The Armstrong's: Season Two

Just one of the boys

November 4, 2010; 9:00am

„Why am i up.“ Micah said.
„Why am i up.“ I said.
„Let's go see if any one is awake.“ He said.
We got out of bed and quietly left the room. At the same time, Max and Jakob come out of their room. Jakob was wearing a Macbeth tee and skull pj pants and Max was wearing a black rib tank and Hurley mesh shorts. I had on my 'Attack hug' tank, which has a really cute picture of an angry little creater monster thing with it's arms out, and All Time Low shorts. Micah had on a Disturbed tee and plaid pants.
„You guys are up early too. I thought we were the only ones.“ Max said.
We walked downstairs to hear talking and laughing coming from the kitchen. There sat mom and dad, Matt and Val, Brian and Michelle, and Johnny and Lacey. Max, Jakob, and i hugged them while i introduced Micah to Lacey, Val, and Michelle.
„Where are the rest of the kids?“ Johnny asked.
Asleep.“ I said.
„Kids these days will sleep all day if they could.“ My dad said.
„Showing your age dad.“ Jakob said, grabbing some coffee.
„Yeah, from the kid who needs two cups of coffee before starting his day.“ Dad said. We all laughed.
„Don't judge.“ Jakob said, sipping his coffee.
„Billie, i told you that mocha was not a good idea when he was 7.“ My mom said.
„Now he's addicted.“ I said.
„It's not an addiction, it's a need.“ Jake said. Just then, the rest of the people flooded down stairs and into the kitchen.
„Children of the dead.“ Brian laughed.
„You guys look great. Really.“ Max laughed.
„Hey faggots!“ Zacky said walking in with Gena right behind him.
„Well that's nice Zack.“ I said.
„I didn't mean you sweatheart.“ He laughed, hugging me. We sat in the kitchen at the bar, and at the breakfast table.
(2 hours later)
„It's been so great to see you guys.“ Matt said hugging my parents and my brothers and i. He said bye to our friends while we hugged the rest of avenged and their girls.
„You got a license don't ya?“ Brian asked.
„Yeah, and my own car.“ I told him.
„Come down sometime. Your welcome at our place anytime.“ He smiled.
„I'll have to do that.“ I said.
We loaded up in the van and headed back to Oakland. We droped off Max and Cole first in Piedmont, then droped off Micah, Ashley, Mariah and Kris, and Travis. Mom, dad, joey and jakob went home while i went to Drake's.
„Hey!“ He smiled as he opened the door, holding out his arms. I hugged him tightly.
„I wish you could've came last night. It was so fun.“ I said, following him into the living room.
„If i didn't have to work late i could've.“ He said.
„Are you home alone?“ I asked.
„Just like Macaulay Culkin.“ He smiled. I laughed.
„You know, I'm really digging your new look babe.“ I said.
He looked like the younger Adam Gontier. Exactly like him.
„I'm digging your look.“ He laughed, kissing me. „So, tell me about last night.“
So, i went on to tell him all about the show, Avenged coming out, meeting Mike Portnoy, all the way to going to Matt's home to stay.
„Sounds like you had a great time.“ He smiled, grabbing the remote and turning on the TV, Breaking Benjamin live was on.
„You love Breaking Benjamin huh.“ I smiled.
„Yeah, have you heard Ben's voice? It's so...orgasmic.“ He said.
„That's good to know.“ I laughed.
(Two hours later)
„I gotta go Drake, dinner's ready.“ I told him. He nodded.
„I love you.“ He smiled, hugging me.
„I love you too Drake. I'll see you tomorrow.“ I walked outside and got into my car, driving home.
„What are we having?“ I asked as I walked into the kitchen.
„Tacos.“ Mom smiled.
„Her famous oh so good tacos.“ Joey said, making his plate.
I made mine as well and we sat at the table, ready to devour. After dinner, joey helped mom clean up while Jakob and i went in the family room to watch the new Modern Family. Joey soon joined.
„Man, modern family never dissapoints.“ Jakob laughed as we walked upstairs.
„Never.“ Joey laughed.
We all went our seperate ways and went into our rooms. I laid down in my bed and turned on my ihome, A Day To Remember's „I'm Made of Wax“ came on. I smiled and sang along quietly. After a few minutes, there was a knock at my door. I got up and opened it to see Drake. I smiled and pulled him inside.
„What are you doing here?“ I asked.
„Well I have nothing to do and it's only 7:30pm and your dad said i could stay as long as i want.“ He said.
„My dad is the best.“ I said. Drake sat on my bed.
„We could go to the movies.“ I suggested.
„That sounds good. And maybe ice cream after.“ He smiled. I got on my laptop to see what movies were playing this week.
„Ok, Due date, megamind, for clolored girls, 127 hours, client 9, fair game, four lions, and red hill are playing.“ I told him.
„I heard 127 hours was really good. But i really want to see Due Date.“ He said.
„I've been wanting to see Due Date too.“ I smiled.
„Then let's go baby.“ He stood up. I grabbed my Kirra double ruffle cardigan and followed him downstairs.
„Dad, can i go to the movies with Drake?“ I asked.
„Of course. Curfew's midnight.“ He said.
„Ok, night. Love you.“ I hugged him before getting in Drake's car.
„2 for Due Date.“ Drake told the guy who worked at the theater. He paid for the tickets and we walked inside.
„Want any snacks?“ He asked me. I held onto his arm as i looked around.
„Sour patch kids.“ I told him.
He chuckled a little under his breathe and got my candy. He got himself a coke slushie. We walked into the theater and found some seats in the middle. He put his arm around me just as the movie began to start.
(Two hours later)
„That movie was so funny.“ I laughed.
„One of the best ive seen.“ He laughed. We got in the car doing a little recap on the movie on our way to dairy queen.
„I didn't know Dairy Queen stayed open this late.“ I said as he pulled in the parking lot.
„They're open until one.“ He said, getting out. He opened my door for me and we walked in.
„Hi welcome to Dairy Queen what can i get for you two?“ An energetic woman asked.
„I'll have an oreo blizzard.“ Drake said.
„I'll have the chocolate chip cooke dough blizzard, small.“
„Ok, your total is $7.83.“ Drake pulled out his wallet and paid. He got the reciept and we sat at a booth. The place was pretty much empty except for a few teens. The woman brought us our blizzards.
„You should stay over tonight.“ I said.
„I will. Already made up my mind a while ago.“ He smiled. „My parents were talking about college a few nights ago.“
„What about it?“ I asked.
„Well, they want me to go to UCLA, but i kind of want to go to that music college.“ He said.
„Babe, you don't need to go to a music school to be a musician.“ I said.
„I know, but i just thought i could study up a little more on my skills as a guitarist. Maybe become a producer also.“
„A producer? They make a lot. And are very looked up at.“ I told him.
„I know. I kind of want to be both. But my parents want me to be a doctor.“ He said.
„You be whatever you want to be. Dont let anyone stand in your way.“ I said.
„Wow, words of wisdom.“ He smiled.
„My parents always say that to my brothers and i.“
„I wish my parents were that open minded.“ He said.
„Well, im sure whatever you decide on, they'll be happy. Just show them how much fun you have and how much you accomplish. They'll be happy.“ I said. He nodded and finished off his blizzard. We threw our cups in the trash and headed back to my home.
„My parents might be asleep so we have to be quiet.“ I told drake as we walked up the path to my house.
I unlocked the door with my key and we walked through the foyer and into the living room. Max, Andrew, Jakob, and Joey were in the lving room watching The Blair Witch Project. Drake decided to be funny and sneek behind the couch, raising his hand up and yelling as he grabbed Joey's hair. He yelled and jumped from the couch, causing the other guys to yell. Drake and i laughed.
„That was not funny dude.“ Joey said, sitting back down.
„I thought it was.“ Drake said. We sat down with them and watched the movie.
„You guys wanna go for a late night walk?“ Jakob asked.
„Around the neighborhood?“ I asked.
„Why not.“ He smiled.
„Yeah let's go.“ Joey said. We all stood up, threw on some jackets, and walked outside.
(An hour later)
„I can't believe you guys pushed me in that bush and left me.“ Andrew said as we walked in the house.
„It was too good to pass up bro.“ Joey laughed.
„Let's all sleep in the living room.“ Max said.
„Break out the sleeping bags.“ I laughed.
We walked down to the basement and grabbed four sleeping bags and a twin sleeping bag for Drake and i to share. We laid them out, got some pillows, and lounged.
„So what movie did you guys see.“ Max asked as we laid on the floor.
So Drake and i told him and gave them a little outline of the movie. Soon after, we all fell asleep.