The Armstrong's: Season Two

Chain Reaction

November 3, 2010; 4:00pm

„I got a gig tonight.“ Joey said. He was lying on my bed while i sat at my desk.
„Chain Reaction.“ He smiled.
„Really? That's awesome. That's where matt and them played.“ I said.
„I know. It's gonna be hella cool playing there. I'm psyched.“
„Where are Max and them?“ I asked.
„On their way, we're gonna make sure to be ready by tonight.“ He said, leaving my room. I decided to text some of my closest friends to invite them out to Huntington Beach.
(3 hours later)
„Matt and them are coming to our show!“ Joey smiled.
„Awesome! I haven't seen them in so long.“ I exclaimed.
„And guess who else!“ Joey said.
„Who?“ Max asked.
„Mike mo foing Portnoy biatches.“ Joey smiled. Mike was one of Joey's 'Drums Gods' if you will. He loves him. Mike is also Avenged's new drummer.
„Oh snap.“ Jakob said all girly like, causing us to laugh.
„Jakob, i don't ever want to here you say that again. Especially like that.“ Dad said.
We all continued our laughs. My friends were meeting us at the place. We were in the van Joey's band had. It can seat up to fourteen and the seats are removable for storage. Soon, we arrived at the famous Chain Reaction and went through the back. My friends arrived literally seconds later.
„Hey guys.“ I said hugging them.
„Hey!“ Mariah smiled.
We all helped my brother and his mates set up on stage. As usual our mom had her big camera out.
„When do the doors open?“Micah asked.
„8:00pm. Half hour.“ I said.
We went backstage and sat around. We soon started to hear people enter the building. I looked into the area by the stage to see at lead 300 people, If not more. Just then...
„Look what the cat dragged in.“ Joey joked as Matt (M. Shadows), Brian (Syn Gates), Zacky (Zacky V), Johnny (Johnny Christ), and the one, the only, Mike Portnoy walked in from the side entrance.
„Hey buddy!“ Matt exclaimed, hugging Joey. Jakob and i got hugs from all of them.
„You guys are adults!“ Zacky smiled. „Jakob, how tall are you?“
„5'4.“ He smiled.
„Your voice buddy, you made it to manhood.“ Johnny high fived jake. They laughed.
„Alexis, you look like your 21. Beautiful young lady.“ Matt smiled.
„Thanks matt.“ I blushed. Yeah, i did.
„Ok boys, it's show time.“ Cole said.
The guys walked on stage, cheering filled the room as we watched from backstage. Dad was serving drinks for the 21 and older people while mom was taking pictures. I actually had a lot of fun that night. Not that i usually don't at Joey's concerts, because he's really talented. But i think it's because of Avenged being here and my friends.
Micah pretended to slow dance with me while Emily's Army were performing 'Goody Two Shoes' I laughed the whole time. After the song, I started to notice Brian hadn't said a single word since he gotten here. I put it off as there set ended, and they came backstage.
„We got a meet and greet.“ Travis said, all sweaty, handing out water bottles and towels to the guys.
They grabbed some sharpies and headed into the crowd. We stayed backstage and laughed it up. Brian started to talk and joke around so i wasn't worried about earlier anymore. After about an hour, the building became empty and we started to load up.
„If this is any help, why don't you guys crash at my home. More than welcome to.“ Matt offered.
„That would be wonderful Matt, thank you.“ Mom smiled.
„Oh no problem. I know it's a three hour drive for you guys and it's already almost 11:00pm. I have plenty of room for you all.“ He smiled. His dimples showing.
„We'll follow you Matt.“ Dad said.
We said goodbye to Zack, Brian, Johnny, and Mike and headed to Matt's. The rest of Avenged were coming over for breakfast in the morning. We got to Matt's quiet suburban neighborhood and he opened his gates to his home, driving through and parking in the driveway. We parked behind him and got out, taking out our emergency overnight bags we had a feeling we'd need. We walked in to be greeted by his lab Bella.
„Hi Bella.“ I said, kid like as i petted her. We all took our turn greeting her until Matt took us to where we were going to sleep.
„Do you have a policy about guys and girls in the same room?“ Matt asked my parents.
„No, we trust Alex with all these boys.“ Dad smiled.
„Ok, well i have three extra bedrooms. One is a suite, which will be yours.“ Matt said to my parents. He showed them the suite, which was downstairs. Mom and dad hugged Joey, Jakob, and I before closing the door.
„Where is Val?“ I asked.
„Probably asleep. She'll be so excited to see you guys tomorrow.“ Matt said. „Now, pick your favorite friends.“ He smiled. I picked Micah, Mariah, Kris, and Ashley while Joey got Cole, Max, Travis, and Jakob. The boys got the room with the pull out couch and king size bed and we got the room with the king size bed and futon.
„Night guys.“ Matt said, shutting our door.
„His house is so nice.“ Ashley said, smelling the pillow.
„Are you smelling the fucking pillow Ash?“ Micah asked.
„You are obsessed.“ I smiled.
„It smells like him.“ She said, very calm like. We quietly laughed as we picked who slept where. Mariah and Kris were gonna sleep on the futon while Micah, Ashley, and I are on the bed.
„Micah, you sleep in the middle.“ I whined.
„Nope, you are in the middle girly.“ He smiled, pushing me in the middle.
„Assult and battery.“ I said. He laughed.
„Sure.“ He said, laying next to me.
„If i kick while im asleep, im sorry in advance.“ Ashley said. We all cracked up. Soon after our delirious laughter, we each fell asleep.