Shake Me Down


"Ellie? Ellie are you ok?" Thirteen year old Jack Greyson asked as his best friend doubled over.

"It hurts!" Twelve year old Ellie Starr cried out holding her stomach, she'd been getting strange pains all week. Her thirteenth birthday was tomorrow and she didn't want to spend it in pain.

"Come on, let's go home. I can show you the spot tomorrow. It's your birthday tomorrow anyways, it'll be my present to you since I can't afford anything." Jack said grabbing her hand and started to lead her back towards his house.

Ellie and Jack had been the best of friends since the Starr's moved next door to the Greyson's when she'd been four. Something between them just clicked, Jack never left her side as she never left his. Their parents got along amongst each other, every other friday they'd all get together for a game night.

Ellie was adopted by the Starr's when she was just a baby, she has no information about her real parents or what even happened to them. But she was happy with the Starr's they treated her like a princess, called her a gift from God since they couldn't have a child themselves.

"No Jack! I'm fine, it always passes! I really want to see the meadow!" Ellie said jerking her hand free. He gave her a worried look, his mother was after all a nurse.

"Please Ellie, I think you should just come home. This has happened more than once, you could seriously be sick." Jack said, her bottom lip quivered before she sunk to the ground and burst into tears.

"I"m fine!" she said through sniffling; Jack sighed and walked over to her and got her to her feet.

"For once listen to me." Jack said before he made it so he could give her a piggy back ride, she listened and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and burrying her face. Jack carried back to his house before putting her to her feet carefully and turned to look at her. She had her head down and was still sniffling, he lifted her chin. Her normally gray eyes were now a vibrant blue color, he gasped.

"What's wrong?" she asked confused stepping back and wiping her cheeks of tears.

"You're, you're eyes...they're blue." Jack answered.

"I don't understand...they're grey Jack." she said. Jack shook his head and grabbed her hand and quickly opened the back door and dragged her inside and led her to the bathroom, and just like he had said, her once gray eyes were now blue. A pretty blue she liked.

"Kids what's going on?" Jack's father, Thomas Greyson asked coming up to the bathroom.

"My eyes are blue!" Ellie said with excitement. Thomas looked down at Ellie to see she was right.

"Would you look at that." Thomas said grabbing her chin to tilt her face up more since she was so short compared to him. "It also looks like you've been crying." he added before letting her chin go and stepping back some.

"She keeps getting sharp pains, where's ma?" Jack asked; Thomas pointed towards the kitchen.

"Where else usually?" Thomas asked before walking back towards the living room.

"Jack hunny I thought you were going to the Meadow?" Marla Greyson asked as she put a pan into the oven.

"Ellie's eyes are blue and she keeps getting sharp pains." Jack quickly said; Marla wiped her hands on her apron and walked over to Ellie.

"Well it isn't uncommon for people with gray eyes to change colors, I'm sure in a few hour they'll be back to gray. It looks like you've been crying so the tears could have some how effected your eye color. I'm no expert on eyes though. Now where's the sharp pains?"

"It various! It was my head yesterday, my enite spine area hurt monday! And it was my stomach area today." Ellie said.

"I'd go to the hospital then hunny. If you want me to take you and run the test I can. But it could be various things." Marla said with a worried look.

"Bu-but I want to wait till my birthday's over!" Ellie said tearing up again. Marla sighed knowing how stubborn the child could be.

"I really think-"

"Please don't tell my mom!" Ellie pleaded; Marla sighed.

"You promise saturday you'll go to the hospital?" she asked; Ellie nodded quickly.

"Yes! Come on Jack let's play basketball!" Ellie said grabbing his hand and dragged him all the way outside.