Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Five

Jades POV

I sat there waiting in the hospital for hours. All there was to do was talk to Raven and Bryan. And of course wait for news on Skylar. How could this of happend? MY Skylar is in the hospital. I only saw him not 5 minutes befor the car hit him. I could've stopped it but no. I didn't.
"This is all my fault" I said to myself. I had hoped no one heard me but Raven did.
" It's not your fault, Jade. You didn't know this would happen." She said to me. " No, but I saw him just 5 minutes befor this." " It's still not your fault." she said to me. " Whatever. Look, I'm hungry. I'll be in the cafeteria if you need me." She nooded and I got up and saw that Bryan was holding her hand. I knew she always liked him. And I could tell he liked her. I smiled knowing they would make a cute couple.

I sat in the cafeteria eating what was probably just as bad of food as schools had. Great. That's just wonderful. I can't wait untill I have a kid so when parents have input of the school, I can tell them to give them real food. Not two month old molded expierd shit. I finished eating and went back to Jade and Bryan. When I got there, I didn't see them, so I went on an adventure to find them.

I paused when I heard voices come from a storage closet. Being the noisy ass I am, I decided to listen to them only later to find out that it was Bryan and Raven. Oh! Gettin it on in the closet! Ok, so maybe not the best thought.
" Why do you do this to your self,Raven?" Wait.....waht does Raven do to her self?
" Bryan, If I tell you, you can not tell anyone. Not even Skylar or Jade."
"I promice, Raven."
"OK, well....when my mom is out and Skylar is at band practice, my dad he ummm.....h-he......"

That was all I heard when I was interupted by Raven's mom screaming with joy. Deciding not to bother Bryan and Raven, I ran back to Mrs. Night.
" Jade! Skylar's ok! we can see him now! Wait...where's Bryan and Raven?"
" I'm sorry Mrs.Night I have no idea." I lied
" Ok well, let's go see Skylar."

I felt my heart sink to the bottom as I saw Skylar laying there on the hospital bed. He was coverd in bandages, he had bruises every where, and he was completly pale. I walked over to the side of his bed kissed his forhead. That was all it took for him to open his eyes. He smiled when he saw me and he laced our fingers together.

"Hey babe, how are you feeling?" I asked feeling the tears of joy stream down my face.
" I'm fine baby girl. I hurt like hel-" He stopped when he realized I was crying.
"Jade, why are you crying,love?" "They're tears of joy, Sky" He smiled and sat up and kissed my lips with passion. We pulled away when Raven and Bryan came into the room. Raven was as happy as can be and the same goes for Bryan.

*******Next day. 7 A.M*******

I groaned as my alarm clock went off telling me to get up for school. I sighed and climbed out of bed putting on my Escape The Fate shirt and black skinny jeans. I fixed my make-up and did my hair. To top it off, I put on my Black Veil Brides necklace and my converse.

I went down stairs to eat breakfest but was shocked when I saw Raven and Skylar sitting on the counter.
"What are you guys doing here?" I asked as Skylar wraped his arms around my waist pulling me into a hug. "We decided to come and suprise you." Raven said. I walked over and hugged her as well.

After we finished eating our cereal, we piled into Skylar's car and made our way to school. The only thoughts that filled my head is what Raven's dad does to her.
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So, there ya go! WE LOVE FEEDBACK! xD