Status: Finally finished. :)

The Nagual


No one was appointed the leader.

Everyone had come to a consensus that a leader would only complicate things. They wanted to keep things as simple as possible, given that they themselves are not so simple creatures. They said that there was a time for a leader but that time has passed as all things must.

They lived in peace.

Not one Nagual ever went after a human. The humans left the Naguals' safe haven alone, calling it a private reservation. If a human ever happened to stumble upon the place, which happened more than people would think, they were lead down the road towards Wren's home but didn't stop there as their destination was outside of their village.

Life moved on.

The Naguals continued their daily life. They danced, sang, worked, hunted, and rested. The center of the village was rebuilt and looked better than ever. They had even set up three graves were created in circles made of stone at the center. One, however, was much larger than the other two and was in complete sunlight for most of the day. Though it had more flowers placed by it and gained more visitors, the other two circles usually did have some kind of flower placed near it on most days. The Naguals would also travel to the back of Wren's cottage and drop flowers by Sohrab's grave.

Boeden was okay.

The day after the funeral, the fire had completely stopped. On that day, Boeden stole one last look at what was the center of Norden. The fire had been ousted and ashes rose up and twirled in the wind. Some may say it was a coincidence but he knew in his heart that it was Felia waving good-bye only once. She didn't look back.

And so they lived like that, happy and in peace, for the rest of their days.