Smile, You're Beautiful

Art Class

Chapter Two:
School was boring until about lunch time. Then it got pretty interesting. The cheerleaders and preps and jocks invited me to sit with them. They all looked pretty welcoming except for one girl. I knew her name was Alyssa from the two classes I had before lunch with her in them. She just smirked at me as if daring me to come and sit at the popular table. I almost did just because of that but then Samie and her friends called to me from a table that they had secured away from the ebb of students. I gladly went to join them. I learned their names were Samie, of course, Caroline was a pretty blond girl who had WAY too much IQ for her own good, Josh was a punk rocker guy who loved his guitar more than anything except for Samie who turned out to be his girlfriend. The last member of their little group was a guy named Chase who sat a little apart. He just nodded hello when Samie gave me his name. It didn't seem that he was unsociable, just that he had nothing to say in the conversation.
After we had the disgusting we went to our next class. It turned out that only eight people besides me were taking the class. I wasn't sure why, usually art was really popular. Chase and Caroline were in the class with me along with some other artsy type people. The teacher breezed in and I knew right away that I would love this class. The lady was wearing a gypsy skirt and LOTS of beads. Her hair was in a long braid with pieces escaping all over the place. On her nose was paint and her hands had drying clay on them. "Hello people of this class. Hello new student. We will be starting a project today. I want you to each pick something artsy that you're good at and make something amazing and self-satisfying. You have two months to do this and yes you may work with a partner but you all have to turn in a project of your own!" She took a deep breath and then continued to speak, this time to me. "What's your name? Mine is Mrs. Landers and I am a sculptor. Yes I realize that there is paint on my nose. Your turn! Introduce yourself." "Um... My name is Cassie James and I am a painter. I like to paint angels and roses the most because they bring me happiness." "Good we need a painter in this class. Feel free to use the supplies in that cupboard over there.
I stood up as she danced away and went to the cupboard that she had indicated. Inside were so many different paints and brushes that I almost cried tears of joy. I took up a brush and a pallet, then filled my pallet with paint and got a canvas. I walked over to an easel standing by one of the numerous windows in the airy room. I set my canvas on it and then swirled my brush in one of the splotches of paint on the pallet. I closed my eyes and then I let my brush flow free, not looking at what I was painting, just giving my art its own free will. When I felt my brush stop I knew that my painting was done. I took my brush off of the canvas and set it, and the pallet, down on the table. Then, taking up my canvas, I looked at my picture. Today I had painted Angel. She was more gorgeous than the last time I had seen her so I wasn't quite sure where the painting had come from but I wasn't one to question my art. I set my painting on the drying rack and then cleaned up. The bell rang as I finished putting away the supplies that I had used.
I finished up my day and then went to get my little siblings form the school that they went to. Penn was in K-4 and the girls were in 2nd and 4th grade. They were waiting for me on the playground talking to some other kids. Penn saw me first and ran over to me, a huge smile on his face. I swooped him up in my arms and gave him kisses all over his face. He giggles and pushes me away playfully. "Mommy no! People are watching us!" I look up from Penn and see that the daycare workers are indeed watching us curiously. I smiled and carried Penn over to them. "I'm Penn's older sister Cassie James. I'm here to pick him up, along with Mel and Ro." The male daycare worker looked down at a clipboard in his hand. "Alright you're free to take them home now. I'll see you kids tomorrow okay?" "Bye Dan!" The kids chorused their goodbyes and waved as we walked away.
We walked home and when we got there the place looked to be in order. It was obvious that Ms. Simons wasn't home yet or else the place would be a mess. Ms. Simons is the lady who takes care of us in this rotting foster home. She only does it for the money that the state provides for her so she can buy fancy clothes and try to feel young again. She doesn't even work, she just goes out and does who knows what all day while wasting the money that the state gave her to care for us with. I hustled the kids upstairs and let them do their homework while I made them dinner from the few groceries that Dana (Ms. Simons) was forced to buy so that we wouldn’t die of starvation. Most nights we survived off of Mac and cheese or Pb&j. Simple things that held no nutritional value and were cheap to procure. I made sure that the kids were tucked into bed before going out to the hospital that was just down the road. I had seen a flyer in the hallways of school today that advertised a program where students could go and read to children with cancer in the hospital. I wanted to sign up right away.
I walked the seven blocks to the hospital quickly and got to the hospital an hour and a half before visiting hours ended. I walked straight up to the front desk and the lady who was sitting there looked up. She was about middle aged and her name-tag read Meg. "How can I help you young lady?" Her voice was slow and soft, she had a really thick southern accent. "I want to sign up for the reading to children with cancer program." As the words left my mouth, her face lit up and she smiled at me. "Why sure thing honey! I have the sheet right here. If you want I could get you started tonight!" She seemed very eager and her smile was contagious. I grinned back at her and nodded. "I would love that."
After filling out the necessary forms I walked after Meg and to the children's ward. There were about ten kids in there, all sitting in beds and looking utterly bored. "Children, this here is Cassie and she's gonna hang out with y'all for an hour or so. She's gonna read to y'all and talk to ya." At her words the kids perked up and moved closer to me. "Hey guys! Are there any requests for some stories or do you want me to pick something?" One little girl who still had her long blond hair looked up at me and said, "Can you tell us a fairytale about a princess?" I smiled at her and said, "Sure can. They're some of my favorites to tell." I settled in and before I knew it the hour had passed and most of the kids were falling asleep now. Meg returned and she had a wide smile on her face. "Why you just made my day sweetheart. I haven't seen these kids rest so easy in a long time." She helped me tuck them all into bed and as I left I asked her, "Would it be okay of I brought my siblings with me tomorrow? I don't really feel comfortable with leaving them home alone with my foster mom." Meg smiled like a cat that ate the canary. "Why sure thing darlin'. I just love little kids, that's why I work in the children's ward. Who knows... your little ones might be good for these sick kids. Just make sure that they're clean and that they wash their hands and clothes before coming. I don't want to get any of these little ones more sick than they already are." "Of course. Thank you so much Meg. I have to run now. I'll try and be a little bit earlier tomorrow."
I waved to her over my shoulder and walked out the door and headed home.
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I have to write more chappies now because this is the last pre-written one.