Status: Finished

You Lost Me, You Left Me

She's Everything I Ask For

John’s POV

“This is her body’s way of dealing with grief. Everyone’s bodies react differently. Obviously her body rejects food when she’s upset. That’s why she’s been throwing up everything she’s eaten this past week. We’ll release her this afternoon but I suggest she stay with someone for a little while just to make sure she fully recovers.” The doctor said to me.

“Ok, she can stay at my apartment and I’ll look after her. Thanks doctor.” I said before going back into Parker-Blaine’s room.

“Hey, PB, the doctor said they’ll release you now.” I said to the pale, skinny girl lying in the hospital bed.

“Thank goodness. I am so sick of hospitals.” She said as a nurse came in with a wheel chair.

I walked out of the room to let her change out of the hospital gown and into actual clothes. I then pushed her wheel chair and took her outside. As soon as we got outside all hell broke loose. There were reporters and men with cameras everywhere.

“Parker-Blaine is it true that you tried to commit suicide?”

“Parker-Blaine, are you depressed because you’re not Miss America anymore?”

“Parker-Blaine will the committee take away your crown after this mishap?”

I waited until Parker-Blaine was in the safety of the car and then turned towards the reporters. “Her grandmother just died and she is upset about that. She in no way tried to commit suicide. Stay the fuck out of her personal life.”

I got into the driver’s side of the car and saw PB with an emotionless look on her face.

“Please, get me out of here.” She whispered and I quickly pulled the car out of the hospital parking lot.

We drove in silence until she realized we were heading towards my apartment.

“Where are you taking me, John?”

I glanced at her and said, “The doctor said that it’d be best if you lived with someone for a little while so we can make sure you recover fully. Since Megan is gone for a while you’re going to live with Jared, Kennedy, and me. You can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on the couch.”

“No! I don’t want to live with you. I’m fine living by myself.”

“Obviously not since you wound up in the hospital.” I snapped.

We finally got to the apartment and PB was still arguing with me as we got inside. Jared and Kennedy heard the yelling and came out to see what was going on.

“Why are you so upset Parks?” Kennedy asked.

“I don’t want to live here. I want to live at my apartment where I don’t have to see John every single day.”

“Stop acting like a spoiled brat! The world does not revolve around you, Parker-Blaine. John has been nothing but helpful since you got back from New York. All he’s doing is trying to get you to forgive him. I don’t know why he keeps trying though. Nothing he does is ever fucking good enough for you but honestly you’re not good enough. You don’t deserve him after the way you’ve treated him. Grow the fuck up.” Jared yelled as he lost all control.

The entire room was silent. Jared had never raised his voice with PB. He always looked after her as if he was her big brother. There were even times that he yelled at me when I said something shitty to her.

“Fuck off, Monaco.” PB spat and then turned to walk up towards my room.

The three of us just stood there staring at each other until Kennedy cleared his throat and said, “Wow, that was… intense.”

“I’m just getting tired of her shit. I’ve tried to help her but she refuses to listen. I thought that maybe she’d listed if I got mad.” Jared said.

“You really shouldn’t have said those things though Jared.” I said.

“Why are you being so nice to her John?” Jared asked in disbelief.

“Because I’m the one that fucked up our relationship.” I answered.

“Yeah, but you’re trying to fix it and she refuses to listen. You can’t keep being nice to her when she treats you like shit.”

“She’s everything I’ve ever wanted though.”

Kennedy finally spoke up, “Jared does have a point John. If you keep being this nice to her and she keeps treating you like this you’ll just blow up one day.”

“We all love Parks and she’s one of our best friends but she is being impossible right now. Someone has to give her some tough love.” Jared said.

I knew that Jared and Kennedy were right but I didn’t care. I just wanted PB back.
♠ ♠ ♠
Things are getting intense. Thanks to everyone who's been reading/subscribing/commenting. I haven't said that in a while but I am truly appreciative!