Status: Just started


Beachy Plaza

We got the letter a week ago. It had said thay we had been accepted to work as waiters for the hotel, the Beach Plaza. Now we're here, being shown around by our boss. To me he seemed like a workaholic, and his name was Mr. Thorn. So, as you can imagine, I was a little nervous. Then I saw him. He was surfing, and was amazing, and very, very hot. Blonde locks of hair hung just over his eyes, awesome abs shown above his swim suit. Also, he was a spectaclur surfer, doing ariels and top and bottom turns. He even did a hand stand on his board while surfing!
"Woah," I gasped. "who is that?"
"Hmm, oh, thats Nate, he's our luggage boy. Yep, so thats pretty much it. You can go and unpack at the employ house, that way and meet me at the locker room at 11:00 o'clock. OK...OK," Mr. Thorn said and walked away.
Issac sighed at the sight of me staring at Nate. "Come on, lets go, this bag weighs a ton." He nudged me and went toward the employ house, I glanced back at Nate, but he wasn't there. That was fast, I thought.
The employ house was a two story, broken down, old house, that would have been a great house if it was cleaned up a bit, or a lot. Issac knocked but opened the door right away.
"Hello?" He asks. There were people eating at the table and they turned at the sound of Issacs voice. Surprised, they all gave us blank stares. We walked up and Issac said, "Umm, hi, we are the new waiters working here. Issac and Anna-Beth." I waved.
"Oh, hey, welcome, I'm Tess." Issac and I shook her hand. She had short, layered, black hair that was just under her chin. Along with olive colored skin and wonderful dark green eyes, she was beautiful.
"And this is Fin, Kate, and Johnny." She explained as the rest of the teenagers walked over. We shook everybodies hands and said hello and then the door squeaked open again and I turned to see Nate walk in. He shook his head and water flew around. "Nate!" Tess cried.
He looked up, "Oh, sorry." He shrugged. "Oooo, who's the betty."
I smiled shyly, but Issac glared at him. "This is Anna-Beth, and her brother, Issac." Fin told him, emphasizing brother.
Nate raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Opps."
"You guys, sorry to break up the welcome, but it's almost eleven, we should go." Kate said.
Issac and I threw our suitcases on the couch, and mine knocked off an arm. I gasped and Issac whispered, "Holy crap, we've been here five minutes and we have already managed to break the couch!" However, they all just laughed.
"Don't worry, that couch is terrible anyway." Nate replied.
After that we all went to the locker rooms. Mr. Thorn came out with some sort of costume in his hands.
"Here are your uniforms." He declared.
Our eyes widened in shock. "Oh no," I announced. " No no no, I am so not wearing that. No way." He was handing us to pirate outfits, complete with eye patches and fake swords.
"Unfortunatly, you are. Now get dressed and get to work." Mr. Thorn demanded, shoving the clothes in our hands. I couldn't believe this, I finally got an awesome job and am surrounded my incredibly hot guys, and I have to wear a wench costume!
"I know," Kate came up to me and mumbled. "It's humiliating. I'm a waiter too." She frowned and went to go change.
I sighed and walked to the stall. My uniform was a white, fake dirty t-shirt, black leather capris, a brown belt that had a fake sword connected to it and an eye-patch. Once I had it on, I sighed again. Great, I thought, now I'll never get any guys.
As I opened the stall door, I saw that Issac had the same thing as I did on, except bigger. He had blonde buzz cut hair and bright blue eyes, also, he did football, track, and weight lifting so, under his too tight practicly see through white shirt, you could make out his huge biceps and ripped abs. Honestly, if I had been any other girl, not his sister, I probly would have thought he was cute, maybe even hot. But I was his sister, and I couldn't think that he was anyone else but my stupid brother.
Kate had long, blonde hair that she wore half up, half down. Freckles spotted her cheeks and nose and her tan skin ephasized her cool green eyes. She had on the same thing I did. I caught her staring at Issac, I raised my eyebrows in surprise, then she looked away and started walking, "Follow me," she said.
The name of the resturant was The Pirate Ship. I know, cheesy. We followed Kate back to the kitchen and she showed us some stuff, told us what to do and that kinda stuff.
Finally, we started working. I mixed up a few orders, but otherwise, I thought I did okay. But then, I was sitting at the bar, sipping water because it was three o'clock and really slow, and she came up. She as in Janice, as in my boss, as in the girl who I offically hate because she put me and Kate on garbage and dishes duty. However, she let Issac take a break and started flirting with him!
"Uhhhh! I hate her!" Kate whispered to me while we were scrubbing elbow deep in grease.
Frankly, I was very unprepared for that because Kate probly is the nicest person I have ever met. Seriouly, she's like, take home a lost puppy nice. But I could see where she was coming from, Janice was a totally gold-digging jerk. And she was all touchy-touchy with Issac, and I'm pretty sure Kate was crushing on him.
But, the day finally ended and we all shuffled back to the employ house. I didn't think I could ever be so tired.
"Man, Janice creeps me out. She was all personal with me, like we were dating or something, it was so weird." Issac grumbled. I stole a quick glance at Kate, who was smiling ear to ear, almost literally. Yep, I thought, definate crushing going on here.
Eventually, we made it to the house, Issac went straight to the fridge, "Aren't you going to eat?" he asked me.
"Too tired," I replied. However, Kate pulled out a chair stayed downstairs with Issac.
I climbed the stairs one bye one, wincing as they squeaked under my wieght. One creaked so loudly, I griminced and looked down at it. I felt a surge of panic as I saw the massive crack going staight though it. If I wasn't frozen with fear, I probly would have had time to jump off quickly. But I was a second to late and the board broke underneath my feet and down I went. A shriek escaped my mouth.
The ceiling was very high, and I knew I was almost to the top, so it was going to be a long fall. But then, some how, I managed to grasp the step above me and hold on. The sudden stop made my arms feel like they had been pulled out of their sockets. Though, I knew it was better than breaking my leg by falling.
"Anna-Beth!" I heard Issac yell. I didn't pay much attention to him though because my hands were slipping slowly off the step. I tried to ask for help but my voice got caught in my throat.
Then someone reached under my arms and strong forearms pulled me up. Once I was up and I had regained my voice, I looked to see who saved me. But when I saw him I only lost my voice again.
"Are you OK?" Nate asked.
"Yah,umm I think so." I whispered.
"What happened?" We heard Issac exclaim. Only then did I relize I was sitting on Nates lap.
"Umm, the stair broke, Nate caught me." I explained as I eased off his lap. Glancing at Nate, I noticed that he looked very uncomfortable, with his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
Issac had a look of graditude on his face, when he relized what actually happened. "Oh," he muttered, "thanks, I guess... Are you OK?"
"Yep. Fine." I answered, reassuring him.
"Well be careful, kay." I nodded. "Good night then. Night Nate."
"Night." Nate told him. After they went into the kitchen, Nate took my hand and helped me get up. Even when I was standing he didn't let go, I carefully stepped over the broken stair and hurried up the rest of the way. "You're sure your going to be OK."
"Yah, I'll be fine. Thank you, for saving me."
He grinned at me, "No problem. Night, chica." He winked at me.
Smiling, I said, "Good night." And I walked into my room.
First, the smell hit me. Body odor, dust, and the rench of bugs mixed into the same terrible odor made my eyes water. Then I saw the nests of insects, the dirty stained carpet, and the half broken dresser. Finally, I relized that I have to sleep here for the entire summer. I could have protested, but I was way to sleepy, so I just stumbled over to my bed and fell on it, Imediatlly, I was gone.