Status: Just started


Second Day

Beep! Beep! Beep! My eyes snapped open at the sound of my alarm clock. I smacked it so hard I probly broke it. But I didn't care, it stopped screeching, and that was all I wanted. Still groggy, I got up slowly got ready. The room had four beds, one for me, the others for Tess, Kate, and Melissa. Each bed had a dresser and a mirror, plus a nightstand by the matteress. Right away when you looked at it, it wasn't that bad, then you see the blood and sweat stains on the beds and floor. The smell of dust and bugs made the room feel old and every time you breathed I felt like I was sucking in dirt. It didn't seem healthy.
All the girls got up at the same time, around 6:30. Sure, it was later than when I had to get ready for school, but after a week of summer break, I was used to sleeping in. Now I have to be at work by 7:15. Of course, the guys didn't get up untill 7:00 because, what excatly did they have to do. Maybe brush their hair, change, and put on deoderant, and taa daa! Thier done. My lips pursed at the thought of Issac still sleeping. Suddenly, I got the urge to go into his room and plug his nose till he wakes up, but I dismissed the thought.
Once we were all done, I glanced at the other girls. Kate was wearing a white, ruffled skirt, plain black shirt, and a blue-green scarf. Also, she had half her hair up, while the bottom swung around, curled naturally. Melissa was wearing a yellow sundress, orange flats and a ponytail. She was actually a rich mans daughter, after she went on a thousand dollar shopping spree, he father had her put to work. She calls it torture, I call it consquences.
Tess had the regular, a Banana Republic shirt and jean bermudas. There was a shark bone necklace too, it didn't look fake or store bought, I wondered wear she got it. I had short-short kakis and a floral tank from Kohls on. Too tired to straighten my hair, I pulled it up into a messy bun. Like Tess, I had a necklace on also, but I hid it under my shirt. It was my moms old wedding ring.
When we walked out the door, the guys came out at the same time. Greetings exchange, and Tess and Fin walked down by each other, followed by the rest of us. Nate came up to me and asked, "How are you feeling after last night?"
I had to think about his question for a moment. Then I remembered the broken board, the fall, Nate saving me. Finally I relized that only Nate, me, Issac and Kate, knew about it. I gasped, and looked down to see that Tess and Fin were almost at that step, and they had no idea.
"You guys!" I cried, "Watch..." Tess had just reached the step and tripped. She tried to clutch the railing but couldn't. Fin grabbed her but stepped down doing so, stepped down onto nothing.
Together they fell down the stairs. First, Tess fell back onto Fin, then they rolled down on their sides. Atleast they didn't fall on their heads, I thought. Last, they flew of the bottom and hit the floor, still holding on to each other, Tess on top of Fin. I winced at the loud bang they made crashing onto the floor. Nobody moved at first, just stared frozen in shock. They looked down curiously to see what had tripped them. When they knew we ran down the stairs, careful of the missing step.
"Are you OK!" Kate more howled than asked.
For a minute, they just layed there, on each other. Then Tess whispher, "Ow." and groaned as she rolled off of Fin. I cringed when I saw her arm. It was bent at a ackward, uncomfortable angle above her head.
Johnny knelt down to investagate. He was the front desk guy/ murse: man nurse. "I think it's dslocated." He announced. "Issac, go call the ambulance. Tess don't move, OK."
She nodded then winced at the pain. "Yah, got it."
"K, I'm going to go get you some water. Be right back. Fin are you all good?"
"A-OK bro," He answered.
Johnny leaves the room to get water. I feel awful because it's all my fault. I should have remembered earlier about the stair and done something. How could I forget that I almost broke my legs by nearly landing on the couch last night. More importantly, how could I forget that Nate, Nate Markon, saved my life last night. I am so stupid! Dumb! Moronic!
"I am so sorry Tess, I should have remembered." I admitted.
"Hey, what about me? I fell too, ya know."
I smiled at his remark, but couldn't laugh. "What happened to A-OK?" Kate asked. Fin simply shrugged.
"It's not just our fault, we all knew about it." Nate said.
"Ya, but I fell. You would think I would remember."
"It's not your fault, I asked you about it and didn't even think about the fact that no one else knew about it and would get hurt."
Johnny walked back with Issack in and sirens were blareing down the road.
"Come on, lets get her outside." Johnny told us. Tess put one arm around Nate while the other was still above her head. I hid a smile, Fin didn't try so hard.
"Got a question Fin?" He mock asked her. She glared at him.
Then she walked into the ambulance.