Status: cowriting with Linz and Mimi.

Rats, Cats, and Rich People

Chapter One

Sylvia stood there before door that led into Music Room Number Three. An anonymous source had told her that she could find ‘him’ here. For three long years she had wished to see her brother again, and this could be her only chance. Her last one at that.

Drawing in a shaky breath, the French-Japanese girl slowly reached for the door handle and twisted the knob. The door swung open. She was then greeted by a shower of flower petals, and a rich, lilting voice spoke from within the room.

“Welcome to the Ouran Academy Host Club, fair Princess.” The voice said. When Sylvia looked over, she spotted a group of boys gathered around a single blonde male sitting on a velvet red couch that had been placed in the room. But she instinctively remembered him. Short wavy blonde hair, pale violet eyes, and a romantically kind expression on his face. It was him.

Sylvia’s face broke out into a wide smile as she spoke, slipping into French, “Tamaki! Grand frère!” She said happily.

The princely blonde immediately recognized the French accent and he finally opened his eyes to see who had spoken. Tamaki’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of the fifteen year old blonde. The other Host Club members turned to look at their boss in confusion, except for Kyouya, who always seemed to know of things like this ahead of time.

Hikaru and Kaoru both clung together as they addressed their boss. “Hey boss, who’s that and why did she speak to you in French?” They asked in unison, their golden cat like eyes flickering to the girl and back.
“I’m wondering the same thing.” Haruhi replied, and she eyed her friend with a suspicious gaze.

But Tamaki seemed to have temporarily forgotten his friends for he ran from the group and scooped the French girl into his arms, a happy smile on his lips. “Petite Seour. Je ne peux croire que c’est toi, Sylvia!”

Sylvia couldn’t help but laugh as her brother spun her around with a hug. After a exchanging a few more words in French between the Suoh siblings, Tamaki finally placed his sister back onto her feet and turned to face the other Hosts. “Forgive me everyone, but this little petite cherie, is my little sister.” He said cheerfully.



Hikaru and Kaoru traded looks of confusion as Sylvia clung to her brother. The girl was about as tall as Haruhi with the same hair and eye color as Tamaki, and she wore a black frilly dress with black lacy ribbons in her hair. She looked like something out of a historical movie.

Tamaki let out a small laugh, placing a hand to his sister’s head, “Sorry, my sister only speaks French.”

Sylvia’s violet eyes switched between her brother’s friends and she looked up at her brother. She tugged his sleeve and she spoke to him, but the Host Club couldn’t quite understand the exchange.

“I didn’t know Tama-chan had an imouto.” Honey said happily from his perch on Mori’s shoulders, his honey colored eyes staring at Tamaki and Sylvia with great interest.

A small smile cracked on Kyouya’s lips as he finished writing on his notepad. “That’s because Tamaki was forbidden from seeing both his sister and his mother when his grandmother forced his father to bring him here.” The black haired host walked up to Tamaki and Sylvia. Clearing his throat, he recalled all the French lessons his father had him learn when he had first met Tamaki and he grabbed Sylvia’s hand as he spoke in perfect French.

“Bonjour, mademoiselle. Je m’apelle Otori Kyouya.” He said, smiling politely, “Je suis un ami de votre frère.”

The expression on the girl’s face told him she understood and she laughed, “Oui! C’est agreable de vous recontrer Kyouya.”

“Oui.” Kyouya said and his lips brushed against Sylvia’s hand, making her blush before he stood to full height. He readjusted his glasses, turning to the other members. Everyone had a shocked look on their faces.

No one knew that Kyouya could speak French, let alone understand it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Grand frère – big brother
Petite Seour – little sister
Je ne peux croire que c’est toi – I’ve missed you so much!
Imouto – little sister in Japanese.
Cherie – love
Petite - small
Bonjour – hello
Mademoiselle – madam
Je m’apelle – My name is…
Je suis un ami de votre frère – I am a friend of your brother.
Oui – yes
C’est agreable de vous recontrer – it is nice to meet you.

XD This chapter was so funny.