Status: Finished

You Lost Me, You Left Me

You Put Your Arms Around Me and I'm Home

“Sweetheart, wake up.” I heard a voice whisper in my ear.

I groaned and tried to roll over but was stopped by a body. I opened my eyes and was surprised to see John lying next to me.

A huge smile immediately adorned my face as I said, “You’re back!”

John chuckled and said, “I went over to your house to look for you but Megan said you were over here. Why are you sleeping in my bed PB?”

“I’ve been staying over here a lot while you guys were gone. Your bed smells like you and it made me feel less lonely. Plus I wanted to give Jared and Megan some alone time last night. Speaking of that, how come the rest of the guys were back in town yesterday and you didn’t get back until this morning?”

“Oh I had to help Tim with some 8123 stuff.”

“Really? Because Jared said you were helping the This Century boys. He said Joel had an emergency or something.”

John immediately looked nervous and said, “Well Jared was mistaken.”

“John Cornelius.” I said in a warning tone.

John just pulled me closer to him and said, “It was nothing PB. I had to help Tim so I did and then I raced back here so I could see your beautiful face after three months of not being able to see it.”

I thought he was still hiding something but I dropped the subject and asked, “So what are the plans for today Mr. O’Callaghan? Staying in bed all day?”

“No, we’re going out on a date tonight.”
I pouted and said, “But I wanted to spend time with you.”
“Going on a date is spending time with each other.”

“Yeah but we can’t do dirty things in public.”

John laughed and said, “I’m afraid I have corrupted you Miss Lawson. Now it’s time for you to get up, go home, and get ready for our date tonight.”

“I don’t even get to spend time with you today?” I asked.

“No, I still have to finish a few things for Tim but I’ll pick you up at 6 tonight and I’m all yours then.”

I sighed but got out of John’s bed and said, “Fine but tonight’s date better be worth it.”

True to his word, John rang my doorbell at exactly 6 o’clock. I opened the door and John just stood there for a few seconds staring at me.

“Hey, John. So are you going to stand there staring all evening or are we going to go on our date?” I smirked.

John snapped out of his trance and said, “Sorry. You just look stunning. I have no clue how I got so lucky but I’m glad I did.”

“Well you definitely deserve me after everything I put you through. Now let’s go on this date. I’m warning you though, it better be amazing.”

“Oh don’t worry PB. It will be.” John said as he opened the car door for me and we drove off.

John wouldn’t tell me where we were going because he kept saying it was a surprise and I was becoming impatient.

“Won’t you just give me a hint?” I begged.

“I swear PB, you are the most impatient person ever.”

“I just want to know what we’re doing tonight.”

John finally pulled the car to a stop and turned to me as he said, “Well now you know what we’re doing because here we are.”

I looked out my window and saw that he had parked in front of a field.

“Wow, J this looks like it will be… interesting.”

John just laughed and said, “Hey, don’t judge it until you hear why I brought you here.”

“I’m pretty sure fields are where the psychos always bring the girls when they want to rape them.”

“It’s not rape if you want it.” John smirked.

I rolled my eyes as John got out of the car and opened my car door for me.

“Ok, I honestly have no clue why you brought me here.” I finally said.

“You don’t remember this field?” John asked.

I looked around and said, “No. It’s a field. I don’t really hang out in fields.”

John laughed and said, “This is actually the field where Jack had the party after prom our junior year.”

“Oh my gosh, I remember now. You went with Tessa and I went with Kyle Smith. Wow, he was a douche. That’s the night that you found out about Tessa cheating on you and you broke up with her in this field.”

“Good, I’m glad you remember now. That was also the night that we kissed for the first time.”

“I was so glad that night when you broke up with her and then kissed me. But of course I was upset the next day when you said that we should just stay best friends. I was hoping we would turn into something more after that.” I said, recalling the memory.

“That was actually the night I realized I was in love with you. I told you that we should just stay best friends the next day because I was too scared to do anything about it and I didn’t want to ruin anything between us. So now that you know where we are and why we’re here, would you like some dinner?”

“Sure. What’d you make?”

John pulled a picnic basket out of his trunk and said, “Well this is cheesy but I made peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for us.

“Actually I think that is incredibly sweet. It’s also a good idea because you suck at cooking.”

John and I ate our sandwiches and the rest of our dinner as we caught up on what had gone on in each other’s lives these past three months. After dinner John suddenly got fidgety and began looking a little nervous.

“What’s wrong, J?”

John looked up at me surprised and said, “Nothing…well I mean it is something. It’s not bad though.” John gave a frustrated sigh and said, “Let me start over. Parker-Blaine, I love you so much. I’ve been in love with you forever and I know that it took me losing you to realize that but I never want to lose you again. I know we haven’t been dating for long but I know that I want you by my side for the rest of my life. I know it’s a big sacrifice for you to be with me since I’m gone for half of the year but I promise I’ll make it worth your time. I guess I’m rambling but what I really want to say is; Parker-Blaine Lawson will you marry me and become Parker-Blaine O’Callaghan the fifth?”

As soon as he said those words tears immediately began running done my face and I couldn’t do anything except nod my head until I was finally able to say, “Yes, yes, yes! I would like nothing more than to marry you.”

John immediately broke out into a huge grin and slipped the gorgeous diamond ring on my finger.

“Oh my gosh J. This ring is amazing.”

“Jared and Megan helped me pick it out. That’s where I was yesterday. I was trying to get everything ready for tonight.”

“Well I guess I forgive you for coming home a day late, then.”

John laughed but then got serious as he said, “Like I said, I know we haven’t been dating for that long so we can have a long engagement if you want.”

“No, I would marry you right this second if you wanted. I know that I want to spend the rest of my life with you so there’s no reason to prolong it.”

“Well I would love to marry you right now but my mom would kill us if we didn’t have a big wedding. Speaking of my mom, we have to run over to my house because my family, your dad the guys, and Megan are throwing a congratulations party for us.”

“A congratulations party? What would it have been if I had said no.”

“Well you would have gone home and I would have gone there except it would have been a pity party.”

I laughed as John and I got into the car to head over to his parents’ house. Like he said, everyone was there and they were excited to see my ring, my dad had even flown in early from one of his business trips so he could celebrate with us. Life couldn’t get any better… I was marrying the love of my life and was surrounded by friends and family.
♠ ♠ ♠
It just keeps getting cuter and cuter haha.
I am officially done with my freshman year of college, yay yay! As I was packing up today I was thinking about how crazy it seems to be moving out. It reminded me of the saying "It's funny how it seems as if nothing changes day by day but when you look back everything's different." Anyone else feel this was? Anway, thanks for the reading :)