‹ Prequel: Timing Is Everything
Sequel: Country Strong
Status: Like it? Let me know! : )

Give Into Me

I Really Hate To Let This Moment Go

“Matt go long!” Johnny yelled, swinging his right hand back before he propelled it forward and released the brown football from his grip. It easily sailed through the air towards Matt who had Jason Berry close to his side.

A week had past since Matt had surprised Caroline with a friendly bonfire at the beach, and she currently found herself yet again at the beach. However, this time it wasn't just her and Matt. Johnny, Lacey, the Berry twins, Travis and one of the newer tech guys that Caroline didn't know had decided to accompany them. Brian and Zacky had been too busy with prior plans to be able to join them.

It was mid afternoon and the guys were in the midst of an intense game of touch football while Caroline and Lacey sat off to the side catching some sun. Lacey was laying on her back with her eyes closed underneath her sunglasses as Caroline lay her stomach watching the shirtless guys run around under the hot sun. It was Matt, Johnny and the guy Caroline wasn't familiar with against the Berry brothers and Travis.

They had been playing for a good half hour, and she couldn't help but notice Travis sending Matt angry glances. As she let the sun kiss her skin, she pondered telling Travis that her and Matt were slowly resolving their past issues and his over protective brother routine wasn't necessary. In the days that had passed since the bonfire, she and Matt had hung out several times and were on good terms, some might even think better than good.

“Beautiful!” Matt's voice boomed as he jumped slightly, towering over Jason to catch the ball easily in his large hands. His dimpled smile surfaced as he cockily taunted his opposition. Caroline bit her bottom lip as she watched the muscles under his heavily tattooed arms tighten and his skin glisten with the light sheen of sweat. Matt threw the ball back to Johnny before turning his eyes away from the bassist and caught hers instead.

Caroline was tempted to look away, not wanting him to catch her staring but before she could commit to a decision he had her eyes locked with his. They kept eye contact for a moment, his smile quickly turned into a sly smirk. Meanwhile her shy smile only deepened with the light blush creeping across her cheeks before her eyes glanced down at the sand underneath her instead. She heard the faint echo of Matt chuckling before he turned back to the game he was involved in.

Caroline made sure to wait a few seconds before shifting her eyes back up. When she did, her gaze had been fixated prominently on Matt and her eyes appreciatively studied the broader muscles he had attained since she had last seen him. Caroline had always appreciated his body, albeit silently, but never realized how much she really did until she had gone without seeing it for so long.

Soon enough though, Caroline's vision was impaired by a feminine hand waving in front of her face. She promptly tore her gaze away from the football game, and Matt, to glance at Lacey, her brows furrowed accusingly.

She slid her sunglasses down the bridge of her nose as she looked down at Caroline. “Are you even listening to me?” Lacey questioned with a hint of a laugh in her voice. Caroline opened her mouth to speak but Lacey hastily cut her off. “Or are you too busy gawking at Matt and making sexy eyes at each other?” Lacey quirked a suspicious eyebrow at her.

Caroline scoffed, making sure not to look back over at Matt even though she wanted to. She wasn't about to prove Lacey right. “I was not gawking. I was just watching the game.” She weakly defended but even she had to admit it was of no use.

Lacey let out a hearty laugh, sitting up from her spot on her deep purple towel. “You were practically salivating but okay.”

Lacey turned herself over so she was now in the same position as Caroline, both of their heads rested on their folded up clothing and faced the same way so they could continue to talk. Caroline tried to let the topic go as silence hovered over them but as soon as she saw the knowing smirk on Lacey's lips, she couldn't help but wonder what it was all about.

“Why are you smirking like that?” Caroline muttered, narrowing her eyes at her friend.

A girly giggle escaped her lips, reminding Caroline of a young child. “Nothing.” Lacey insisted but Caroline in turn kept her gaze set on Lacey, waiting for an answer. Lacey slid her sunglasses back over her eyes and let out a heavy, defeated sigh. “I just never thought I'd see the day when you and Matt were so close to being how you used to be. You know, like a couple.”

“Lacey we aren't a couple, we're just friends.” Caroline insisted with a firm tone, fighting the urge to turn her head to look at the man in question as she heard his cheers of celebration across the beach.

“All I'm saying is friends don't eye fuck each other like that.” Lacey stated innocently, and laughed at the bewildered and thoughtful expression on Caroline's face.

“We weren't!” Caroline squeaked, attempting to sound convincing. Apparently Lacey didn't believe her as she dramatically rolled her eyes, and nuzzled her head back against her makeshift pillow. Caroline picked at the loose threads on her bright pink towel and couldn't help but wonder that despite her adamant persistence, she wasn't completely sure whether she was trying to convince herself or Lacey.

“It's probably better that way then,” Lacey started as she shifted on her towel. “You leave in less than a week right?”

Caroline slid the aviator sunglasses, that Matt had discarded when he went to play football, over her eyes to hide the sober expression gracing her features. “Yeah, I do.” She replied wistfully, sneaking a glance at the group of men laughing but frowned when she realized Matt was no longer with them.

“Looking for me?” Caroline felt her heart practically leap out of her chest at Matt's sudden proximity to her face. He had crept up behind her when she had her attention focused on Lacey and was now chuckling softly as he knelt down beside her extended body.

“You ass.” Caroline muttered as she playfully slapped his leg, Matt continued to chuckle before he informed her that it was time to pack up.

Caroline handed Matt back his aviators before she slipped on her white sundress and her feet back into her flip flops then proceeded to fold up her towel. When everyone else was ready and began to head towards the parking lot, Caroline hung back and waited for Matt as he slipped his shirt back on before letting his towel hang loosely around his neck. They were trailing several feet behind their group of friends, talking and laughing along the way, which caused some heads from the larger group, to turn and stare.

Caroline chose not to acknowledge them as Matt put forth a question. “So you wanna ride with me? I know Travis brought you but I figured since we haven't hung out in a while.”

Caroline giggled, and shook her head in disbelief. “Yesterday was the first day in over a week that we haven't seen each other.” She could tell that Matt was taken aback by her retort.

Matt shrugged his shoulders and flashed a small smile. “I know but you're leaving soon so I want to see you as much as I can.” Matt explained softly. Caroline's features softened as she was reminded that she'd be gone in less than a week for an extensive period of time. She had figured Matt hadn't really paid attention to when she was leaving since they hadn't spoken much about it, but apparently she had thought wrong.

“I'd love to ride with you.” Caroline pushed him playfully just as they met up with their group of friends. Matt and Jason Berry were already packed up and ready to leave, they waved to them before speeding off into the distance. The guy Caroline hadn't known was also already gone but she hadn't seen where he went. Travis was throwing his belongings into the back of his truck while Lacey and Johnny situated themselves inside Lacey's electric blue car.

“You ready Care?” Travis asked opening the driver side door to his vehicle. He glanced over his shoulder when she didn't reply right away and caught the meek look in her eyes.

“Trav, I'm gonna go with Matt.” Caroline wrung her hands as she watched Travis mumble something inaudible before nodding and hopped into his vehicle.

He waved to Caroline and sent Matt a heated glare before he pulled out. Lacey and Johnny pulled out after him, Lacey didn't hesitate to flash Caroline a wink as Matt turned his back to get inside of his truck. Caroline shook her head at her friend before she followed Matt inside the truck.

They rode in mostly silence, only the low sound of the radio and the harsh wind whipping in the open windows could be heard. About twenty minutes into the drive back to her apartment building in Los Angeles did Caroline chose to break the silence.

“Can I ask you something?” She spoke softly as she manually rolled up her window, making it easier to hold a conversation with less noise. Matt didn't take his eyes off the road, but nodded, wordlessly telling her to continue.

“Why did you restore this thing? You seemed so against it when we were dating, I'm just curious.” Caroline enquired, it had been something on her mind since the evening of the bonfire but hadn't yet had the opportunity to question him about it.

She watched his hands tighten on the wheel and his Adam's apple shift as he swallowed harshly. “Jimmy.” He said, his lips breaking out into a large unmistakable grin.

“Matthew!” Jimmy's voice boomed loudly as he stepped foot inside Matt's spacious two car garage. Matt, who's head and upper torso had been underneath the hood of his truck, jumped at the startling, echoing voice and hit the back of his head roughly against the raised hood. He muttered a curse before he pulled himself out of the clearly dangerous area.

Matt's face held a scowl as he came face to face with Jimmy, who was laughing to himself. Matt grabbed the small towel sitting on top of his tool chest, ridding his hands of the black grease. When they were mildly clean, he then rubbed the spot on his head that had made contact with the old, rusted metal of his truck.

“Whatchya doin'?” Jimmy asked sounding almost child like. Jimmy either didn't notice, or if he did he ignored it, the impatient and annoyed expression etched onto Matt's face.

“Well I was trying to fix my carburetor but I was rudely interrupted.” Matt joked dryly. “What are you doing here?” He asked before he grabbed a wrench and began playing with a bolt.

Jimmy shrugged, even though Matt's eyes were set on the piece of metal in his hands. “Just visiting my best friend. Haven't seen you much now that you and Caroline are fucking.” Jimmy stated bluntly which caused Matt's gruff laugh to fill the garage softly.

“Well if you want to help me fix this you can.”

“No way dude. These hands are my everything now.” Jimmy stared intently down at his hands, basking in the sight of them. Matt rolled his eyes and continued working on his vehicle. “I can't fuck with these things, you guys would be lost without me.” Jimmy laughed boisterously before taking a seat on top of the large freezer up against the wall of the garage.

“Can you throw me the socket wrench?” Matt asked with his head still underneath the hood. Jimmy grabbed the socket wrench from the tool box before he whistled to get Matt's attention. Matt caught the wrench with ease and Jimmy lightly hit his heels against the freezer, watching Matt go to work on the carburetor.

“I don't understand why this thing still looks like it rolled out of a fucking impound lot. You have enough money to restore this thing, crash it and restore it again.”

“I can't do that Jim.” Matt stood up straight as he wiped the black grease from his hands with the towel. “Humble beginnings and all that. Plus, you know, it's kind of a part of Caroline and I's history.”

Jimmy's face turned into one of wonder.“Awe, Shads look at you turning into such a sap.” Jimmy then made a gagging noise. “Vomit.”

Matt chuckled, shaking his head.“You and Leana are just as sappy. Need I remind you of the couples costumes at Halloween?” Matt joked before he went back to work as silence washed over the two friends.

Jimmy shifted in his spot on top of the freezer and felt the object in his pocket sharply dig into his thigh. Reminding him of why he had chosen to visit Matt in the first place.

“So...” Jimmy began as he let his feet hit the floor with a loud thud against the concrete. He slipped one hand into his pocket and took the object in his palm

“I found this the other day.” Jimmy said as Matt moved to stand across from Jimmy, with his arms crossed over his chest. His large stature leaned against the front of his truck. Jimmy slowly opened his hand, letting Matt see want sat in the middle of his palm. Matt's eyes widened in surprise as he recognized it immediately.

“You still have that?” Matt asked rhetorically, shifting his eyes to meet Jimmy's. The drummer slowly nodded before his eyes travelled down to the small object. “I thought you gave it to her before you guys broke up.”

“Nah, I never got the chance.” Jimmy shrugged wistfully. “I tried calling Danielle a few weeks after but she didn't want to talk.” Jimmy's fingers played with the round object as a moment of silence came over the two friends.

“What are you gonna do with it?” Matt quirked a curious eyebrow, breaking Jimmy out of his thoughts.

“Keep it.” Jimmy answered all too quickly, but then realized how anxious he was coming off. He didn't want Matt to question him too much. He and Danielle had split two years ago, and he was now dating someone else who everyone else seemed to think was his perfect fit. He couldn't argue that, Leana was almost perfect for him, there was only one thing that was off, she wasn't Danielle.“It can't hurt right?”

Matt narrowed his eyes at his friend, he had a feeling something was up. “Are you and Leana having problems?”

“No, we're fine. She's great.” Jimmy waved off Matt's suspicions, hoping he wouldn't have to explain his feelings further. However, Matt stood there with his eyebrows raised, looking none the least convinced. “I think about Danielle a lot. More than I probably should.” He answered pensively, before clearing his throat and swallowing the lump forming there.

Another beat of silence was cast over the small garage before Jimmy slipped his hand back into his pocket, letting the silver item fall into his jeans.

“So back to this rust bucket of a truck.” Jimmy began as he circled around the vehicle, envisioning the changes that could be made. “I think you need to put a white stripe along the side, it'd look fucking sick. Oh and get yourself a new bumper cause that one's rusted to shit.”

“After Jimmy died, I felt lost you know?” Matt spoke softly, as Caroline nodded her head slowly. “Val and I both had trouble dealing, she spent a lot of her time with her family which left me alone a lot. So restoring this helped me get through the initial shock of everything.”

“He'd love it if he were here.” Caroline smiled softly as she watched Matt's lip curve into a meek smile. She leaned further back in her seat and leaned her head against the pane of the window, closing her eyes as the wind whipped lightly across her face.

“Can I ask you something?” Matt asked as Caroline glanced over at him which told him to go ahead and pose his pending question. “Did Danielle date anyone else after Jimmy?”

Matt watched Caroline frown momentarily then let her features soften as she sat up right. “Not seriously, no. I mean she's hooked up with a lot of guys but never anything more than that as far as I know.” Caroline furrowed her brows as she wondered where Matt's question had stemmed from. She was fairly sure Matt and Danielle weren't that fond of one another so his sudden enquiry into her sisters love life after Jimmy puzzled her. “Why do you ask?”

Matt cleared his throat as he shrugged his shoulders. “No reason, just curious.”

Before Caroline knew it, fifteen minutes had passed and Matt's truck came rolling to a stop in front of her Los Angeles based apartment building. Matt and Caroline sat awkwardly, neither one was sure what to say. As if in a movie, they both began speaking at the same time. The two friends laughed at themselves before Matt insisted she go first.

“I was just wondering if you wanted to stay for a bit?” Caroline asked shyly. Her eyes had been downcast at her beach bag but slowly shifted upwards to catch his hazel eyes staring at her curiously.

Matt was mildly surprised at her invitation to stay. A part of him wondered if it was a good idea given that during the week they had reignited their friendship, he had found it harder and harder to strictly be her friend. When he made her laugh he wanted nothing more than to embrace her in a hug and laugh along with her. The there had been several times where she got that saddened look in her eye at the mention of Jimmy and he had to try his hardest not to reach out and touch her face. But what he had found most difficult of all was when she got flashed him that cute smile of hers and it took everything inside of him not to pull her to him and kiss her like he used to.

“You offered to help me finish that song remember?” She negotiated with a sheepishly look in her brown eyes. “I need it done before I leave.”

Caroline bit her bottom lip softly as she gauged Matt's reaction, she could tell he was somewhat taken a back by her proposal but she hoped he wouldn't decline her invitation. Even after being incessantly questioned by Lacey earlier in the day regarding her and Matt's current relationship and where they stood, she had expected to want to keep her distance from him but in reality she felt the complete opposite.

“I thought you didn't need my help?” He quipped with a confident grin. His mind travelled back to the night spent locked in her bedroom and how adamant she had been that she didn't need his assistance.

“I was wrong.” She lowly mumbled, but received a puzzled look from Matt as he hadn't been able to hear her mumbled words. “I said I was wrong, now you have to come inside.” She spoke a little louder and saw Matt's lips tug upwards slightly. A smile threatened to form but he managed to keep his lips in a firm line.

“What about Danielle?” He quirked an eyebrow curiously. He didn't want there to be a huge scene should Danielle show up unexpectedly.

“She's not home.” Caroline answered all too eagerly, she breathed a sigh of relief as Matt hadn't noticed. Instead Matt drummed his fingers against the steering wheel before giving in and letting his lips stretch into a subtle smile.

“Yeah, I'll stay but only for a bit.” He warned as Caroline playfully rolled her eyes.
♠ ♠ ♠

I know this update may not be all that exciting but this is set up for the next chapter. Also, what do you all think Jimmy had in his pocket? And for people waiting for Danielle to find out about Matt hanging around, don't worry that's coming soon. Some things need to go down before she finds that out. Sadly though, this story will be ending around the twenty chapter mark so stay tuned cause things are about to get interesting. Also this is unbeta'd so be kind.

Thank you to my regular commenters Hvipers19. Baby.Blue.Eyes. mrstoews90. krys69123. hachie. mistery gurl. trisha808. Vixyn Of Syn., ya'll are awesome. Thank you to everyone who reads and subscribes as well, I hope you're enjoying the story and if you're not...speak up and let me know? Any feedback is good feedback. :)