Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Thirty Six

~Raven's P.O.V.~

When I saw Jade collapse, I was shocked. I ran over to her side and saw how bad she was.

"Someone call 9-1-1!" I yelled. Someone called and an ambulance came to take her away. I'm pretty sure that I was crying as I saw the truck drive away. The principle allowed me and Skylar to leave to see her, so we left right away.

We got there and got to her room. We had a little trouble with the nurse, but we managed to get in anyway. Skylar murmured a few words to her while I just sat by and watched, not believing what I was seeing. How could my best friend be in a coma? I was still crying silently. I really need Josh or Bryan right about now.

As if to answer my prayers, Bryan walked through the door and straight to me. I stood up to hug him. He took me into his arms and held me, letting me cry into his shirt, though it was soaking wet now. He just held me in his lap when he sat down and rocked me back and forth, murmuring soothing words into my ear and kissing my head. Eventually, I fell asleep in Bryan's arms.

~~~~~~~Two Months Later~~~~~~~

Well, Jade is still in her coma. My birthday has come and gone, and I'm officially sixteen years old. Josh is still living with us and he's so much like another older brother to me that it's not even funny. Skylar has been going to see Jade as much as he can. The band is still very much together, and their first gig is tonight with Black Veil Brides and Escape the Fate. Josh volunteered to fill in for Skylar because he knows how to play guitar.

Bryan and I are still very strong in our relationship, and if it's even possible, we're even closer than before. We're going to sing our duet tonight, but instead of Two Is Better Than One, we're going to sing The Mortician's Daughter in honor of Black Veil Brides. My solo is still going to be My Immortal and then the guys are going to sing a mash up of a bunch of random songs by a whole bunch of other bands. We're not quite on the level of writing our own music yet, but we will be soon.

Oh, didn't I tell you? I'm officially part of the band now. I play violin for them when they need it and sing, too. That's awesome, right?

Anyways, Josh and I started to get ready for the show tonight. I put on a plain black long sleeve shirt on, my blood red skinny jeans, and my Sharpie covered black Converse. I put on my eyeliner pretty heavily, and added some dark grey eyeshadow. I put on my chap-stick and put my hair up into a high ponytail, but left my short bangs down in front of my face.

I was honestly excited to see the guys from Black Veil Brides and Escape the Fate again. Remember when I met them and My Chemical Romance at the concert Bryan and I went to? Bryan was actually the one who got us the gig. He was texting Max Green and he asked if Bryan and his band wanted to open for them when they came here. Of course he accepted!

I walked out of my bathroom to meet Josh downstairs. Skylar was back at the hospital, of course. Josh came down the stairs a few seconds later in a black t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and black Converse. He had on a little guy-liner and his black hair was straightened. In other words, if he wasn't like my brother, I would've thought that he looked hot.

"So, ready to go?" I asked with a smile. He smiled back and nodded. We grabbed our instruments and left.

We got to the venue and parked in the back. We got out and grabbed our things. Then we walked into the building after checking in with security. I was walking towards our dressing room, when I heard someone call my name from behind me.

"Raven?!?! Raven Night?!?!" I turned around to see Monte Money and Max Green. My face broke out into a smile.

"Hey, guys!" I said. They broke into smiles and ran towards me, fighting to hug me first. Monte eventually got to me and picked me up in a hug and swung me around. I laughed and managed to sort of throw my violin to Josh. He caught it easily.

Monte put me down and Max tackled me in a hug. I laughed and hugged him back.

"What are you doing here?" Monte asked.

"I'm in the opening band, silly!" I said, laughing.

"Andy's gonna want to see you." Max said with a smile. How the hell do they remember me? I smiled as Monte pulled me by my hand further down the hall to another dressing room. The sign on the door read Black Veil Brides. Max opened the door.

"Guess who we found!!" He yelled/sang. I laughed as Monte pulled me into the room. Five guys were sitting around the room and I smiled at them all. Andy Biersack stood up and rushed over to me and gave me a huge hug. I laughed and he pulled back.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" He said.

"I'm surprised that you guys even remember me!" I said with a laugh.

"How could we forget? Ashley here still talks to him and so does Max, and he never stops talking about you!" He said. My cheeks heated up.

We all caught up and I went to say hi to Craig and Robert from Escape the Fate. Soon, it was time for us to go onto the stage. Bryan grinned at me and then got onto the stage. I waited behind the curtain until it was my turn to play and sing.

Let's just say that the concert was amazing. The crowd loved our band, which we finally named Stitched Silence. We all had a blast and it was seriously a great break from all the drama.

We left the venue feeling great and with even more friends than before.

~~~~~~~Five Months Later~~~~~~~

It's been five months since that concert, and we've written our own music and played more gigs. Our band and Black Veil Brides and Escape the Fate are still all pretty close. Bryan talks to Ashley or Max almost every day. And through Bryan, I talk to the other guys, too. Bryan and I are still strong, but we had a little minor problem because of my slight depression over Jade. The fight was completely my fault and I know that, so we made up quickly.

Josh is of course still living with us, and my dad hasn't laid a finger on me. He rarely comes out of his room anymore. I have in fact cut myself a few times, but only because I was depressed about Jade.

Me, Skylar and Bryan were all in the hospital again. Jade is still in her coma, and I'm getting very worried.

"If she doesn't wake up soon, we'll have to take her off life support." The doctor said. I burst into tears. No, no my best friend can't die. Bryan pulled me against his chest.

"Please don't! I know she'll wake up. She's strong." Skylar said.

"She hasn't shown any sign of life in her. She lost a lot of blood and she's been out for practically a year." It's true. I started crying even harder.

"She squeezed my hand!" Skylar yelled, scaring me. My eyes went wide and I walked over to her side with Bryan in tow. "Come on babe, please wake up." Skylar started to cry. I looked down at her and leaned over.

"Jade please. Your my best friend. I'd be lost with out my other half." I said, and I meant it. I've been so lost without her for those seven months. Of course, I've had Bryan, Skylar, Josh, and the whole band, but with out Jade, part of me was always missing.

"Hey! What about me?" Bryan asked in mock hurt. I smiled over at him and winked. He smiled back. I then saw Jade shiver.

"Whoa, she just shivered!" Bryan observed. My heart swelled.

"Does that mean she's waking up?" I asked hopefully. Then, she gasped and her eyes shot open. I was in a state of shock of what just happened. As soon as I snapped out of it, I burst into even more tears, but these were tears of joy.

"Jade!!" I yelled, throwing my arms around her. She hugged me back tightly. Next it was Skylar's turn. He gave her a very passionate kiss.

"Well, It looks like we won't need to take her off life support. She may actually be able to leave today or tomorrow." The doctor said. I looked over at Jade he was right. She had all her color back and looked as healthy as ever. The doctor just needed to run a few tests and then if the results were good, she could come home.

A few hours later, the doctor came to us with the results.

"Well, it looks like your friend will be able to go home today." We all broke out into cheers and screams and started jumping around. Bryan pulled me to him and pressed his lips to mine passionately. I kissed back. I was so happy right now.

We all left about an hour later and decided to go to my house. When we got there, Josh met us at the door and gave Jade a giant hug. She still had yet to know why Josh was living with us, but right now she didn't care.

We all had the best night ever of just hanging out and watching movies together. We invited the band over, too. We all passed out around 1 a.m. The guys decided to stay the night (involuntarily) so they fell asleep, too. God, I love these guys.
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I do not own BVB or ETF!!!! No reporting needed ^_^ Well, yay! Update! I'm so sorry for not updating sooner! I'm working on two other stories for a contest, so I may not be able to update regularly!