Status: Complete

Find Your Own Happiness


You Chose...Once More

You start reaching out towards the light and slowly start walk towards it. A glazed looked in your eyes as you walk closer, the look of ‘awe’ on your face. Possibly because of the fact you’re just wondering if it was real or not.

You’re hoping it is real the closer you get because…

You’re getting addicted again, addicted to the feeling of this never leaving, that this is real. That if you can just reach the light, all your dreams will come true and you’ll never be lonely and depressed again. You’re getting addicted to hoping you’ve finally found true happiness.

It’s okay, though, no one blames you. You’re only human after all. You only want what everyone else does, to be happy. Right? Well, the only way to do that is if you take chances.

You hesitate as your hand gets closer and think.

‘Do I want it, even if there is a possibility of it, not lasting forever?’
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Click Chapter 7- If you choose ‘yes’

Find Chapter 3- if ‘no’