Status: Just started


Free afternoons

"Crap," Melissa exclaimed, "we're late!"
My second day, and I'm late. Note to self: Kiss Mr. Thorn's but today. Oh well, I have a good excuse. We dashed out the door and sprinted all the way to the hotel. By the time we were at the locker room, my lungs were dying for air and my legs were about to burst.
"Where have you been!" Mr. Thorn yelled more than asked. "You are twenty minutes late!"
Issac had the guts to answer. "Tess and Fin fell down the stairs, Tess dislocated her arm and we had to call the ambulance."
That shocked Mr. Thorn, and his surprised face is really funny. "Oh," he mumbled, "is she going to be OK?"
Since Johnny was the murse, he replied, "She should be, after a couple days rest."
Mr. Thorn nodded, "Tell her, once she comes back, she has two or three days off, depending on how she feels. Melissa, cover for her."
"Hooray." She muttered in mock enthusiasm.
"Well, get dressed and go. Your already late, hurry up."
Once we were ready we ran to the restaurant and signed in. Of course, right when we got there, Janice started riding us.
"Where have you been? I've had to cover for all three of you."
I was about to answer, but didn't get the opportunity. "Just go." she ordered. "And Anna-Beth, your on dish duty today."
"But I had dish duty yesterday!" I protested.
"And now you will be on it tomorrow."
OMG! I bit my tongue so I didn't spit out the the string of words I was thinking. For the rest of the morning, I was stuck cleaning, washing, and drying dirty dishes with a greasy towel. One time I grabbed a bowl that still had soup in it. I was about to dump it in the sink, when I voice behind me said, "You missed a spot." I was so surprised I dropped the bowl, it splattered all over me and shattered on the ground.
I turned around to see Janice with a tsk-tsk look on her face. "Clean that up." She said.
I sighed and kneeled down to clean it, and, with my luck, cut my hand. Gritting my teeth, I went over to the sink and washed it and wrapped it. Then I had to get on with work. Personally, I thought my day would never end, when Issac came up to me.
"I have good news." He stated. "Janice offered me the afternoon off." I could feel my eyes getting big and my eyebrows raising involuntarily. "But, I now you have had a rough day, so I'm giving it to you." Now I could sense my mouth falling open.
"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I cried. I threw my arms around him and gave him a huge hug. "I'm going to go change."
After I changed back into human clothes, I slowly walked back to the employ's house. I knew exactly what I was going to do, I went and altered my outfit once again. This time I wore my camoflage bikini. I nabbed my purple and blue striped surf board and strolled over to the beach. According to the surf board magazine, this beach had the first-class waves. They were right.
These were some of the biggest waves I have ever seen, and I was so ready for the challenge.
"It's a beauty, isn't it." I heard behind me. I spun around to see Nate.
"Y-yah." I stumbled over my words. He didn't have a shirt on, and wow, he had abs.
He jogged to the water, jumped on his board, and swam out. He peered over his shoulder and called, "Coming?"
I smiled and ran after him and finally got to surf a bit.