Status: Active

Since We Met, You Know You've Had the Best of Me

We're Just Trying To Find Some Color In This Black & White World

Jonathan barely had time to change out of his workout clothes before he heard the door bell ring.

“Coming, coming.” Jonathan mumbled as he opened the door.

“Johnny boy!” The shorter of the Patrick’s shouted as he squeezed his way into Jonathan’s bachelor pad.

“Come on in guys.” Jonathan reluctantly let his friends and teammates in.

The boys all made their way into the apartment like they owned the place. Brent Seabrook made a bee line straight to the kitchen. Patrick Kane flopped on the couch and turned on the Xbox. Patrick Sharp was better educated and fallowed Jonathan calmly into the apartment.

“So what are you up to Toes?” Patrick mocked Jonathan as he sat next to Kaner.

Jonathan rolled his eyes at the name Patrick had given him. “Nothing, waiting on you losers to come eat me out of house and home."

“Hey that’s Seabs job.” Kane pointed at Brent.

“Hey!” Brent acted like he was offended as he sat next to the boys, a bag of chips in hand. “You love me” He used a chip to point at Jonathan.

“Come on let’s get this game going.”


“Hey baby.” Nina cooed at her giant pup as she leaped on the bed.

Soon John O’Callaghan’s voice filled the room as Colors by The Maine blasted from Nina’s cell phone.

“Ello” Nina spoke as she put her cell on speaker phone.

“Nina. Concert at the house tonight, you in?” One of Nina’s friends asked over the phone.

“I don’t know.” Nina sighed. “I’ve been out of the house all week; I think I need some time for myself, and with George.”

“Alright, but you’re missing out.”

“Okay” Nina chuckled. “I guess I’ll talk to you later”

“It’s just you and me Georgie” Nina petted her dog. “Come on lets go get some noms.”

As Nina made her way to the kitchen the lights in her apartment flickered and then it was dark.


Jonathan was in the middle of a kill streak when the TV screen flickered.

“Hey!” All the boys shouted out as they were left sitting in the dark.

“What’s going on Toes?” Sharpie asked. “Did you not pay your light bill?”

Before Jonathan could answer there was a knock at the door. Jonathan carefully made his way around the furniture and to the door. He opened the door to see that the hallway lights were dimed meaning the emergency lights had gone on.

“Um, Hi” Jonathan heard that voice again. That girl from earlier was standing in front of him.

“Well hello.” Jonathan was pushed aside by Kaner, who was now checking out the girl.

“Well I just came over to see if your lights had gone out.” Nina peeked into the dark apartment. “I guess they did. I’m –“

“Nina” Jonathan blurted out before he could even think.

“Yeah.” She gave him a look. “Have we met?”
♠ ♠ ♠
Blah this sucks! Lol I suck at cliff hangers, don’t worry I’ll try and make the next one better!
Thank you reneeanne, RosiePosie08, and habzrule for commenting! Means a bunch!!
Guys I have 9 Subscribers! You all make me so happy! Hahaha but you know what would make me even happier… if you all comment ;) Don’t be a silent reader :D