Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Seven

Jades POV
***Lunch Time***

I sighed when I realized I was already late for lunch. I knew Skylar would be worried about me. I finished putting up my guitar and made my way to the cafeteria. I was still wondering what Raven's dad does to her. What if it's really bad. What if she hurts her self because of it. What if sh- I was pulled out of my thoughts when I ran right into someone. I groaned when I noticed who it was.

" Whatch were you're going dtupid emo bitch!" Macey. I fucking hate her. She's a whore and also "the most popular girl in school" She always tried to get Skylar but it never happend." Thank you for informing me on something I already know. I don't need to be reminded."
" You don't need to be reminded that your a bitch?" " No, I don't need to be reminded that you're a whore." I smircked at her. It may not have been the greatest come back, but it was still enough for her to push me right into the lockers.

Let's just say....this bitch got owned.

I ran up to Skylar as soon as I saw him. He pulled me into hug and held me tightly. "Where the hell were you Jade?" " I had to put my guitar up and then I got into a fight with Macey." " Did you win." " She's in the hospital as we speak" " Woah! You must have crazy ninja skills if you didn't get caught!" " Haha yup! You know it!"

Skylar and I finished eating and made our way outside. We layed in the grass just talking about random shit. It was sweet. I felt his eyes on me so I turned my head and our eyes locked. He leaned in a kissed me gentaly but passionetly. It was by far the best kiss we had ever shared. Before I knew it, we were making out. But of course we were interupted by the bell.

We walked to our science class with our fingers laced together when something caught our eye. Bryan and Raven were kissing eachother. It was probably the sweetest thing I've seen in a while. Ok maybe that was cliche. Anyways, the rest of the day went by quickly.
" So, I'll see you tonight then?" Skylar asked me. "Of course you will." He pecked my lips. His lips were soft and warm and they always made me melt. When ever I was around him, I felt butterflies. People say that I'm always blushing when he was near me. Am I in love with Skylar?

Yes, I am. And I hope he feels the same way.

I walked into my house to find my parents sitting in the living room. Thwy were just sitting there. Nothing more. Wtf?

" Het mom. Hey dad. Are you guys ok?" I asked. " Sweetie, we need to talk." My mom said with angery and sadness in her voice. Oh shit. " Ok, what is it.?" " It's your uncle James." My mom said. " He's out of jail." My heart stopped. My Uncle James was in jail for sexually abusing me and threatning to kill my parents. No one, not even Skylar or Raven knew about this. I started bawling right then and there. " NO!! HE CAN"T BE!" " Sweetie calm down." My mom tried to say. "CALM DOWN? YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN?! HOW CAN I!? HE RAPED ME! HE THREATEN TO KILL YOU! AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN!?" They sat there in silence knowing I was right.

I got up and ran for my room. I couldn't stay here anymore. I packed some things and left through my window. I texted both Skylar and Raven saying I couldn't make it tonight and that I wouldn't be at school tomorrow. I walked untill my feet couldn't carry me anymore. I had no idea where I was. Or what I was going to do.

*** 3 Weeks Later***

I made my way back to my area of living. But, I wasnt going home. I was going to Skylar and Raven's house. I knew they were both going to be mad at me but I didn't care. It was cold out and I didn't want to go back home.

I knocked on the door twice. I started crying when Raven opend the door. She broke down into sobs and hugged me tightly. "JADE! OH MY GOSH! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU!? WHY DIDN'T YOU RETURN OUR CALLS AND TEXTS!?" She asked completly pissed off. " I just had to get away from it all..." I trailed off when I heard Skylar's voice. He must have been desprate this whole time because you could tell he hasn't slept in days. And you could defenatly tell he had been crying.....alot. Now I knew he was gonna be really pissed at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
I kinda cryed while writing this. Will Jade every be found? Will she ever contact skylar or Raven? Will her Uncle James return in her life? Will she ever return home? YOUL"LL HAVE TO READ TO FIND OUT! xD
** I did add stuff in there so yeah.**