The Armstrong's: Season Two

Day before Thanksgiving

November 24, 2010; 9:00am (Day before Thanksgiving)

„Alex come on sweety wake up.“ I opened my eyes to see dad right in my face. I backed up a little.
„Dad, space.“ I said, stetching.
„Sorry. You know you sleep like a fucking rock girl.“ He said.
„Yeah.“ I said.
„Your mother needs help in the kitchen for the Thanksgiving meal.“ He said, rubbing my back. I sighed.
„I know, but your brothers are in there too. And grandma is here.“ He said.
„I'll be down in a few minutes.“ I said. He kissed my forehead and shut my door. I stood up and look at my outfit. Cheap Trick tee and Adidas shorts. I decided to get dressed after doing whatever i had to in the kitchen. I fixed my hair and walked downstairs and into the kitchen.
„Hi grandma.“ I smiled. She came over and hugged me.
„You look sleepy girl.“ She said.
„I just woke up.“ I told her.
„Just in time to help then.“ She smiled.
„Yep.“ I said.
Mom wanted everything to be perfect. Our menu was: Turkey, Cranberry sauce, mac and cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, deviled eggs, corn, chips, stuffing, dinner rolls, cresants, mixed fruit salad, baked beans, home made rice crispies, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie, blueberry pie, vanilla and chocolate ice cream, and a few other special recipes.
„Mom, i think everyone is gonna leave here with diabetes and obesity problems.“ Jakob said.
We all laughed. We had the whole armstrong and nesser clan coming in. Mom's family were coming tonight and staying here and the armtrongs were coming tomorrow morning, on Thanksgiving. I haven't seen my mom's side of the family in about 8 months so i'm really excited to see them.
„You kids can go rest. You've been working so hard.“ Mom said.
„Yes!“ Jakob cheered.
We walked into the family room where dad was.
„How do you get out of that?“ Joey asked, sitting in the recliner.
„I burn stuff.“ He smiled. I grabbed a throw blanket and laid on the couch. Jakob laid on the love seat. Last thing i remember is dad talking about the tv.
„ALLEEXX!!!“ I heard a girl scream. I woke up to see my two cousins Amanda and Hayley smiled. I jumped up and squezzed the life out of them.
„I can't believe you guys are hear.“ I said.
„Where's everyone else?“ I asked.
„In the living room.“ They said.
We walked out to the living room and i greeted everyone else. After catching up, mom went over sleeping arrangments.
„Mom, dad, you guys will have the bedroom second door to the right.“ Mom said. „Brian, Greg, Chris, and Jeremy, there's another bedroom downstairs in the basement you guys can stay in, you guys, Cameron, Josh, and Kevin can bunk with Jakob, and girls you can stay in Alexis' room.“
„You got lucky.“ Jakob said to Joey.
He didn't have anyone in his room. Which i'm happy my cousins are staying in my room. Joey just smiled as we helped our cousins get their stuff to the rooms they were given.
„You guys went all out for Thanksgiving.“ Chris said, licking his lips at all the food in the kitchen.
„You are so fat Chris.“ His younger brother, Jeremy said.
„Oh like you can't wait to devour in such a feast tomorrow.“ Chris said.
„It took us all day. So it should be good.“ Jakob said. It was getting late so we all went to bed, anxious for tomorrow!