Green Eyes


In her pretty green eyes, Ramona could reflect a world that is beyond our imaginations. The whole world is painted in shapes, shades and all that her pretty little eyes could bear. Inside of Ramona’s eyes laid a light; a burning sensation that could shoot up inside of anyone who stared at them for too long. After a long day of nothingness on a Saturday afternoon, Ramona decided to visit her dear aunt, the only one in her family that was able to give Ramona the peace of which she lacked in her household.

The long soft blue curtains draped over the large windows, casting a shadow in the living that was filled with tiny streams of sunlight that managed to squeeze through. Ramona had always loved her aunt’s house; there was always the smell of scented flowers that filled the air. Although Ramona had never fully trusted mediums or anything of that sort, she found herself accepting her aunt’s offering in a palm reading. Sitting around a clothed table in wooden chairs, Ramona’s soft pink lips smiled as her aunt, a fortuneteller, who sat across from her and read her palm.

“I can see the truth more in your eyes than in your palm.” Ramona’s aunt announced.
“What do you mean?” Ramona asked as she leaned forward.

“You eyes show distress, fear and death…although there is something more...” The mid-aged women spoke.

Ramona pulled her hand away and gave her aunt a look of suspense.

“Would you like to see?” Ramona’s aunt asked as she began to move her hand in a circler motion around her crystal ball.

Ramona’s eyes closed but her hands freely moved forward until they finally pressed the sphere.

The teen’s mind raced and the color splashes, geometric shapes and suffocated sounds soon began to take shape.

Beautiful pure transparent ocean waves flowed. There seemed to be no beginning and no end to the imperial waters.

The large vast clouds that floated above in the sky were shades of purple. The sun that gave light to the world was replaced. A large black clock covered the skies instead. Soon, the rapid waves of the clear ocean began to form a long bridge of stones.

Ramona’s eyes vibrated but didn’t open as she noticed that in her vision, people began to form. In relevance, she spotted her mother, her little brother, and someone who appeared to be her standing side by side on the grey bridge. However, for some reason, she was unable to spot out her father.

Opening her green eyes to reality, Ramona stared at her aunt in awe.

“What is that? I don’t understand? What is that suppose to mean?” She questioned.

“Close your eyes and you will see”

Obeying the fortuneteller, Ramona closed her colored jade eyes again. This time the clock began to tick. Slowly, Ramona started to feel a heavy unsettlement in her stomach as she continued to stare down onto this world.

Tick…. Tick…Tick…

What was the reason for this sensation, she hadn’t the slightest idea but she knew that she was about to find out.

…. Tick…. Tock!

Ramona’s body jumped and she witnessed the world, covered in all of its beautiful glory as the waters ceased to wave and the ocean began to transform into a solid glass floor. The clock however, expanded and became as big and if not, larger than the sun.

… Tick…. Tick….

And it the clock continued to tick, tapping away and soon that sound drove Ramona mad,
She could now see her father in the distance as he stared onto the purple heavens before he rested his eyes finally rested upon his family who stood on the thick brick bridge.

… Tick…. Tock!

The floor began to move slightly, like a small shift that caused her father to begin to run. Ramona’s eyes spilled tears as she shook her head and opened her eyes into reality.

“You will see, you need to see!” her aunt proclaimed as she looked down on her crystal ball.

Ramona’s eyes widen as the crystal ball began to swirl inside. The images soon began to enlarge and fill the room with what was now Ramona’s reality.

The world revolved around and at that moment, they both became one with the vision.

“Daddy!” cried her little brother, Trevor from the bridge, “Daddy, hurry!”

The clock tricked and the shades of purple skies began to slowly fade into nothingness.

Tick… Tick…. Tock!

The clock pulsed and the man jolted up in a sprint.


Ramona felt it, she could feel what her father was feeling and she watched him as he suffered in silence.

Ramona’s father’s hand lay on top of his chest as he fell onto the transparent glass floor on his knees. His screaming wife and children yelled for him in tears. He lifted his eyes and they locked with his wife’s; a sense of guilt and agony filled his heart with a heavy weigh.
The streaming tears fell into the children’s mouth as they continued to call for his name. They couldn’t understand audio-less words that were exchanged between their parents.


The massive clock in the sky, that which replaced the sun; pulsed, like thunder. And with each ticking second, red dripped over the world like a knocked over bucket of paint – from the dark clouds that rolled into the sky, resembling cotton drenched in blood. A cold shiver ran down Ramona’s heart as she continued to watch this mysterious world take form inside the crystal ball. Her green eyes stayed glued onto the clock; observing it’s black outline and how the glaze of the glass protected the white inside, and how the echoing sounds beat like a human heart. The large grey stone bridge that was magically formed on top of the vast glass ground, which resembled a mirror, reflected the thick-bricked, handle-less and beautifully arched bridge, where Ramona could see herself, alongside with her little brother and mother as they stood and stared down onto where her father was. Their eyes of devastation, hinted to Ramona that the large ticking clock, was a warning of something big that was about to happen.

Viewing down on the crystal ball as a god, Ramona noticed the never-ending ground that took form in this particular world, shook violently, like an earthquake. She was still unclear about the vision that this fortuneteller was showing her through the peculiar sphere but she knew that whatever it was, she had to pay close attention because something was about to take place.

Inside the crystal ball, Ramona’s father had never laid his feet on the concrete bridge but stayed set on the glass ground that was now quivering unsteadily. The distance between him and his family was great, but he looked determined to reach them. It seemed to be that he was no further than a mile but he was still able to make out their figures more than their faces. Ramona’s eyes shifted back to where she and her brother and mother stood on top of the bridge. Their hands locked; their fingers tangled with each other as the children shouted at him.

“Daddy, come on!”

After Ramona’s father fell on his knees, helplessly, ignoring their cries out to him, Ramona watched as the ground below him collapsed; breaking into tiny shards of glass as he fell into the endless pit – that which flashed the lies and secrets he had kept deep in his heart. Ramona’s heart fluttered as her mother gasped for air and her brother, Trevor, could only stare, unable to take in what had just happened but as Ramona’s father scream filled their ears, the children began to spill tears like rain.

Gritting her teeth, Ramona’s mother forced in her cries, because even though she loved her husband, she knew that he had placed his heart with another women and for some reason, she found his sudden destruction to mix her emotions inside.

Ramona viewed herself and her family inside the sphere as they tried to hold their balance on the rail less bridge as it was on the brink of collapsing; the stones that held it up, began to crumble and dissolve like powder in water. The sounds of rocks booming into dust of chalk and shattering glass shirked loud enough to cause Ramona to scream.

“Hurry! We need to go!” shouted Ramona’s mother to her children as she tried pulling and yanking them away from the demolishing stones. But Ramona and Trevor held onto each other tight, screaming in muddy tears what they had been yelling out before their father fell.

“Daddy, come on! Make it to the bridge! Let’s go home!”

Ramona’s mother’s heart sank, knowing that her children would never see their father again; that they were now orphans and that she was now a widow. But she understood that no matter what, her kids would not budge, because they were still waiting for some miracle to happen, and bring back their father. So she knelt down in between them both, pressing herself on to them for support as the bridge continued to shake. She placed her shuddering hands on their backs. Her lips quivered as she whispered lowly in their ears.

“Daddy couldn’t make it, so we will go to him instead…”

The massive clock broke with a last pulse and falling into a thousand pieces, shedding its insides on the glass ground. The bridge finally let its self-break down and sunk the rest of Ramona’s family down; only darkness laid beneath the world.

Ramona stood up as she removed her hand from the crystal ball, breaking free from the vision that was presented on to her. She didn’t say a word and, no sound left her tinted peach lips. Her long brown hair covered her eyes as she blankly walked out of her aunt’s house. Ramona afterwards laid in her bed and wished it were all a dream because she saw things that allowed her to see deep inside her heart, but more than that, she now knew that her perfect image of her father was nothing more than a lie, because he chose to give up in reaching his family that loved him, and she now clearly understood that her mother, loved her father enough to want to die with him and risk her children as well. Ramona knew what the visions meant and in a hush tone, as if she was whispering a melody to herself, she spoke.

“It was just a dream…”

Her voice shook and falling deeper into her pillow, she whispered once again before closing her eyes shut.

“It was only a dream…”
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A short story I wrote for my Creative Writing Intership at Gallery37.