Status: Finished



The sound of cars going by softly flows through the walls of my tiny apartment. The street lights shine through the blinds casting bars of light across the room.

"You're the best, babe." He says before getting up and walking out of my sight. The bed creaks and dips as he does, before settling to its normal state. The pillows and sheets reek of his cologne, a smell I've come to love and hate. A feeling of sadness wells in me and my lips start to quiver.

"Ben?" I ask quietly. He walks back into my line of sight as I sit up on the bed, clutching the sheets tightly to my body.

"Ben?" I ask again, louder this time. Ben makes no response, just begins to dress himself in the same pattern as always. Underwear, pants, button up shirt, tie, and jacket. After putting on his socks and shoes, he adds the finishing touches. His expensive, shiny wristwatch and finally, a simple gold band on his left ring finger.

The sight of it makes my vision blur. Ben takes no notice, only picks up his briefcase and exits the room. The door opens and shuts, leaving me alone in the night.

'He'll call me.' I think to myself. 'He always does.'

Somehow the thought brings me no comfort and the tears begin to spill over, leaving wet tracks on my face.

I'm stupid to care for him, to let this get to me.

After all to him, I'm just an affair.
♠ ♠ ♠
It's somewhat of a drabble, over 100 words but less than 600 words.
Comments are appreciated. Also, if you see any mistakes, please let me know.