Status: Active.

Lover Dearest.


rely on; phrasal verb: (a) to trust someone or something. (b) to depend confidently; put trust in.


The moon cast a shadow upon the lake. Michelle stared at it, skipping rocks with a bland expression. She hated being home. All she heard were screams upon screams, upon even more screams. Her parents were on the brink of a divorce, but everyone knew that. It was bound to happen eventually. They were just another typical family who matched the statistics. Most marriages lead to divorce. Michelle wanted to break that statistic. She wanted everyone to be happy.

Yet, she was a hypocrite. She herself was never happy. She didn’t know what happiness was. All she lived for was music, her friends, and her guitar. She loved playing that guitar of hers. It was possibly the only thing her parents agreed on – the way her fingers worked a guitars strings created a beautiful melody, pleasing to the ears. Everyone was quiet when she played her guitar and sang. Everyone was quiet for once.

Those were the only times she was close to happy, yet at the same time, so far away from it, knowing the endless fights would begin again soon. Eventually they would stop. Then they would begin again. Chaz slowly walked up to Michelle, his hands in his jacket. He was Michelle’s closest friend – the only one who knew about everything. He was her safe haven. The only person she trusted. The only person she liked.

They could just lie in her bed, listening to the screaming, Chaz running his fingers through her hair; her head lying on his chest, without uttering a single word. Michelle would listen to his steady breathing; watch his chest heaving up and down slowly. She felt safe. For an instance, like all was well with the world. No screaming; no fights; just her and her best friend.
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So this was quite awkward to write.
But leave comments here.