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The Soldier

Not Alone March 30, 2011

Today I was walking up a tall hill somewhere in Kentucky and the sun was setting it was still light enough to see. I made it to the top of the hill and saw an American flag with the sun setting behind it as it was flying in the wind. I shouldered my gun and saluted the old stars and strips, as I still felt it was my duty as a soldier. The flag looked so crisp and clean as if the power of the nuclear missiles had not affected it.

I then saw a shadow out of the corner of my eye that looked like a person watching me from the shadows. I began to yell at the shadow telling them to thunder(when a friendly says lightning so that they are identified) the person responded and they walked out of the shadows slowly. I saw that it was not a soldier, but a young fellow around the age of 17. He looked me up and down as if he couldn't believe my existence where true. He told me his name was Frank and that he survived the attack in a cellar under his house. I asked him if his parents where alive, but he said he didn't know because his parents had went on business before the missile attack.

He offered me a room in his house, and told me he would help me get a map to Washington so that I will know where to go. I entered this house, and it looked as if the missile attack had never happened. The house looked clean and undisturbed compared to the landscape around it. I asked him if he would like to accompany me to Washington, as I wanted a companion to share my time with. He told me that he wanted to stay at the house, in case his parents where to return.

This made me wonder how an individual could put their hope into something that is not likely to be true. I then realized I am doing the same thing with going to Washington. The hope me and Frank each have in our situations, gives us both something to live for in a place not worth living in.

I have a fresh bed to stay in tonight, but I doubt I will catch any sleep. The fact that Frank exist changes everything in my mind, and it makes me think about others that may be surviving alone besides me and him. I wish I could find another Human being to walk with, and share my thoughts. The onset of my thoughts and memories are gaining more power over me, and I feel that soon I will lose all of my sanity.