Break Down These Walls


Evelyn Granger had problems. Everybody knew that.

She was the type of person you would try and befriend, and she'd just push you away. The type of person who would go out of her way to stay away from crowds. The type of person who would rather spend her evening sat in, watching TV than making friends and going to parties. The type of person who didn't let people in because she was afraid they'd leave her - just like everyone did.

At the age of eight, her father walked out on her mother and her. He left without so much as a goodbye. From that day forward, Evelyn swore she'd never let anyone else into her life. And as of now, at the age of nineteen, she'd done pretty well.

She didn't need anyone but her mother. She wasn't only her mother, she was her best friend. The only person she could truly rely on. The only person who would never let her down, no matter what. The only person Evelyn would tell her secrets to. The only person Evelyn ever let in.

Her mother knew Evelyn needed people; sure, her mother would always be there for her, to support her financially and otherwise, but she knew she needed to break down the walls she had formed around herself one day. She knew she needed to make friends, make something of her life, live her life. For years now, she'd hoped that it was just a phase she'd go through, something she'd eventually grow out of. But as soon as Evelyn went to high school, she knew she'd never see the world differently. In Evelyn's eyes, everyone was evil. No one would stick around forever. No one would be there for her when ever she needed them - no one but her mother, that is.

21st July, 2008. The day Evelyn's mother decided she would do something about Evelyn's problem. The day Evelyn's life would change for good.
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I posted the first few chapters of this story a while ago, but I've decided to delete it and repost it and maybe make a few tweaks. The chapters will be coming out slowly but surely, because I have college work and so on to do. But I'll try my best to have one chapter out at least every week or two.