Status: Joint Story =)

I Have Problems, but So Do You

Chapter Eight

~Raven's P.O.V.~

Bryan and I were walking to lunch later that day when suddenly, we heard loud noises and yelling further down the hall. Me and Bryan looked at each other with wide eyes as we recognized Jade's voice. I ran down the hall with Bryan right behind me and we saw that last of the fight. Jade was on top of Macey, the school bitch (Excuse my language), and let me just say this: Macey was getting the crap knocked out of her.
Two teachers just came and managed to pull them apart with Jade spilling out curses and Macey knocked out cold. I heard ambulance sirens coming closer, and they were certainly not coming for Jade. Macey was bloodied and bruised all over and Jade was, well, she was still just saying profanity after profanity towards the unconscious Macey.
Jade stormed off after a while towards the cafeteria. I guess she was going to find Skylar. I turned to Bryan.
"So..." I said.
"Wanna eat lunch together? As in, alone?" He smiled hopefully. I laughed.
"Of course, Bryan." I kissed his cheek and took his hand as we walked to the cafeteria. After we finished eating, we went outside to sit in a little hideout that we had found the previous year. I sat down and Bryan sat down next to me. This was the perfect spot for people watching.
Not too far from us, I saw Jade and Skylar kissing on the grass, though it looked a little awkward with his casts and everything. I smiled and looked around at the other people living their lives. I looked back to Bryan, who was watching me. I felt my cheeks heat up.
"What? Do I have something on my face?" I asked, feeling suddenly very self-conscious. He smiled.
"You're so pretty, Ray. You know that, right?" I blushed even harder.
"Thanks, Bry. You're not too bad yourself." I smirked and he chuckled. Suddenly, the bell rang. We got up and walked to the building hand in hand. We stopped outside my classroom and Bryan pulled me close. I smiled and he leaned down to kiss me. It was wonderful. I pulled back and smiled as I walked into the room.
"Bye, Bry. See you later." I smiled and gave him a small wave.
"I'll call you later, okay?" I nodded. He smiled. "Alright, bye, Ray. I lo-will see you later." He stuttered, but then smiled. Was he about to say that he loves me? I smiled and shut the door behind me.
The rest of the day was boring, but at least it went by quickly. I got into the car and Skylar got into the passenger seat.
"Hey, is Jade coming with us?" I asked before starting the car.
"No, she said that she would walk."
"Oh, alright." I started the car and pulled out of the spot. After I looked to make sure that I wasn't going to get hit, I drove home.
"Raven, I'm gonna go to band practice, okay?" I turned to him and raised an eyebrow after I parked in the driveway.
"Skylar, I hate to break the news, but you're kinda beat up. Your arm is broken, meaning you can't play. Your leg is broken, meaning you can't stand without support. And, to top that off, you have two broken ribs. Now, why in the world do you want to go?"
"I gotta support my band mates and give support! Plus, they're my friends." I sighed and rolled my eyes, but smiled at him. "So, I'm gonna call Bryan to give me ride so you can do your homework, okay?" As he was taking out his phone, I realized that with him gone, it would only be me and our dad.
"No!" I yelled. Skylar looked up at me with wide eyes. "I mean, I want to go with you. I can do my homework there." I smiled to cover up my fear.
"Oh, okay! Why?"
"Um, I want to go to... Say hi to your band mates!"
"Uh huh, sure. Don't act like I don't know what's going on between you and Bryan. I saw you two kissing in the hall today." I blushed hard.
"Skylar, I-." I tried to say but he cut me off.
"Raven, I'm cool with it." He smiled. "You two are... Well, I expected it. But I swear, if he hurts you, I'm gonna be all over him." I smiled and gave him a gentle hug.
"Love you, Skylar." I said when I pulled away.
"Love you too, Raven. Now, grab your backpack and let's get going!" I laughed and got back into the car. When Skylar was safely in, I started the car back up and drove off to the singer, Larson's house. When I pulled up, I saw Bryan leaning against his car waiting for us. I guess he figured out that I would be driving Skylar to practice today because of his injuries.
When I got out of the car, Bryan greeted me with a hug around the waist and a light peck on the lips.
"Hey, Ray." He said.
"Hi, Bry." I smiled as he kissed my nose.
"Um, hello? Hey, can I get a little help from the love birds over here? I mean, I am the one who's injured and stuff..." I laughed and went to help Skylar. Bryan took my free hand and we all walked to the garage where the other two band members were setting up.
"Hey, it's Raven!" Larson said with a smile. Then his eyes widened as he saw Skylar. "Dude, what happened?"
"Oh, you know, just got hit by a car." He shrugged with one shoulder like it was no big deal.
"What?!" The drummer, Kory, said. Then he saw mine and Bryan's fingers intertwined. "Well, now what do we have here? Looks like Bryan finally found a decent girl!" I felt my cheeks heat up for the thousandth time today. Bryan laughed and kissed my cheek.
"Sure did, Kory. Sure did." I smiled up at him. I lead Skylar to a chair and then let Bryan go to his bass to practice. I checked my phone to see if Jade had texted yet. Nothing. I got a little worried, but then I received a message from her.
"I won't be able to make it to the practice tonight and I won't be at school.
-Look Alive, Sunshine-"
I called her, but it went straight to voicemail. I looked over at Skylar and he looked like he was about to cry. He looked up and met my eyes and I knew that he had gotten the same message. Where was our Jade?

-Three Weeks Later-

We never stopped looking for Jade, but three weeks had gone by and we were tired. Bryan had stuck with me through the whole time and I was with either him or Skylar at every waking moment, not leaving any time for just me and my dad. I had stopped cutting within those weeks because if I needed to cry or let out emotions of any kind, Bryan was there for me. Skylar's ribs are healed and he's wearing braces on both his arm and his leg now.
So, it was eight o'clock one night and Skylar was bawling again. Suddenly, I heard a knock on the door. I had stopped being so eager, seeing as three weeks had already gone by and still no sign of Jade. So, I got up and walked to the door, not knowing who to expect. I opened the door and burst into tears of joy. It was Jade. I hugged her tightly.
"JADE! OH MY GOSH! WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU?! WHY DIDN'T YOU RETURN OUR CALLS AND TEXTS?!" She was crying just as hard as I was, if not harder.
"I'm so sorry, Raven. I'm so sorry." I just patted her back and said soothing words. Skylar came downstairs. Jade's eyes got wide as she heard his sniffles.
"Raven who's at the... Door?" His eyes got wide as he saw Jade standing at the door. He ran over and swooped her up into him and gave her a kiss. I smiled through my tears at their happy reunion. They parted and Jade looked at me.
"Raven, I need to ask you something..."
"Sure, what's up?"
"Raven... Can I move in with you?"
"Jade, what's going on?" I walked over to her and put my hand on her arm.
"Raven... My uncle, he's out of jail. He was in there because he... He raped me and threatened to kill my parents."
"Wh-what?" I was stunned.
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