Status: Complete

Find Your Own Happiness


Your Choice...Give it a shot.

‘How the Hell am I supposed to find happiness, if it keeps running so far ahead of me. What’s worse is when I am just about to reach it, I trip and fall, and my finger tips, are barely able to brush up agents it, and then it flees again.’

You had a taste of happiness before, and when you got addicted to the way it felt, it was taken from you. You still can feel it just barely within your grasp, you can still taste it just a little bit, but the memories are quickly fading.

You’d ask for one more taste, so you could remember what it was like back when you were happy. But realize that you’ll always be wanting just one more, cause once you have had it, and then it’s taken from you, you start forgetting. Forgetting what it was like to be truly happy. So it’ll take more then one sip to remember, and it’ll continue to get worse, but the more you taste it the better you remember. Then next thing you know your addicted again, and just when you’re almost there…almost completely happy…it’s taken again.


You’re left once more with the lingering feeling of regret, false hope, and disappointment. You can even feel depression slowly wrapping it’s cold, colorless, lifeless hands around you. Squeezing all the tiny slivers of lingering happiness, that was once truly there, away with it’s ever tightening grasp.

And just when you think all is lost…

Somehow, you still have a little hope. Just a little, and you see there is happiness up ahead.

Do you run towards the light or do you just stay there?
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Click on chapter 2 if you run towards it

Go to chapter 3 if you don’t