Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Thrity Five

Skylar's POV

"Skylar, matbe you should talk to her. I'm mean, she was drunk. She probably didn't mean any of it. She loves you man." Larson said to me. Maybe I should. He was right about her being drunk. She usually says ALOT of lies when she's drunk.
"I don't know Larson. I will eventually, but I need some time to sober up alittle." I said back to him. He nodded in understandment.
"So, has anyone every wonderd what it would be like if animals could talk?" Matt asked. Of course Matt would try to enlighten the mood.
"Well, I always figuerd that we would just know what they're feeling and if they're hungrey. Stuff like that." Raven stated. I agreed with her.
"Right, well, guess who is coming to play a show here and wants our band to open for them!?" Bryan said. We got a gig? Oh my gosh!
"Dude! You got us a gig!? With who!?" Larson asked.
"Black Veil Brides and Escape The Fate!" Your kidding right!?
"What!? No way! They're huge!" Matt said. I was kinda straring at him, my jaw dropped.
He was about to say something when something ran past us. I looked at the figureing running only to see Jade with tears streaming down her face. Oh no. WIth her hangover and all this drama going on...this can't be good.
"Jade!" I called after and started chasing her. She didn't respond which means she had her headphones in. I gave up knowing that we both needed some time.

A few minutes later, the bell rang informing us that we had class. We went our seprate ways to our apropiate classes. While Raven and I were walking to our social studies class, Jade came out of the bathroom. She had really red eyes and it looked like she was still crying. We locked eyes for a few seconds before she averted her eyes to the ground and walked off. I looked to the ground only to see a little red spot. Oh no. Jade cut her self. Shit! She really didn't mean anything she said. If she didn't love me she would have left my ass years ago. Why do we do this to ourselfs? Why?

I walked into class and looked directly at Jade. She had her head low and she was writing in her journal.
"Alright clas, take your seats." Our teacher said to us. We did as we were told and began our lesson.
"Now, the Civil War was a long period of time." Our teacher began. I started zoning out after that. That is untill, something caught my attention.
"Jade, are you alright?" He asked. She shook her head and barley whisperd no.
"Alright, well go see the nurese." She nodded her head and slowley stood up, using the desk for support. Next thing I knew was Jade was on the ground. There were gasp everywhere and I hurried to her side along with Raven. She checked to see what was wrong with her. She passed out.
"Someone call 911!" Raven yelled.

Jade layed on her hospital bed motionless. Her skin was pale and icey cold. I'd sya she was a vampire if she was actually moving around. But, she wasn't. She looked horibble.
"Um, Jade Manson?" A nurse asked. Raven and I stood up.
"Are you her family?" She asked.
"I'm her boyfriend and she is her bestfriend." I pointed at Raven.
"Right, well seeing as though we can only have family actually in the room and none of them seem to be here, you can come in." She said to me. I nodded and averted my eyes from the window that showed her room. THe nurse led me in and went up to Jades side. I gently intwined our fingres and waited for the news on my girlfriend.
"She' in a coma." The nurse said. I felt my heart stop. A coma? No. I felt hot tears running down my checks. I looked at Jade and whisperd "Jade, wake up...I need you." I then kissed her forehead and sat by her. And I plan to stay there untill I see her beautiful eyes again.

Jades POV

It's been nothing but darkness for what has seemed like forever. I think Skylar hasn't left my side because every time I start hearing things, I hear him. He said how much he loved me and how sorry he is for evrything.
"If she dosn't wake up soon, we'll have to take her off lif support." A male voice said. My doctor probably. I felt the hand that was intwined with mine tighten. I tried with all my might to squeeze back. But could I? No.
"Please don't! I know she'll wake up. She's strong." Skylar said.
"She hasn't shown any sighn of lif in her. She lost alot of blood and she's been out for practiclly a year." A year!? Are you kidding!? A year of my life wasted just because my freaking body hates me. Thanks.
I again tried to queeze Skylar's hand. I think I did it!
"She squeezed my hand!" Skylar yelled. I mentally smiled.
"Come on babe, please wake up" Skylar's voice started to crack. I could tell he wass starting to cry. I didn't know that Raven and Bryan were herer untill they spoke up.
" Jade please. Your my best friend. I'd be lost with out my other half" She said.
"Hey! What about me!?" Bryan asked in fake hurt. I mentally laughed. Bryan, Bryan, Bryan. What are we going to do with you?
" Woah, she just shiverd!" Bryan pointed out. I did didn't I.
"Does that mean she's waking up?" Raven asked. I was wondering the same thing. Then, I saw light.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snap! What is this light that she sees!? haha
I honestly think this is the longest chapter I've written!

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