Status: Just started


Old Friends

We were walking down the hallway to the lobby. Nate was telling me about his friends, how he went to his birthday party at a paint ball park. One of his friends shot him right in the side of his head, and everyone started cracking up. Of course, when he was laughing, he wasn't paying attention, Nate explained.
"So I shot him in the balls," he said with a mischevious grin on his face. I couldn't help it, I cracked up.
Then I saw someone familiar, at least, I thought. She had the same bright blonde hair, same naturally tan skin. But is was impossible, she couldn't be here. Could she?
I had halted and was staring so Nate asked, "Anna-Beth? You okay?" I ignored him and walked closer to get a better look. Finally I called, "Mackenzie?"
The girl spun around, looking for the person who yelled her name. Once her eyes landed on me she shouted, "Anna-Beth!"
"Oh my God!" I ran up to her and gave her a long and bear-like hug. And she did the same. Even though I ashamed to admit it, I pretty sure jumping and squealing were involved. Afterwards I asked, breathless, "What are you doing here?"
"Well, we," Mackenzie glanced at the person next her, it was the first time I noticed him and I couldn't help but glare. It was Charlie. As in Charlie that I went out with, Charlie that I loved. And Charlie that I caught making out with some other girl and broke my heart. "were coming with our parents to California. My mom married his dad, whatever," She rolled her eyes, both of their birth parents were divorced. "And when we learned that it was close to where you live, we had to come visit you. So we asked your Grandma where you worked, and we are to stay here!"
She had a broad grin on her face, and we hugged again. That was the first time she saw what I was wearing. Giving me a Seriously? look I explained, "It's my uniform," It was my turn to roll my eyes.
"Hey," Charlie interupped. He had a look of wonder and happiness in his eyes. Well, if he thought we were going to get back together, he was way off.
"Hi," I simply said. But Issac, the traitor, had been best friends before, so her gave him a man hug.
"Excuse me, groms," That was Mr. Thorns nickname for us,"but I believe work started five minutes ago!" Mr. Thorn yelled. "People are hungry now, and they are not going to wait for you. And Nate, we have seven new families, go and get there bags."
"Yes sir," Nate said reluctantly, "See ya,"
"Sorry sir," I said hastily. "We were just catching up with some old friends."
"Well I suggest you do it on your own time, now go. Go, go, go!" He shooed us away.
"Talk to you later!" Mackenzie shouted while we were hustling away to the resturant. And then started my dilema of the summer
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