Status: Finished

You Lost Me, You Left Me

All They Say is How You've Changed, Every Day I Stay the Same

I had picked Nathan up at the airport a couple hours earlier and we were getting ready to head over to John, Jared, and Kennedy’s apartment.

I was driving with Nathan in the passenger seat and Megan in the back.

“I can’t wait to meet your friends, sweetie.” Nathan said while glancing over at me.

“I can’t wait for you to meet John, too bad he's in California.” Megan snorted from the back while I shot her a dirty look in the rearview mirror.

We finally got to the apartment and piled out of the car. I rang the doorbell and Kennedy answered.

“Kenny!” I screamed as I hugged him.

“Parks, I missed you! Hey guys Parks is here.” Kennedy yelled at the rest of the guys and I immediately heard the sound of running footsteps. I was soon attacked and pulled into a group hug by Jared, Pat, and Garrett.

“Hey guys. Oh, I have some people I want to introduce you to. This is Megan my roommate and Nathan my… boyfriend.”

The boys instantly shut up as soon as I said the word “boyfriend.” I chose to ignore the questioning looks they were giving me.

There was an awkward silence until Jared finally decided to speak up, “Well it’s nice to meet you guys. I’m Jared and those three over there are Pat, Kennedy, and Garrett.”

Introductions were all made and we all went into the apartment to just hang out.

“So how was New York, Parker-Blaine?” Garrett asked.

“I loved it in the summer but as soon as winter hit it became miserable. I’m so glad I’m spending this January in Arizona.”

“How did the two of you meet?” Kennedy asked while motioning to Nathan and me.

Nathan smiled at me and said, “Well Parker-Blaine was working at the same charity event I was. I saw her and of course thought that she was gorgeous. I figured there was no way she’d even give me the time of day but I tried anyway and now here we are.”

“It’s like a fucking fairy tale.” Jared muttered under his breath so only I could hear him.

Suddenly someone’s cell phone began ringing. Nathan gave everyone a sheepish look and said, “Sorry guys but it’s someone from work. I really have to take this.”

“That’s fine, sweetie.” I smiled as he got up and walked outside. As soon as he was past the door I turned to Jared and said, “Jared, kitchen, now.”

We both got into the kitchen and I turned towards him as I said, “Could you be any more of a jerk, Jare?”

“Well excuse me but one of my best friends has a boyfriend that she failed to tell me about.”

“You’re just pissed because you think John and I belong together.”

“Because you do belong together. Sure he’s made mistakes but so have you.”

I was about to respond but was stopped by the sound of the front door opening. I couldn’t see who had just entered since I was in the kitchen but I recognized the voice all too well.

“Hey guys, what’s going on?”

“Not much, just chillin’. This is Megan by the way.” I heard Kennedy respond.

I shot a dirty look at Jared and hissed, “I thought you said John was in California.”

Jared smirked at me and said, “Oh yeah, John told me yesterday that he was coming home early. I guess I forgot to mention that.”

“Hi Megan, I’m John. Where’s Jared at, guys?” I heard his voice say from the living room.

“He’s in the kitchen.” Garrett answered.

“Hey, Jared you’ll never guess what the…” John was saying but immediately stopped when he got into the kitchen and saw me standing there.

“PB.” John whispered, almost as if he didn’t believe I was here.

I just stood there staring at him. His had cut his hair since the last time I had seen him. Other than that he was still my John. There was also an undeniable sadness in his eyes and I knew that I had put it there.

He opened his mouth to say something else but never got the chance because Nathan walked in right at that moment.

“Parker-Blaine, I’m really sorry but that was one of the clients who just called. I have to run out and have an emergency meeting. Can you drive me back to your apartment so I can get my car?”

“Sure. I’ll get my things and we’ll head out.” I said without looking at John.

Nathan noticed that someone new was standing in the kitchen so he turned towards John and said, “Hi, I’m Nathan, Parker-Blaine’s boyfriend. Are you another one of her friends?”

John gave a sad smile and said, “I’m actually Jared and Kennedy’s roommate.” Hearing him refer to himself as only Jared and Kennedy's roommate nearly killed me but I knew that we really weren't friends anymore. We had been best friends for so long and now we were nothing.

“Oh, well it was nice meeting you.” Nathan said and then walked outside towards my car.

The atmosphere in the kitchen was awkward to say the least. I was still avoiding eye contact with John and walked out of the kitchen.

I didn’t make it out though before hearing him whisper, “I’m sorry. I love you.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I was going to post this tomorrow but I want to sleep in so I decided to post it tonight instead lol. Sorry to those of you who were expecting an epic fight between John and Nathan... I felt as if this was more emotional. Thanks to everyone who's commented, sunscribed, and even just read this :)