The Sun Shines the Darkest Shade of Black

24 hours.

I woke up around 6.
Melynna still wasn't home.
Usually when she says she'll be back by 4, she means 4.
Maybe, this time, she and lex got caught up and lost track of time.
Maybe, she went home.
Maybe, she's at Lex's place.
Maybe, she'll answer her texts.

I get up and grab my phone,
I send Melynna a text "Hey, where are you? You never came back last night."
I'm sitting down stairs at the kitchen table.
*Message pending*
*Message pending*
I hear a noise upstairs.
Did I leave my radio on? I think to myself.
I run up to my room.
It's Melynna's ringtone.
I see her bag, I grab it and dump it out on the bed.
Her phone falls out.
The screens lighting up with letters that read:
**8 new messages**
I grab her phone, and click open.
The unread message is from me it says "Hey, where are you? You never came back last night."
The other 7, are from Lex.
**Message one** "Hey where are you?"
**Message two** "Melynna are you coming tonight or not?"
**Message three** "You said you'd meet me an hour ago, where are you?"
**Message five** "Melynna, i'm leaving if you dont get here soon"
**Message six** "I'm walking home, I couldnt wait in the cold any longer."
**Message seven** "Mel, are you gonna answer me?"

This means that Melynna never saw Lex last night...
She left with out her phone...
Where is she?!
I run down stairs and tell my mom everything.
We call the police.
They say she's not a missing person till she's missing 24 hours.
So we wait.
We call Melynna's mom, and tell her what happened.
She hasn't seen Melynna since yesterday.
Melynna gets texts all day from Lex & other friends.
Asking where she is,and why she's blowing them off.
I didnt reply to a single one.
I just sit, and stare at the phone hoping Melynna will call.
It doesn't even matter, I dont care if she's high or pregnant or shaved her head and gotten a tattoo.
I just want her to be okay.
The next day we still havent heard from her.
We report her as a missing person.
The police send out a search.
The look everywhere, and offer a reward for any information to where she is.
Absolutely no one knows where she is.

The day my best friend, Melynna disappeared.