Bloody Night

The Begining

Mon attacks the evil swordsman but only slowing him down, but that was enough.
"Thanks Mon!" Shouts Calico, as he escapes the clutches of the swordsman.
The swordsman turned quickly, too quickly that Mon couldn't retrieve his sword. A huge sword cuts quickly down upon the black haired teen, but was intercepted by Tim's longsword.
" Watch it Mon I can't keep on saving you!" The younger boy jokes.
" What is with this guy! Is it just me or does this guy think he's immortal?!" Shouts a muscular 14 year old, as he shoots the man with a Black Talon.
" For once it's not you Bastian!" Shouts a red haired boy.
"Thanks Echo."
"Tim look out!" Saya shouts as a sword falls down onto the tall boy.
Tim cries out and falls, already unconscious
An arrow flies right past Calico's ear and hits the swordsman in the chest.
" Great shot Kory!" Shouts Bastian.
A gangster looking boy jumps down from a tree with a bow and arrows.
"Hell yeah!" Kory shouts back.
" Yes good job but can we celeb-" Mon starts but was interrupted by a sword entering his side.
Another swordsman had snuck up behind his as he went to get Tim.
"Dammit, you mean there's more!" Kory shouted and jumped one of them. The other one was about to cut Saya down when a Kunai knife flew out and hit it in the head.
" Please tell me I didn't hit one of you." a scarred boy said and flee out of the tree.
" No Jack, you hit a swordsman. you just saved my life actually." Saya said, walking over and helping the blind boy up.*
" Hey Jack, Bastian help Kory fight the smaller one. Saya and Calico you're with me fighting this one." Echo ordered.
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* Jack has very sensitive eyes. when he looks at the light it causes him great pain, even making him fall unconscious. He was tortured by scientists at The Asylum. they stitched his eyes open and made him look into a 2,000 watt. it caused him to fall into a coma for a year and when he woke up he realized he was blind.