Status: please comment :)

I Said I Loved You.


I stared as the smoke floated from his lips. I watched how his muscles twitched as his lips moulded around the end of the cigarette. The concentration on his face as he sucked in the smoke. Before long he noticed my staring.

"Is there something on my face?"

His eyes were wide as he looked at me, across the kitchen table. I opened my mouth for the words to come out but they didn't. I just shrugged my shoulder and made him self conscious as he touched his cheek. I laughed.

"No, it's perfect as always."

He made a playful noise as he stuck his tongue out. He leaned back against the back of the chair, a light blush decorating his cheeks. I smiled at him brightly.

"You know it's true."

"Yeah, I guess. I do like to look good." He laughed before shrugging his shoulders. "It's different coming from you."

"What do you mean?"

"It means more."

He said softly. I stared at him as he put his cigarette back in his mouth. I slowly smiled at him before my eyes wandered over his body. His boxer pants were low, he always has his pants low. His chest rose slowly and deeply as he breathed in smoke. His thigh muscles were beautifully strong, well he was a hockey player. His hair was always amazingly well presented, even after morning sex.

Yeah, me and Andy just had sex. But I bet you'd never guess we've known each other a week and I think I've fallen in love with him. Yes, I have. He's perfect. We get on so well. We're constantly talking, smiling and laughing. He always makes me happy. Everything is perfect. I've never wanted to hold someone's hand so much.

He looked back at me. His blue eyes were so bright and striking it was like he was looking into my soul at times. His brow lowered into a frown before he sighed.

"Ash, this week is already becoming one of the best in my life. I cannot be thankful enough for ever meeting you. Thank you."

"I honestly feel the same way."

He laughed and blushed again. My heart beat increased to a fluttering pace. I leaned over the table kissing his smiling lips softly.

"Ash, I need to go home soon. That's the problem."

"You have another week here, that'll be long enough."

"Long enough for what?"

"Get married."

He laughed loudly as I stared at him. He quickly stopped seeing my expression.

Yes, I am serious. Why the hell not? I'm going to be honest and say I want the rest of my life to be with him. I've never smiled, laughed or just generally been this happy for a long time. He was just what I needed and god damn I was going to keep him!

"Ashley, it's been a week."

"And you know it's been the best of your life."


"And you want to be with me."

"Well yeah, of course!"

"So let's just go with it!"

I reached over taking his hand into mine. He looked at me biting down on his lip ring. He shrugged his shoulders, looking away from me.

"But I'm leaving in a week."

"Doesn't mean you won't come back."


He squeezed my hand as he looked back into my eyes. He smiled softly his eyes lit up.

"I would love to marry you, one day. Just not now."

He laughed lightly, bringing my hand to his lips. He stood up slowly from the kitchen table I stopped him before he walked away. He stared down at me confused. I bit on my lip as I looked up at him.

"So, will you marry me?"

"Yes, I will."

He reached down and kissed my lips. But honestly I was smiling too much to kiss him back. I blushed as he pulled away laughing.

"You coming back upstairs?"

"Give me ten, I'll clean up down here."

He nodded leaving me in the kitchen. I smiled to myself happily as he left. I grabbed his plate and my own before standing. My heart beating like mad, the feeling that was pulsing through my veins felt incredible. I just wanted to smile all day.

I'm in love with someone I met a week ago.

It only took so long to meet him.
♠ ♠ ♠
please tell me what you think <3
this was only going to be fluff.