Status: Active

Since We Met, You Know You've Had the Best of Me

I'm Not The Best At Waiting But I'll Give It All I Got

“You have that love sick face on.” Renee said in a sing-song voice.

“What.” Nina asked “No I don’t!”

Renee laughed as they walked into the college building “yes you do.”

“Whatever.” Nina played it cool as they walked into their Art history class.


After more taunting and teasing from the team Jonathan finally decided to text Nina.

- Had a great night last night. Maybe we can do it again sometime.

Jonathan shook his head as he hit the backspace key on his mobile.

- thanks for last night. Had a blast.

He looked at the text again and deleted the words once again.

- Hey

Jonathan sent the text and waited impatiently for a response.


I’ll see you later.” Renee waived before turning to take the stairs.

Nina walked down the hall towards her next class. Before entering her business class the ‘Go Go Powerangers’ jingle let her know her she had received a new text.

- Hey

She read the message from Jonathan and smiled. Her fingers typed quickly on the mobiles mini keyboard.

- Hey :D What’s up?

Nina took a seat as her class got started. Her mind was far from the class subject as she waited for another text.


Jonathan had been texting Nina for a good hour now. He took a deep a breath and decided to be a bit bold.

- Do you wanna come over?

He waited impatiently for her answer. What if she says no? What if she says yes!

- I don’t think I can. =/ I have another class.

Jonathan deflated as he slouched into his couch; a feeling disappointment washing over him.

- That’s okay

He sent back to her.

- I’ll call if I can make it. Is that’s cool?

Almost immediately he received another text from Nina. Jonathan smiled again, his mood rising once again.

- Perfect


Jonathan lounged around his apartment. He had nothing better to do with his day. Well he could always calle the boys up, but he’d rather wait and see if Nina would be able to make it later.

His mobile rang and he dashes over to the coffee table where it sat. He didn’t even look at the screen before he answered.

“Hey” He spoke shyly into the mobile, his heart flutter all over again.

“Expecting a call?” His mother’s French accented voice broke him out of his trance.

“Uh,” Jonathan didn’t know what to say to her.

“Oh come now.” She laughed a bit. “What’s her Name?”

“How do you know I was waiting for a call?” he asked her.

“I am your mother.” She paused. “Fine, don’t tell me but you know I’ll find out anyways.”

“Nina.” Jonathan mumbled into the mobile.

“Is she cute?” His mother asked; like a teenager would ask her friends for juicy gossip. “Are you dating her?”

“Yes, no”

His Mom turned into mother mode once again. “Well I’m glad you’re getting yourself out there.”

“Thanks Mom.”

There was a knock at the door and Jonathan stood to go answer it.

“So me and your father might come out there for Christmas,” His mother kept talking.

“Sounds great.” Jonathan said as he answered the door.

Nina stood at the door holding a few DVD cases and a bag of Swedish Fish.

“Hey” She smiled up at him. She looked at the phone in his hand. “Is this a bad time?”

“No!” He almost shouted. “Mom, can I call you back?” He asked into the mobile as he gestured for Nina to come in.

“Is that her!” His mother asked excitedly. “Let me talk to her.”

“Bye Mom.” Jonathan said sternly.

“Oh you’re no fun.” She sighed. “Good bye then.”

Jonathan ended the call and turned to look at Nina who sat comfortably on the love seat. “You shouldn’t have ended the call with your mum.” She said. “I could have come by later.”

“She was done talking anyways.” Jonathan lied as he sat down next to her. “I thought you had class.”

“It got canceled.” Nina said mater-o-factly as she munched on a little red fish. “But I mean if you don’t want me here, I could go.”

Nina made a move to leave. “Stay.” Jonathan held onto her hand. “What movies did you bring?” He changed the subject but didn’t let go of her hand.

She showed him the two boxes she had. One was The Disney Classic Beauty & The Beast and there was also The Princess Bride.

“I know so girly.” Nina said. “But we can pick another thing to do if you want.”

“I’ve never seen this one.” Jonathan held up The Princess Bride.

“What!” Nina gasped. “You have been so deprived! We’re so watching this now.”

Jonathan stood up and walked over to his home theater system. As he bent down to place the movie in the DVD player, Nina couldn’t help but check him out.

He could give Sidney Crosby a run for his money with that behind.
♠ ♠ ♠
Thank you:

For commenting!

Ahhh this sucks! Blah! Its short and just a filler… well kinda
I’ve been sad….. The Caps are out of the running… My poor Neuvy! Kitty tried so hard!
But The Bruins are still going strong!!! I want them to win Lord Stanley!
ahhhhh guys you make me happy! Already 90 comments and 142 subs!

Ohhh you guys should fallow me on tumblr and check out all the stuff I reblog…. Hahaha xD