Status: Active

Since We Met, You Know You've Had the Best of Me

I Can't Lie, I was Brainwashed To Be Honest

Jonathan changed into some plain jeans and a classic black shirt after his much needed shower. He had no idea what to do with himself. He knew there was optional skate later today, then a game at 7 against the Ducks. Jonathan wondered what Nina was up to. He sighed shaking his head against the idea of texting her. Jonathan wasn’t as confident with Nina.

Sure Jonathan knew he could get any girl he wanted when he was in a bar or a hockey event. Girls wanted him there – practically threw themselves at him – with Nina it seemed it wasn’t the case. She had confidence and knew how to carry herself around. She seemed like one of those people that everyone couldn’t help but love and want to have around.

Deciding that a quick jog would clear his mind, Jonathan changed into some basketball shorts and a UND t-shirt. As he headed out the door, Nina’s door was also opening.

“Hey.” She smiled at him.

“Hi” was the best he could come up with.

“I was just gonna go get some coffee, wanna come.” She asked him as she walked over to the elevator. “Unless you have some place to be.”

“No” Jonathan fallowed her down the hall. “I was just going for a walk, but coffee sounds nice.”


The elevator ride was silent but not awkward. The doors opened and they stepped off in the main lobby.

“Morning Nina, Captain” Ben greeted them.

“Morning Ben!” Nina waived at him cheerfully. “Bring you back the usual?”

“You’re too good to me.” He replied as she walked toward the door. Ben waived them off; he sent Jonathan a knowing smile.

“Come on, I know this cute little coffee house.” Nina took hold of Jonathan’s arm. “It’s even better than Starbucks!”

Jonathan was amazed that she could walk as fast as she could with her stature. 5’5” wasn’t short by any means; it was quite normal, but compared to his 6’2” height she was short to him. He found it oddly adorable that she had to look up when she spoke to him.

Nina opened the door to a little secluded coffee shop. It was empty in there, just a sweet looking old lady who gave them a smile as they walked in.

“I see you brought a friend.”

“Rose, this is Jonathan.” She introduced them. “Jonathan this is Rose.”

“Nice to meet you.” Jonathan was quite the polite Canadian his mother raised him to be. They both ordered a cup of plane coffee. They sat down at a round table close to the window.

“So, tell me about yourself.” Nina looked right at him as she used both hands to hold her cup.

“I have a younger brother.” Jonathan offered. “Do you have any siblings?”

“I have a little brother too.” She took a sip of her drink. “What’s your favorite color?”

“Blue?” it came out as more of a question than an answer.

“That’s such a boy answer.” She laughed.

“Yeah, well what’s yours?” He challenged her.

“Black, purple, green, and sometimes blue.” She gave him a playful wink.

Jonathan gulped down on his drink. ‘Is she flirting with me?’ he asked himself as they kept up with their 20 question game.

They were interrupted with the ring of Jonathans mobile, letting him know he had a new text.

You should invite Nina to the game tonight. the text from Sharp read.

Jonathan responded as Nina ordered a cup of coffee to go for Ben. They walked back to their building. Dropped off the cup for Ben and made it out of the elevator.

“This was fun.” Nina said as they got to her door. “We should do it again some time.”

Jonathan cleared his throat. “Do you want to come to the game tonight?”

“I don’t have a ticket.” Nina bit her lip as she looked up at Jonathan.

“I got it covered.” He smiled at her. “Bring a friend. I’ll leave two tickets at will call.”

“Okay.” She hugged him and made her way inside.

Jonathan couldn’t get that smile off his face as he got ready for his pre-game nap.
♠ ♠ ♠
GUYS!!! 10 Stars! My god do I love you guys!


All the comments mean a lot to me!

Wrote this while watching the Hawks… tied 2-2 Lets go Hawks
Gonna try and write the next one during the third period!