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Six Feet Under


Six feet under, it’s where they’re supposed to put you once you’re dead. But if no one knows you’re dead, how can you be buried six feet down? What if your body is never found? Can you be put six feet down then?

“I watched him for a long time, followed him even. I saw every whore he brought back to his place for a night of fun.” There was a sick smile on her face as she closed her eyes and remembered every detail of how it happened.

“They didn’t deserver him. They weren’t worthy of him. If he didn’t want me, then why did he want them?” Her face wasn’t the same. Now she was scowling; she didn’t like this part of her story,

“What do you mean, he didn’t want you?” A stout woman with black hair, on the top of her head and on her upper lip, questioned. She had a gap in her teeth and a hard line of a smile, her hand was placed tightly on her gun that was at her waist.

The girl telling the story sighed, “I guess I should have started from the beginning of this story. His name is Jason and we spent a beautiful year living together and dating. Least that’s what I thought, but as I later found out he cheated on me the whole time,” she told the woman in front of her as she snapped a pencil in half. It was easy to tell she was upset.

“So, as I was saying, I’d follow his whores , see where they worked, see how they got picked up, that was the fun part of dressing up like a man,” she chuckled at this as if it were something to be reminiscing about, “It was easy. These women would do anything for a few dollars, even when I revealed that I was a woman.” She was smirking now, her eyes again closed as if this was a fresh memory she was sharing for the first time with someone.

“The best part was that these girls were so used to it, the only way they could do anything was by being a masochist. Most them liked being choked so it was easy to make the death an accident. Killing these women gave me hope that one day, he’d come back to me but he never did and I had to get used to that.”

It was easy to tell she was sad, very sad and mental as well, “After killing my tenth victim, I realized there was only one thing left to do.”

She went to his apartment, knocked on the door and he opened it in nothing but a towel. She pushed him inside and up against a wall where she forcefully pressed her lips to his, and to her surprise, he kissed her back for all of about twenty seconds before pushing her away.

“Meg, what the hell do you think you’re doing?” Jason asked her as she looked up at him from the floor, a hurt look on her face.

“I’m just trying to show you I can be everything you need. I can be everything you need,” She replied, sounding so desperate.

”Meg, get the hell out of my house! I don’t love you! I can never love you! I never have and I never will!” Jason’s voice shouted, filled with hate and malice.

“You bastard,” was all Meg said before she lashed out at him attacking him with her hands and pocket knife. She cut him up, leaving as many gashes and stab wounds on his body as she could. She was being very sadistic with what she was doing. The last thing she cut off was his manhood and she made sure he felt every part of the dull knife cutting him. Once that was done she made sure to snap his neck.

Once she was finished and covered in his blood, she laid down on his couch and closed her eyes, already remembering what she’d done. A warmness filled her body as she kept replaying the memories of all the kills she’d done. Once she was satisfied, she sat up and slowly and calmly walked over to Jason’s body where she kissed his lips tenderly one last time.

After that she dragged him out to her car, where she drove with him to the beach that she had a shallow grave already dug. She began to dump his body in the grave and began to cover it up.

“Why did you kill him though? Why the beach?” The female cop asked, which got a heavy sigh to escape from Meg’s dry parted lips.

“We first saw each other on the beach. He stepped in the middle of my sand heart,” a small smile was on face as she remembered such a happy memory.

“The beach is where we had our first date, and that’s how he found me actually. I was making sand hearts with my toes but the waves kept washing them away,” she said this very sadly like it was the worst thing that could have happened to her.

“As for why, the bastard broke my heart so I broke his neck. Now he’ll know what forever really means,” she said sadistically as she toyed with a necklace around her neck.

“You’re under arrest,” the female cop told her but all she did was laugh as the cuffs were placed around her wrist and she was carted off to a jail cell.

She smiled, oddly enough, as the bars slammed shut behind her. Once they were closed she ran her slender fingers down the bars as if she were caressing them, like she would caress a lover. Soon she felt her knees hitting the cool concrete beneath her, the smile slowly changed to a large grin…

Her hand slowly rose up to her neck where her fingers curled around her neck. Her eyes fluttered shut as her body shivered in sheer pleasure, as a warmness filled her body. Soon the cell began to spin and then everything in her body went limp.

She hit the ground as a darkness surrounded her
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