Status: Just started



"Eww. What is this?" I asked, disgusted. In front of me was oatmeal, I think, it was soggy and a disturbing brown color.
"It is the leftover oatmeal that they don't feed the guest because it went bad," explained Tess. She got home from the hospital yesterday, turns out she does have a dislocated shoulder so, unfortunately, she has to wear a sling till it gets better. Fortunately, because she can't move her arm more than a couple inches, and she's a maid, she gets to skip work for a few days. Lucky sucker.
"Atleast, we hope that's what it is," Nate added. Even the thought of that what I was supposed to eat every morning might be even worse than moldy oatmeal was to gross to think about.
"Well, I don't think I will ever be hungry enough to eat that," I said.
Once we were done not eating we changed, and went our seperate ways, except for Tess, of course. Janice had me do dishes again, she flirted with Issac again, which made Kate get mad, though, I dont' think she would admit it. She's pretty shy. Finally the day was over, and I got to go back to the house.
"Yes! It's Saturday," Melissa cried happily.
"What's so cool about Saturday?" asked Issac.
Fin helped us out, "First of all, we get Sunday off, second, and every Saturday night we have a bonfire and roast weanies and s'mores. Then we go surfing. It is awesome."
So, I changed into my swim suit and swim shorts and went out to the beach. The guys were already there and starting the fire. Across the ocean the sun was setting, and it was one of most beautiful horizons I've ever seen.
We all sat down on logs and stuck hot dogs to the end of sticks, (yes, I know it's not very sanitary but it's the best we could find) and started talking. Melissa started to describe a room the a horribley messy guest. She said it was like a jungle, or like someone had a massive party, and didn't stop it until they passed out from the stink. That lead to Tess bragging about how she didn't have to do anything the entire day. Fin told her that she was lazy and whiny about a little shoulder boo-boo, (his words, not mine) so Tell slapped him on the back of the head.
But no, it didn't stop there. For revenge, Fin flicked her nose, which made her yell at him because apparentley she does not like people touching her nose. I don't know why, but, some people are just like that. She hit him with a stick no one was using. It went on like that until Nate and Johnny pulled them apart.
"So, do they like each other?" I whispered in Kate's ear.
"Oh yeah, totally, they just don't know it yet,"
Changing the topic, Nate announced, "My mom called me today, Andrew, my older brother, gets back from Iraq in two weeks and wants me to get off work to come see him. Which is awesome and I can't wait, but then she just kept talking for like half hour,"
"I know," Melissa agreed, "everytime my mom calls me she talks forever. It's like, I love you mom but I got to get back to work."
I tried my hardest to hold it back, but a tear rolled down my cheek. I turned away to the woods so no one could see me wipe it away. They chatted some more about parents, Issac and I silent the entire time. Unconsiously I finger my mom's wedding ring around my neck. In order to not cry I tried to think about something else while they talked. It worked until Kate asked, "What about you guys? How are your parents?"
That did it. I covered my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise. My eyes filled with salty water and spilled down my cheeks. Issac took my hand and squeezed it. I glanced at him. Saddness overflowed his eyes but he managed to answer.
"Two years ago we got in a car crash with a drink driver. Aside from the bruises and scratches, I broke my arm in three places and Anna-Beth got a piece of glass through her leg,"
I pulled up my shorts to revel two jagged scars and one straight clean scar about an inch longer than the others. Not to mention that my leg went it a little, like a dent.
Issac went on, "But our parents weren't that lucky. They both died, instantly."
"We used to live in Wisconsin," I added, getting control of myself, "then we moved out here to stay with our grandparents."
For a minute everybody was silent, then Nate said, "I'm so sorry."
Everybody mumbled their agreements.
Finally Fin, just as I expected, asked, "If it's not to intrusive, why do you have a dent in your leg?" About three people cried, "Fin!" but I didn't care, I've been asked it before.
"It's fine," I said, "the shard of glass went all the way through my leg and stuck there. At the hospital, the took it out, but it already got infected. That's what the third scar is, I had to get surgery to remove the infected muscle before it spread. All the muscle there is gone,"
I think that surprised them, it's not really a common procedure, as the docs told me. Tess, obviously trying to change the subject asked, "Hey, who want to go for a midnight surf?" She was raising her eyebrows up and down with a look that said, oh-yeah-you-know-you-want-to. So, we went for a midnight swim.