped out of shock, because suddenly, Kory and Bryan were there, too. Everyone was staring at me with awe.

"What, was I that bad?" I asked, suddenly nervous. Bryan rushed up to me and pressed his lips to mine, wiping away all traces of doubt I had. He pulled back and looked deep into my eyes.

"You were amazing, Ray. Simply amazing. But you gotta keep your eyes open, love." He laughed at the last part and I joined in.

"I know, I just didn't want to see your guys' reactions until I was done." I said with a smile. He smiled at me and kissed me again. We broke apart so that he could talk with the band about which duet they were going to sing.

Suddenly, my phone vibrated. I looked at the i.d. that read Jade. I smiled and opened up my phone to read the text. It was about this concert that she had found. It sounded like the best concert ever. It was Black Veil Brides, Escape the Fate, Asking Alexandria, and Alesana. I almost screamed. I was all excited and stuff, but then she told me that I wasn't going. What the hell? I just brushed it off as her usual bitchiness. Skylar got the same text and told her to not do anything stupid. Thank you, Skylar!

The band finally came up with the duet that Bryan and I were going to do. I just about squealed with joy when they told me that it was Two Is Better Than One by Boys Like Girls featuring Taylor Swift. I love that song, but I didn't know that they would offer to play it.

Bryan and I went over the lyrics together as the band practiced the notes and rhythm of the song. Bryan and I got the lyrics down after a few minutes, and the band got down their notes. Because the song didn't need a piano, Matt played bass for Bryan so he could move around a bit more with me. Man, that kid is talented.

"So, you ready?" Bryan asked me. I nodded enthusiastically. He smiled and Skylar started playing. Bryan started singing with that amazing voice of his.

"I remember what you wore on the first day.
You came into my life and I thought hey,
You know, this could be something.

"'Cause everything you do and words you say
You know that it all takes my breath away
And know I'm left with nothing."

I started to sing with him for the chorus and walked near him. He smiled around his words and walked towards me, too. We just stared at each other the whole time and sang the song perfectly together. Honestly, our voices sounded awesome together.

When the song ended, Josh erupted into applause. I blushed and smiled hugely at him. Bryan pulled me to his chest and pressed his lips to mine. I smiled into the kiss.

"You guys sounded awesome together!" Josh yelled with a giant smile. I laughed and pulled away from Bryan.

"You guys seriously did. All of us agree, right guys?" Skylar said. They all nodded and Bryan pulled me into a hug. I smiled up at him.

"So, Raven, how would you like to be a permanent part-time member of our band?" Larson asked. I smiled.

"Of course I'd love to!" I said. They all came and we were in a group hug. Even Josh joined in.

The rest of the day was spent perfecting that song and then they told me to practice My Immortal by Evanescence some more. By the end of the day, I was dead tired. They all left around 11:00 p.m. I kissed Bryan good bye and went upstairs with Josh and Skylar. We all gathered in my room. I sat on my bed and leaned against the wall with Skylar on one side and Josh on the other. We talked about random things. After a while, we all drifted off to sleep. My head ended up on Josh's shoulder, his head was on my head, and Skylar's head was in my lap.

I woke up the next morning with weight on my legs and my head. I opened my eyes and remembered that Skylar, Josh, and I had all fallen asleep on my bed while we sat against the wall. I sighed, realizing that in order to get up, I would have to wake both Skylar and Josh up. I sighed and took my phone out of my pocket as gently as I could and then scrolled through my ringtones. I finally found the one I was looking for and turned my volume up all the way and then hit play.

Asking Alexandria's song Final Episode (Let's Change The Channel blared out of my phone's small speakers and both of the jumped at the noise. I broke into a giggle fit when I saw the looks on their faces.

"Aw, Raven, why'd you have to do that?" Skylar asked. I finally caught my breath.

"Because! You two were laying on me and I was trapped!" I said, still giggling a little. Josh's cheeks went a little red, but he shook it off. We all got up and went downstairs to eat. My father's door was open a bit and I could hear his loud snoring. I hurried downstairs.

I got down some cereal and then got milk and a bowl. Skylar and Josh did the same and we all sat down at the table to eat. It was a silent breakfast. After a while, I looked at the clock and realized that it wasn't morning when we woke up. It was 2 p.m. Josh and Skylar noticed, too.

"Whoa... I didn't realize that it was this late in the day." Josh said, scratching the back of his head.

"Well, half of our day is blown. Wanna have a movie marathon day?" I asked. They both nodded with smiles on their faces and we cleaned up our breakfast/lunch mess. I made some popcorn and Skylar and Josh picked out the movie. I decided to invite the band over. I was going to invite Jade, but then I remembered that Sundays were her family bonding days. The guys all agreed and were over in no time. Bryan greeted me with a kiss and we went down to the basement.

Skylar and Josh decided on Friday the 13th. Of course they would pick a scary movie. I sat so close to Bryan that I was practically in his lap. Whenever a scary part would come on, I would bury my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. It was like he was afraid that Freddie was going to come out of the T.V. and take me away from him.

When the movie was over, I got up and stretched. It was then that I realized that I was still in my pajamas, which was just a big My Chemical Romance t-shirt and short shorts. I blushed the slightest bit, but no one seemed to notice. I mentally sighed in relief.

The guys decided that I was allowed to decide on the next movie to watch. Boy, was that a mistake. I walked over to the cabinet full of DVDs. I saw 27 Dresses and smiled slyly.

"Okay, I got it!" I said as I stood up. They all asked what I chose, but I just gave them all a sly smile.

"You'll just have to wait and see!" I said as I turned to the DVD player and put in the disc. I skipped back over to my spot next to Bryan and snuggled up to him. The previews started, but I skipped all of them. The title page came on and once the guys saw what movie it was, they all groaned and I smiled and shrugged.

"Hey, you guys let me pick! That was your mistake!" I said with a laugh and pressed play. They actually really got into the movie, which was hilarious. When it was over, they all let out a chorus of "Awwww!"s and I laughed my head off. They all realized how late it was and had to go home. It was around 11:30. They all left with hugs (and kisses, in Bryan's case) good bye. Then, Skylar, Josh and I decided to stay down in the basement and just have one of our odd conversations about nothing in general.

We were right in the middle of talking about how ice cream trucks were freaky, when I'm Not Okay (I Promise) by My Chemical Romance started playing from my phone. I looked at the caller i.d. and pressed answer, seeing as it was Jade.

"Hey, Jade!" I said as I put it on speaker phone.

"Heeeey, Raaaven..." She slurred. Oh God, she was drunk. I slapped my hand against my forehead and sighed.

"Oh, Jade... Are you drunk?" I asked, already knowing the answer.

"I'm just a little... Tipsy!" She giggled like an idiot. I sighed again. Skylar sat down by me.

"Jade, why are you drunk?" He asked her.

"Is that you, Skylar? Oh, I have something to tell you." She said and giggled again.

"Yeah, that's Skylar." I said.

"Oh, okay. Skylar, I wanted to say that I never loved you. I just pretended to because Raven's my best friend. That's all." She giggled and hiccuped. I turned and looked at Skylar with wide eyes. He just got up and ran upstairs. I pressed the end button on my phone and ran upstairs after him with Josh close behind. I heard his door slam and I started taking the stairs two at a time. I got his door and tried the handle. It was locked.

"Shit!" I heard him yell from in his room. I ran and got the master key from my room and ran back to his door to unlock it. When I finally did, I opened the door and gasped. Skylar was leaning over his arm, which was fairly bloody.

"Skylar! What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. He looked up at me and his face was twisted in pain.

"How the hell do you guys do this? It hurts like shit!" He said. I turned to Josh who was standing awkwardly in the door frame.

"Please go get me a wash clothe and gauze." He nodded and left, coming back a few seconds later. I took the wet wash clothe and washed off Skylar's arm. When I was done, I wrapped his arm and looked at him. Tears were streaming down his cheeks. I pulled him into a tight hug. I felt moisture on my shoulder, but I didn't care.

I led him over to his bed and laid him down. I was about to walk away, but he grabbed my hand and pulled me down on the bed.

"D-don't leave m-me, R-Raven." He stuttered through his sobs. I nodded and laid down next to him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He cried into my shoulder until eventually, he fell asleep, still clinging to me. Josh had grabbed a blanket and a pillow and was laying on the floor. We eventually all fell asleep.

The next day was spent just lazing around while Skylar's cuts healed a bit.

The next day at school, we told the band about what Jade had said. We all refused to talk to her. Skylar was distant, but stuck close to me, like a child clings to their mother. Jade realized that we weren't happy with her and she kept her distance. Good for her.
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Ooooh intense! Heehee ^_^ I do not own any of the lyrics that I typed in this chapter! Those lyrics rightfully belong to Evanescence and Boys Like Girls! No reporting needed ^_^