What Does Being Legal Have to Do With It?


Third Person.
She never did anything bad. Her mother always hits her. She blames her for all of her problems. Ariana is beautiful for a twelve year old. A 5 feet 8 African American girl. She had long stunning black hair, large breasts and hazel eyes. She loves My Chemical Romance. They are her heroes. Her mother cared enough to let her go to the concert.


Ariana enjoyed the concert and was happy that she got to see her heroes in real life. They sang every single one of their song that they had ever written. She was having the time of her life. When Gerard sang the last note, they disappeared.

Everyones started walking out towards their cars to wait 20 minutes in the parking lot to get out. Ariana pulled out her cell phone. It rang three simple times.



A voice said from the other end of the voice.
"Mom, the concert is over, where are you?"

"At home. I don't want you here. Find somewhere else to be. I am leaving you there. You can make your own way."

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Leave me be, you little pest. You have credit cards and a phone. Make your way and never call me again."

And with that, the line went dead.

Ariana instantly broke down into tears and broke down onto the floor in front of hundreds of people. And to put the icing on the cake, it began to pour down rain. No one could tell that she was crying. So people just thought that she was sitting there, waiting for someone to pick her up. When no one was ever going to.

Three hours passed. And the band was on their way to head towards their Luxorious, Wonderful, State of the art.... Tour Bus. A tall man, who stood at about 5 feet 11 named Gerard Way, the lead singer of the band spotted the girl whimpering. He walked up to her with his umbrella. He bent over to look at her and poked her shoulder. She quickly flinched and stumbled to her feet "Hello." Gerard said to Ariana. She was still crying but managed to make eye contact with him. She rubbed her eyes. She could not believe who was standing before her. Gerard Way of her all time favorite and band was talking to her. "Why are you crying, pretty girl?" he asked me. He wasn't just trying to be nice. He found Ariana very attractive. "My mother." Was all she could say.

"Your Mother...?"

"Left me..."


"She left me here.... She said that she ain't coming back. She is going to leave me here with all these scary people. I do not know what to do Sir, I am only 12 years old! How and I supposed to make my way on the busy streets of Washington DC?!"

She broke into tears again, and fell back down to the floor.

He crouched down to her. By now Frank, Bob, Ray, and Mikey were behind him.

"Do you want me to call your mother?" Gerard asked Ariana.

"She won't give a shit!!" she yelled out. Her sadness was now turning into anger.

"You don't get it do you? She left me here. She called me and told me that she did not want me here. My mother hits me daily. I am a subject of child abuse and now I have been abandoned in a place that I am not familiar with."

She looked at the five men looking at her now. They all exchanged looks. She was not a sketchy girl. She was not anymore serious than she was right now. They knew what to do

"Would you like to stay with us? I mean, not until you get it together. You are 12. I want to help you, come with us. Please." Gerard said.

"You really mean that?" she asked them. She ran down all of the options in her head. She sat there for what seemed like forever and finally said:

"Yes. Thank you." She said. she stood up and they all began walking toward their bus.

"So, whats your name, pretty lady?" the shorter boy with black hair asked her.

"My name is Ariana. I am twelve years old. And right now. I am the most grateful girl in the word right now."
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