Status: Active

Since We Met, You Know You've Had the Best of Me

It’s One For The Dagger, Another For The One You Believe

The teams finished their warm ups and made their way back to the locker rooms. The fans moved away from the glass and made their journey back to their seats.

“Did you see that?” Some chick in heals, a tight Jonathan Toews shirt - that had been cut so her cleavage spilled from the top - and a skirt spoke as she sat right in front of Nina and Renee. “Tazer so wants me.”

Her equally scandal-y clad friend sighed. “You’re so lucky!”

Nina and Renee shared a look before breaking out in a fit of laughter. Were these girls for real? The girls didn’t seem to notice they had just been laughed at as the arena grew dark and the teams were introduced.

After the national anthem was sung, the puck was dropped. You could feel the energy in the place build up. Then it all reached a point and exploded as Jonathan Toews scored the first goal of the game in the first minute of the first period.

Chelsea Dagger rang loud and proud in the UC as the fans sang and cheered. Jonathan skated by the Hawks bench to receive congratulatory fist pumps from his team. As he skated by he looked at the third row and pointed at Nina once again. A silent gesture to show that, that goal was in fact for her.

Nina felt giddy as Renee elbowed her and moved her eyebrows in a suggestive manner. “Girl, he did not just do that.”

Before Nina could respond, another voice was heard. “Told you he wanted me. See he scored that for me.” The puck bunny said in a show off manner.

Nina rolled her eyes. “This is gonna be a long game if they’re gonna keep talking like that.” She whispered to Renee who nodded her head in agreement.


“I think you need a girl in the stands every time we play.” Kaner teased as they sat in the bench after their shift.

Jonathan didn’t say anything as he watched his teammates play. He tried to look back at the stands without making it look obvious. He failed miserably; he made it obvious he was looking for someone. He found her sitting there; her eyes fallowing the movement of the puck.

“Stop being such a creep.” Sharpie’s comment made Jonathan’s head swivel away from the glass.


The game ended, with a Hawks win 3-1. The building was in a good mood as all the fans made their way to the exits. Nina pulled out the laminated locker room passes and handed one to Renee.

After a quick stop at the little girl’s room, Nina and Renee made their way to the locker rooms. Standing by the doors were two scary looking security guards, and trying to flirt their way into the locker room were two very familiar puck bunnies.

Renee was the first on to approach the men. She made a big show of flashing the laminated piece of paper in the girl’s faces. Nina fallowed behind showing the pass to one of the security guards. One opened the door as the other held back the bunnies as they made protest.

Nina thanked them as they walked into a hall that was lined with hockey gear. Not really sure of what to do, they stood awkwardly in the hall.

“I’m going in.” Renee pushed off of the wall and made a move to open the door with the Blackhawks logo.

“Ladies coming thru!” Renee Yelled as she opened the door to the locker room.


An unfamiliar voice startled the team as they watched a strange blonde wearing a Hull jersey walk into room. Nina fallowed behind her.

“Nina!” Brent Seabrook was the first to great her.

“Well hello.” Patrick Kane strutted over to the two girls. “Who is this?”

“This is Renee.” Nina introduced her.

“Guys this is Nina,” Patrick turned to the room. “She’s Jonathan’s neighbor.” Once neighbor was mentioned all the boys smirked at Jonathan. So that’s who they’d all been chirping him about.

Jonathan just stared at Nina. He didn’t think anyone could look so good in his jersey, he wondered what she would look like with nothing on but his jersey. The thought of that just took him back to his very pleasant wet dream.

“Nice socks.” Nina’s voice brought him out of his trance. She was the one looking down at him now. “Very sexy.” She teased him about his white socks that were pulled up to his knees.

“What can I say?” Jonathan shrugged. “The girls love ‘em” He was feeling more comfortable around her now, especially after their 20 question game over coffee from that morning.

“Oh yeah,” Nina played along. “Those socks just get me all hot and bothered.”

Jonathan swallowed hard. The mention of her being all hot and bothered made him all hot and bothered. Thank god he still had his lower body gear on, or he might have been in for an embarrassing situation.


Nina bit her lip as she took another good look at Jonathan. She wanted to moan at the sight of those powerful looking thighs.

“Let’s go out and celebrate the win.” Kaner yelled as most of the boys agreed to it. “You guys in?” Kaner looked at Renee with a challenging look in his eyes.

“We’re in.”

The girls left the locker room so that the boys could finish getting ready. The girls were told were the lounge was and told to wait there.

“Did you see those boys?” Renee was the first to speak. “So yummy.”

Nina silently agreed, the image of Jonathan in that under armor still fresh in her mind. There would defiantly be some dirty dancing tonight.
♠ ♠ ♠
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I hope you like it!! Kinda long one. ;)
Big big BIG Game tonight! Let’s go Blackhawks tie this thing up!!