The Sun Shines the Darkest Shade of Black

"Im watching you"

Melynna accidently locked her self out one night, after sneaking out to see Lex.
She texted me about 4:30 and said “Gigi, I forgot to unlock the back door, Can I come over?”
In about 10 minutes, Melynna was climbing up my bedroom balcony, and she came tiptoeing through the French doors.
“I‘d be so screwed with out you” She whispered
“That’s what a best friends for, dumbass.” I smiled and whispered back
“Thanks, gigi(:” She laughed
“K, don’t forget your key next time haha” I rolled my eyes and threw a t-shirt and pair of shorts at her.

She told me all about what happned with her, and Lex.
“Awhh, so cute” I squealed
“Your gonna make me throw up, you lovepuppy” I laughed

The next morning, Melynna was straightning her hair in my bathroom, when I heard her say
“DAMMIT” in a frustrated tone.
“What‘s wrong?” I walked in with a tooth brush in my mouth, mid sentence.
“I left my new hoodie, in the meadow” She sighed
“Just borrow one of mine” I said
“My moms gonna notice I don’t have mine” She argued
“Just go back and get it tonight when you hangout with Lex” I pointed out
“He‘s gonna be at his dads the rest of the week so I can‘t” She explained
“Alrrrrrrrrrriiiiiight, hurry up and finish & we‘ll walk down there and look before the bus comes” I said
“Thanks, Gi! (:” she smiled
“Shuddup, and hurry ” I laughed

We walked down to the streetlight, and through the woods.
I stepped in a puddle, and groaned.
My converse were soaked. “Melynna you so owe me for this” I said now in a bad mood cause of my wet shoes.

We walked up to the meadow, and looked around.
“Melynna I don’t see it.” I questioned
“Me either, but I know I left it here” Melynna said
“Are you sureeee, lex didn’t take it with him?” I pressed
“Yeahh, he didn’t have anything in his hands when we walked back down, so I had to have left it”

We couldn’t find it, so we went back down to the streetlight, and walked to the bus stop.
Later, at lunch she said “I just don’t understand, were the only ones who were there, no one else could have it”
We were all confused.
Where’d the freaking sweatshirt go?

The next few weeks, Melynna and Lex snuck out more and more than usual.
Finally, I asked Melynna what was up.
They acted all secretive and weird, whenever I had asked before why they hungout so much more.
Finally, Melynna cracked and told me….
“WE DID IT.” She blurted out
“What?!” I said
“We…ya know…did it” She stammered
“Oooooh, you had sex with him?” I said surprised
“Uhm…yes” She laughed
“How many times?!” I asked
“Just one, I swear!” She said seriously

That night she slept over at my house, we watched all of the “Saw” movies.
We left our friend Amber a creepy voicemail message, and then we got hyper loaded
On Mountain dew, and twizzlers.
In the middle of the night, we got a really weird call, there was heavy breathing, and a low whispered voice.
It said “I‘m watching you”
We both got freaked out, and laughed so hard I peed my pants.
We both figured it was one of our guy friends trying to scare us, so we told them how stupid it was and immature.
Then we both passed out on the couch, Melynna fell asleep first & then I watched a few episodes of “Freshprince” and fell asleep.
We spent the next day, hanging out at the mall, and Melynna was over at my house again.

Around 1 a.m. Melynna wakes me up, and says she’s about to go meet up with Lex.
“Alright” I say drowsily “Just don’t get caught”
“I‘ll be back by 4 a.m.” she whispers
“K, love you Mel” I whisper
“Love you too, Gi” she says
I saw her slip out the door, and then I got up to make sure she didn’t get caught.
She quickly disappeared in the dark.
That was the last time I ever saw her….