What Does Being Legal Have to Do With It?


Gerard's POV.
"I'm the most Greatful Girl in the world right now."

Those were the words she said with a smile to us. Shes a very pretty girl, and I got to admit, she has a very pretty smile. Shes got a little mascara on her eyes, thats running a little bit. She wiped it off and looked at me. 'Shes got beautiful eyes' was all that was running through my mind. Frank was talking to her a bit, well kind of trying to start a conversation with her. While we were walking, she stopped right in her tracks and stood there.

"Why did you stop walking?" I asked her.

She pointed to Mikey, Ray, Frank, and Bob walking and then a car came by, splashing them all from the puddle that came from the rain.

She laughed a bit, and said "That's why I stopped."

Everyone was soaked and in disgust that dirty water was all over them. She laughed a little bit more at their faces. Actually, she laughed alot. I could tell that she was trying to be nice by not laughing so much, but she couldn't help herself. After she stopped laughing she started walking again. She was wearing an Invader Zim tank top with a white Invader Zim Hoodie over it, Ripped up blue jeans, brown flip flops, and a regular black backpack on her back. She was up to they guys by the time I was done looking at her. "Are you guys okay?" she said, trying not to start back up laughing.

Everyone started laughing then. After a moment, we kept on walking. There was pretty much no one on the streets, surprisingly. Just a few people getting a bit wasted, and some cats running up and down the alleys. Ariana was walking behind me a bit, following us to the bus.

When a man stopped her.

Ariana POV
Ew. This guy was disgusting. He wasn't a fat man, kind of chubby, had brown hair that was thinning, a rough beard, and bloodshot eyes. His breath reeked of alcohol. I had to help myself from not throwing up.

"Can I help you?" I said in a normal voice, still preventing myself from retching.

"You most certainly can." he said with his hands coming towards my waist. I pushed his hands away .

"Don't touch me, if you want to fuck some random girl, go get a hooker." I said, I turned around and walked away. But I felt a hand wrap against my arm.

"Hold up a moment, I don't want I hooker, I want your little young body." I heard him say.

I was starting to get a bit pissed. I remembered what I had learned during self defense class.

Elbow to the stomach, push hand up to chin, put nails in the attackers eye sockets, and drag down.

That being remembered, I did just that. I also kicked, punched, and threw him all over the place. He looked tough, but he didn't have much fight. I turned around and started to continue walking, when I bumped into Gerard and the others staring at me.

"How did you...?" he started to say to me.

"I'm amazing." was all I could say. They all started at me for a while "I can pretty much kick your ass." I said breaking the silence. They all shrugged and then kept on walking while I followed.

Eventually, we reached the tour bus. It was simply the most luxurious tour bus I had every seen. (Well, up close.) It would probably look ten times better if it was clean. There were dishes and old McDonald bags all over the tables, clothes, socks, and Video Games all over the floor, and CD's, Papers, and Playboy magazines all over the beds.

"Pardon the mess." Frank said winking at me. I guess I always found Frank Iero cute, but I didn't expect to get all flustered and pick up bad grammar when he winked a me. "I might erm.. have to like, fix this, or help or something." I said putting my head down.

"Whats in your backpack?" Ray asked me. Well, I didn't really have a way to answer that, because everything that I ever really needed was in my bag. My laptop and charger, an outfit, toothbrush, extra cell phone charger, books, iPods, my stash of cash in my wallet, and some gum. I guess if someone stole my bag, I would be screwed.

I explained that to them and they were debating where I could sleep. There was an extra bunk, but it was covered in extra junk, and no one wanted to clean that up. (I wouldn't wish that bed on anyone.) I said that I would just sleep on the seat that rolled around the table. They said that I shouldn't, because it was my first night, but I did not mind.

I ended up sleeping on the bench, and we all went to sleep.
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Hope it was longer, now comment.